lagislativepaper2 x
Senate Bill (SB01) in Oklahoma
Legislative Action/Bill Analysis Research Paper (
00 Points)
· Submit a paper analyzing a particular bill either in the state of Oklahoma or state of your choice which is currently under consideration or which has passed in the past year.
The bill must in some way be related to nursing practice. The focus of the paper is to report what the measure is all about, not to examine in what stage the bill is now or why the bill was approved, delayed, or defeated in the process.
· The topic though related to nursing can be broad. You may choose a piece of legislation of special interest to you as a nurse. Sometimes defeated bills make for more interesting analysis, but the choice is yours.
· Your paper must be well thought out and clearly expressed in writing. It should be a minimum 4 pages, double-spaced
Legislative Action/Bill Analysis Research Paper (100 Points)
Identify Bill
5 points
Paper includes name and identification number of the bill.
Bill is attached to paper.
Bill is currently under consideration or passed in the past year.
Paper identifies the bill by name or identification number.
Bill is attached.
Bill is not current.
Fails to identify the bill.
Bill is not attached.
Level of Bill
5 points
Clearly identifies whether bill is at the state or federal level.
If at State level, identifies which state.
Identifies level of bill.
If at State level, does not identify which state.
Fails to identify level of bill.
Sponsors & affiliations
5 points
Includes sponsors and affiliations in support of bill. (i.e. party, special interest groups.)
Includes sponsors and affiliations in support of bill.
Does not discuss sponsors and affiliations of bill.
20 points
Includes clear synopsis of the bill.
Describes what the bill is about.
Includes brief synopsis of bill.
Fails to include synopsis of bill.
25 points
Describes rationale for choosing bill.
Includes discussion of whether or not in favor or against the bill.
Describes rationale for choosing bill.
Does not include discussion of whether or not in favor or against the bill.
Fails to describe rationale for choosing the bill.
Nursing Impact
20 points
Describes expected or probable impact the bill will have on nursing.
Answers the question: In what ways will the passage of this bill affect your practice or the practice of nurses in your community, state, or nation?
Describes impact the bill will have.
Does not answer the question: In what ways will the passage of this bill affect your practice or the practice of nurses in your community, state, or nation?
Fails to describe impact of bill.
Supporting Data
20 points
Utilizes at least 1 peer reviewed article and 2 additional resources.
Provides a short synopsis of each source and attaches articles to paper.
Includes a final decision of support or non-support for the bill.
No errors in APA or writing.
Utilizes at least 1 peer reviewed article but does not have 2 additional resources.
Provides short synopsis of each source but fails to attach articles to the paper.
Includes final decision in support or non-support for the bill.
Few errors in APA or writing.
Does not utilize at least 1 peer reviewed article.
Fails to include final decision in support or non-support for the bill.
Multiple errors in APA or writing.