Social Psychology Assignment 1. Introduction a. Describe automatic and controlled processing and give an original example of each b. Describe the emerging field of social neuroscience. What tools are used by social neuroscientists? Describe one interesting finding coming from this field c. Summarize the differences between independent and interdependent cultures. d. Suppose you find you disagree with someone on a key issue, like the death penalty. What are the three conclusions (in order) you consider when trying to see an alternative view. 2. The Social Self a. Describe Crocker and Wolfe’s (2001) contingencies of self-worth account of self-esteem and Leary and colleagues’ (1995) sociometer hypothesis. According to each theory, what is the source of an individual’s level of self-esteem. b. According to Taylor, Brown, and colleagues (1988, 1994, 2000), positive illusions about the self are associated with higher levels of happiness and well-being. Describe two pieces of evidence in support of this prediction, as well as one piece of evidence that challenges it c. Describe potential costs of engaging in self-presentation. That is, how could attempts to maintain the favorable impression of others negatively impact our health or well-being? d. In your own words, define the term ‘self-discrepancy’ and explain how both internal dispositions and situations can bring them about. 3. Social Cognition & Attributions a. Describe the confirmation bias, offer an original example, and explain how it can affect people’s decision making. Make sure to indicate when people will make good decisions. b. What is the intuitive system? What are the advantages of relying on this system? What are the disadvantages? c. Recall that Peterson, Seligman, and colleagues (1993) examined the impact of attributions on academic success. Outline the three dimensions along which Peterson and Seligman have assessed a person’s explanatory style. Then give an original example of a belief or type of thought that characterizes each of those dimensions. d. Compare and contrast the heuristics of availability heuristic and simulation heuristic. Give an original example of one of the fallacies derived from availability. 4. Attitudes and Persuasion a. Janet has received two job offers, one from SimpCo and another from JebCo, both companies for which she would be thrilled to work. Janet thinks a lot about each offer and ends up accepting JebCo’s offer, even though she thought highly of both. Analyze the effects of Janet’s decision on her later attitudes and behavior relating to both SimpCo and JebCo. To do this, draw directly on social psychological theory and research findings. b. Challenge the assumption that the experience of cognitive dissonance emerges in similar ways across cultures. c. To what extent can subliminal messages influence people’s attitudes and behavior? Describe two studies that address this question. d. The NFL franchise Washington Redskins has decided to change their name. Should other teams like the Cleveland Indians or Atlanta Braves in Major League Baseball do the same? How could a persuasive message be effective in swaying public support? social Psychology no specific format or citations needed! citations are not needed, all answers should be written in your own words, taken from the textbook.