Identify an issue or problem that impacts children and youth.
Use the issue or problem as the basis for a well-researched, well-conceptualized, well-organized, well-written, and properly referenced (APA 7th edition formatted) 12-15-page paper that:
· Describes the issue or problem (causes, scope, distribution, trends, and consequences)
· Identifies what is currently being done to address it (federal, state, or local policy)
· Articulates a specific recommendation for improving the policy response to the problem
· Assesses the degree to which the recommendation is evidence-based, politically feasible, and consistent with social work values
The purpose of this assignment is to allow each student to explore a social problem of interest, understand its ramifications for children and youth, and consider how it is helped or hindered by specific policies, programs, and/or services.
Papers will be assessed based on the quality of research, analysis, critical thinking, and communication, as well as completeness and responsiveness to the assignment.