Your task for this assignment is to simply just respond to the questions below.
- How do early theories of victimization distinguish between different types of victims? How might the criminal justice system use these typologies in making decisions about which cases to pursue?
- In what ways do media outlets support or dispel rape myths and victim blaming? How is this related to help-seeking behavior, official reporting, and revictimization?
- How is fear of crime a gendered experience? What factors contribute to the differences in male versus female fear of crime? Do official crime statistics support or dispel the basis for these fear differences?
- How might feminist criminologists critique modern-day victimization theories, such as routine activities theory and lifestyle theory? What does
- How do Schreck and Fisher incorporate ROUTINE ACTIVITIES THEORY into their study of violent victimization and what do they find?
- According to Schreck and Fisher, what is the impact of peers/family on one’s experiences of victimization? Discuss.