Seminar in Applied Criminology
Proposal Parameters
The purpose of the proposal is to get students to think about and do some research concerning their eventual term paper. The proposal is just that a proposal of what you intend to write your term paper on. For now you should think of a relevant U.S. criminal justice topic. An example would be the effectiveness or ineffectiveness sex offender registries.
You will write a short proposal concerning a topic you wish to research. Please do not submit more than 4 double spaced typed pages for the proposal. The proposal should consist of an introduction and short literature review.
1. The introduction should include the following:
-address or explain the topic
– include why you are researching it and why researching it is relevant or
important to the field of criminology.
-Explain how your topic relates to the field of criminology today
2. Literature review. DO NOT JUST SUMMARIZE THE ARTICLE YOU READ, INSTEAD INCORPORATE THEM OR USE THEM AS SUPPORT FOR YOUR TOPIC. READ OTHER LIT. REVIEWS FROM YOUR ASSIGNMENT 1 AND OTHER JOURNALS. If you know a criminological theory behind your topic of research include that also. You only need to have 3 PEER REVIEWED sources for this paper. The sources MUST be from peer reviewed journals. If you don’t know what that is please ask.
3. You will need to provide a short presentation to the class. NO power points. The length of the presentation must be a minimum of 4 minutes and no longer than 4.5 minutes. Students MUST provide and outline of what they are presenting PRIOR to presenting.
The proposal should be no longer than 4 double spaced typed pages. Your reference sheet is NOT included in the length. Submission MUST be through D2L. It is due on Oct. 16th, 2018 by the start of class.