EDCI 5030: Rubric/Scoring Guide State of the School – Data Analysis for Continuous School Improvement
Section I: State of the School Presentation
Each candidate will develop a clear and concise presentation outlining the “state of the school” in terms of academic and behavioral outcomes. After analyzing academic and behavioral assessment data, candidates will outline strengths and areas for improvement in both academic outcomes and student behavior. The presentation will be delivered to the district superintendent, parents, community members and other stakeholders. It is the school’s opportunity to be transparent and to outline its plan for continuous improvement based on data.
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Quality of the Presentation I This section of the project is worth 9 points. |
Presentation includes description of the school and its current state supported by data. Presentation promotes meeting diverse needs in terms of demographics and key stakeholders. Description of the school is rich, detailed and aligned to the academic maturity of the students in the school setting. It is appropriate for the audience. |
Presentation includes description of the school but does not include information about the state of school. Presentation promotes meeting diverse needs using basic demographics about the students in the school only. Description of the school is appropriate and aligned to the academic maturity of the students in the school setting. |
Presentation includes superficial descriptions of the school with minimal data to support the conclusions. Description of the school is superficial without detail or alignment to academic maturity of students in the school setting. Descriptions give limited, no considerations are given to diverse needs. |
Quality of Presentation II |
Presentation demonstrates adherence to all assignment criteria. Creatively designed and is visually appealing to an audience. Presentation includes voice-over and adheres to the time limit. |
Presentation adheres to assignment criteria. Creatively designed but lacks visual appeal. Presentation includes voice-over and exceeds the time limit. |
Presentation does not include several components of the assignment. Lacks creativity and visual appeal. Lacks color and appropriate use of graphics. Presentation exceeds the time limit and does not include voice-over. |
Quality of Presentation III This section of the project is worth 12 points. |
Presentation is free from writing errors. No errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc. Assignments submitted on or before the due date. |
Presentation has a few writing errors. Minimal errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc. Assignments submitted after the due date. |
Presentation includes errors on all slides. Errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc. create distractions for readers. Assignment submitted late. |
Data Presentation – Gap Analysis (Strengths/Areas of Growth and Weaknesses/Areas of Opportunity must be included.) This section of the project is worth 60 points. |
Data presentation includes fully developed, detailed tables, charts and/or graphs, etc. Presentation provides a realistic view of the state of the school related to academic and behavioral outcomes and is grounded in evidence that cites professional sources (literature, policy, assessment and behavioral data, etc.). |
Data presentation includes tables, charts and/or graphs, etc. Presentation provides a view of the current state of the school and includes academic or behavior outcomes and is grounded in evidence that reflects (or does not reflect) professional sources (literature, policy, assessment or behavioral data, etc.). |
Data presentation does not include tables, charts, and/or graphs, etc. Lacks a clear presentation of the current state of the school. Presentation lacks clear anchors to professional sources. |
Summary of observation findings are comprehensive and present a coherent case of the teacher’s performance with sufficient detail for a leader who was absent from the observation may have a clear perception of what was observed. Specific examples of quotes, questioning, engagement, assessment, etc. are noted. |
Summary of observation findings are comprehensive and present a coherent case of the teacher’s performance with sufficient detail for a leader who was absent from the observation may have a clear perception of what was observed. |
Summary of observation findings is provided, but superficial. Coherence in the “case” being described is lacking. |
Gap analysis is explained in detailed. Clear explanation of the academic and behavioral gaps is presented using tables/charts/graphs. |
Gap analysis is minimally explained. Explanation of one set (academic or behavioral) of gaps is presented using tables/charts/graphs. |
Gap analysis is not discussed in the presentation. |
Triangulation of observation findings, accountability data, and school improvement plan appears to be true and realistic. No instances of inflating one source to correlate with others is noticed. Nuances of each source are noted. Specific examples of how each source supports the triangulation are described, and examples of contrasting evidence are described. Fully utilizes information from the gap analysis. Thorough analysis of gaps presented. |
Triangulation of observation findings, accountability data, and school improvement plan appears to be true and realistic. No instances of inflating one source to correlate with others is noticed. Nuances of each source are noted. Minimal information from the gap analysis is included in the presentation. Academic and behavioral gaps are not fully addressed. |
Triangulation of observation findings, accountability data, and school improvement plan are presented but lack detail. Some nuances of the description lead to questions of evidence inflation. No evidence of gap analysis included in the presentation. |
Action Plan This section of the project is worth 30 points. |
Action/intervention plan presents clear strategies for improving academic and behavioral outcomes. Each detail or strategy in plan is aligned to an observation finding, school improvement plan element, and accountability data. |
Action/intervention plan presents clear strategies for improving either academic and/or behavioral outcomes. Each detail or strategy in plan is aligned to an observation finding or accountability data. |
Action/intervention plan presents cursory strategies for improving outcomes. Does not specific academic or behavioral outcomes and alignment of strategy to observation finding is missing. |
Role of the school leader, (you) in implementing the action/intervention plan is presented for each step or strategy. Presentation reflects collaboration and mentorship where the leader is involved actively and regularly with the teacher and his/her efforts to improve practice. |
Role of the school leader (you) in implementing the action/intervention plan is presented for each step or strategy. |
Role of the school leader (you) is missing from the action/intervention plan. |
Technology Integration |
Technology tools and integration strategies are incorporated into the action/intervention plan. Specific tools (apps, Web sites, etc.) are identified and impact on student learning is described. |
Technology tools and integration strategies are incorporated into the action/intervention plan. |
Action/intervention plan excludes technology tools or integration strategies. |
Flyer This section of the project is worth 21 points. |
Product includes name of school, date, time and location of event. Creatively designed and is visually appealing to an audience. Considerable originality and inventiveness. Very attractive product. |
Product includes name of school only. Creatively designed but lacks visual appeal. Some originality and inventiveness. Basic design; somewhat attractive. |
Product does not include important event details. Lacks creativity and visual appeal. Lacks color and appropriate use of graphics. Lacks originality. Poor quality product. |
Product is free from writing errors. Assignments submitted on or before the due date. |
Product has a few writing errors. Assignments submitted after the due date. |
Product has 5 or more writing errors that create distractions for readers. Assignment submitted late. |
Section II: Professional Development Presentation
Each candidate will create a multimedia presentation for use with educators during professional learning communities or some other type of job-embedded professional development sessions. Your presentation must focus on improving academic outcomes using instructional strategies or on improving behavioral outcomes through the use of equitable, culturally relevant strategies to engage and motivate students in the classroom.
Criteria/Standard |
Presentation includes a summary of the type of professional development needed to support improving student academic and behavioral outcomes. The program designed is outlined with best practices that are current and grounded in reputable sources. Descriptions of each practice are rich, detailed, and appropriate for the academic maturity of students in the school setting and easily applicable by classroom teachers across various content areas. Practices promote meeting diverse needs in terms of demographics and learning styles/skills. Specific classroom application examples accompany each practice either by text or video. |
Presentation includes a brief description of the professional development needs to support improving student academic and behavioral outcomes. The program includes best practices that are current and grounded in reputable sources. Descriptions of each practice are rich, detailed, and appropriate for the academic maturity of students in the school setting and applicable by classroom teachers across one content area. Practices promote meeting diverse needs in terms of demographics and learning styles/skills. |
Presentation includes a superficial description of the professional development program designed. The program developed does not include best practices that are current and grounded in reputable sources. Descriptions of each are superficial without detail or alignment to academic maturity of students in the school setting. Adaptability of practices are not clear for classroom teachers. Descriptions give limited to no considerations are given to diverse needs of students. |
Professional Development (PD) – Standards Based Best Practices Instructional Strategies |
Professional development designed meets the needs of teachers to improve instructional practices based on data analysis. The PD is designed to enhance teaching practices and strategies to improve student academic and behavioral outcomes. Activities based and supported by research. |
Professional development designed minimally meets the need of teachers. Limited data analysis is evident to support the need for the PD designed. The PD is designed to address teaching practices and strategies to improve academic outcomes only. Activities do not engage teachers. |
Professional development designed does not meet the needs of teachers. Evidence of data analysis to support the need for PD is not available. No activities are included. |
Best Practices – Use the course resources and other materials as a reference when completing this component of the assignment. |
Professional development is aligned to state and national standards for the identified content. Cites at least 3 specific national organizations, standards, and/or research studies that support the best practices presented. Presentation includes qualities of best practice in the content area. Provides examples of exemplary strategies that can be immediately implemented in classrooms. Provides additional resources (web-based) with links for teachers. Suggests strategies for involving parents and other stakeholders in the educational process. |
Professional development is minimally aligned to state and national standards. State standards are identified for the specific content. Cites only one specific organization and/or research study to support best practices presented. Presentation includes one quality of best practice in the content area. Provides suggested strategies that would require additional time to be adapted in classrooms. Limited resources provided without links to support teachers. |
Professional development is not aligned to state and/or national standards. Does not cite an organization or research study to support best practices. Presentation lacks the inclusion of one or more qualities of best practice in a content area. There are no examples of exemplary strategies included in the presentation. Links and additional resources are not provided. |
PD provides teachers with opportunities to develop skills, techniques and strategies to integrate technology into the classroom. Technology demonstrations are incorporated into the PD session. Technology tools and integration strategies are incorporated into PD. Specific tools (apps, web sites, etc.) are identified and how each could impact student learning positively are described. |
PD provides teachers with ideas on how to incorporate student use of technology. Technology tools and integration strategies are incorporated into the PD. |
PD does not include technology integration and/or demonstrations. PD excludes technology tools or integration strategies. |
References |
A minimum of five references in addition to the textbook; references are complete, written in APA style; links are included (if applicable) |
A minimum of three references in addition to the textbook; references are complete, written in APA style; links are included (if applicable) |
Less than three references; references are incomplete; format for references is incorrect. |
Sequencing |
Organized in a clear, logical way. All slides logically flow. Accurate information. Content is accurate. |
Organized in a clear, logical way. All slides logically flow. Accurate information. |
Information is unorganized. Does not logically follow. Inaccurate content included in the presentation. |
Originality – Overall Attractiveness |
Considerable originality and inventiveness. Very attractive product. |
Some originality and inventiveness. Somewhat attractive. |
Lacks originality and inventiveness. Unattractive and poor-quality product. |
EDCI 5030 State of the School – Data Analysis for Continuous School Improvement
Imagine you are a member of your school or district’s leadership team. You are a school leader (principal, associate principal, assistant principal), lead teacher, technology facilitator, master teacher, or instructional coach. Your leadership team is required to share with your school’s stakeholders the plan for improving the school. It is the beginning of a new school year and you have received your school performance score/balanced scored card and all student assessment results. You have disaggregated your data and you are aware of the strengths and areas of improvement that you must address as well as any and all gaps that exist among the various groups of students on your campus. Your superintendent will attend this meeting. You have 20 – 30 minutes to present your information before responding to questions.
Section I and II require the creation of PowerPoint or other Multimedia Presentations using voice-over. You may use screencast, debut or any other technology tool that you are comfortable using.
Section I: State of the School – This presentation must not exceed 30 minutes. Points Possible 150 (You must include a title slide and reference slide. Title Slide Example: State of the School Report: 2019 – 2020 – Excellence Stem Academy, Success, LA – Principal, Kingston Queens). Your name and position title should be listed on the title slide. You will also each create a flyer inviting parents and community members to this event. You may wish to use Canvas or any other tool to create your flyer.
Throughout the semester you have read about continuous school improvement, instructional practice, outcomes, assessment, etc. The final project is a culmination of activities where you demonstrate your ability to analyze data to assess strengths and areas for improvement. You should focus on assessing and analyzing gaps among various student groups, observations of the implementation of the school’s vison and mission, assessment of teaching practices, etc. In this final project, you will create your plan for improving your school which you will present using a PowerPoint or Multimedia presentation. You should have all of the information necessary for completing this final project. Data is available in a folder on Moodle for your use or you may access data on the Louisiana Department of Education’s website. You must align your work with the principles of Continuous School Improvement, Best Practice, Differentiated Instruction and Understanding by Design.
Use the rubric as a guide for creating your presentation. Your first few slides should present a profile of your school. Include profile characteristics of your school. Examples include the number of students enrolled in the total school, demographic information, etc. Remember to describe your school and community on the first few slides. You may have new families enrolled at your school. Explain the gaps that exist among students by gender and race. Include data tables on your slides for illustration of the gaps as well as strengths and weaknesses. Remember to include Best Practice and Differentiated Instructional Strategies for addressing strengths and weakness that you identified in your analysis of the data. Also, remember to include discipline information in your presentation and discuss your plans for improving student behavior as well as academic performance in your presentation. Parents want to know that their children’s safety is a priority and are interested in positive programs to motivate and encourage students. It is also important to demonstrate that your school will provide equitable learning opportunities for a diverse population.
You must convince your superintendent and audience that your school’s leadership team (administrators, teachers, support staff, etc.) will be able to improve student academic and behavioral outcomes in your school and work towards continuous school improvement as a professional learning community/organization.
Section II: Instructional and Behavioral Evaluation Using Data to Create Job-Embedded Professional Development– Create one presentation not to exceed 30 minutes. Points Possible 150 (You must include a title slide and reference slide for each presentations.)
You have reviewed data from your classroom observations as well as the overall behavioral data for the school. Based on the performance of students in the school on statewide assessment and an analysis of the behavioral data, you realize that there is an opportunity for continuous growth and improvement. You will create one 20 – 30-minute presentation using voice over. Your presentation should be used during professional learning communities or planning periods to train teachers during the school day.
You have analyzed data throughout the semester. At this point you have created a presentation for stakeholders informing them of the status of the school based on academic and behavioral data in your “State of the School” presentation. Next you will develop job-embedded professional development session to work with faculty and staff members to improve student academic and behavioral outcomes and the use of new technology tools.
· Option 1: Develop a presentation for faculty focusing on on strategies for improving academic and behavioral outcomes. You must reference the data that was used to determine the type of professional development needed. Your presentation must align with best practice and/or differentiated instructional strategies. Use your course textbooks and other course resources as references to support the material and content of your presentation. You may use outside resources and materials as well. Suggestion: You may wish to develop a presentation on PBIS.
· Option 2: Develop a presentation for teachers based on the data; however, you must train teachers during your presentation on technology tools and strategies that can be used to enhance instructional and assessment strategies. You may select the content area (ELA, math, science, social studies, etc.) that you wish to deliver this training to in an educational setting. Try to include technology tools that will motivate and engage students in an effort to enhance instructional practices and improve outcomes.
The format of this assignment has changed from previous semesters. Please use your creativity to ensure that your presentation is visually appealing with a background, text and appropriate images. Your presentation should include your vocal presentation in voice and/or video embedded in each PowerPoint slide or using some other technology tool such as Screencast-O-Matic. Whatever technology tool you choose to use, keep in mind that I must be able to open and view your presentation on the first attempt. Finally, once you have completed your presentation, you will submit your presentation on Moodle. You will be able to upload a maximum of 10 files (each presentation and all supporting data tables created to illustrate key points in the presentation). If you create a video, please upload your video and PowerPoint presentation as separate files.
This assignment is worth 300 points.
NOTE: You may submit the assignment early; however, late assignments will not be accepted after December 6, 2021.