RiskAssessmentAssignment43 x
Risk Assessment Instructions WHAT Risk Assessment and Management are a key element of HIPAA compliance and ultimately contribute to protection of PHI and reducing the number of data breaches. This assignment is meant to: 1) Help you review basic information security practices in a personal context, and 2) Provide practice in presenting an analysis in a small number of briefing slides. You may find out there are some security habits you should work on, for your benefit and your future employers. As we’ve discussed, employees with less-than-perfect security habits are an important source of data breaches. It’s also very good experience to have to identify key findings from an analysis and think about how to present those findings, including identifying implications or recommendations based on the analysis. And PowerPoint is used so commonly in professional settings that practice in developing good slides is always valuable. HOW 1) Go through the Risk Assessment Checklist provided with this assignment and review what you are currently doing when using computers and other devices, and when accessing information by connecting to networks. Mark YES/NO for each question. 2) At the end of each section, add up the YES answers, and the NO answers. 3) At the end, add up all YES answers and NO answers across all sections, to give you a better picture of your practices overall. 4) Pretend your results represent a “typical employee” in an organization (i.e., as if all employees were surveyed and your results represent the most common responses on each item) and assess the results. Develop a briefing for the organization’s leadership on what you’ve learned about employee security habits and identify key implications/recommendations. • After viewing your checklist results based on your own security practices, if you find you already do virtually everything you should be on the checklist, you can still identify some implications and recommendations for your CEO. Just because the “typical employee” has strong habits does not mean there’s nothing to recommend for the organization to do moving forward. And bear in mind that even if a “typical employee” has strong security habits, that’s usually not the case for every employee. • Also, if there were items in the checklist that you didn’t understand, feel free to address that in your presentation if you think it’s significant. 5) There is no specific number of slides required for the PowerPoint.. Your organization’s senior leadership are busy people, but they also need to know what you’ve learned about employee security practices and what the organization should do based on that. A combination of visuals (e.g., tables and/or charts) and words is often most effective. What does the organization’s leadership need to know from your presentation? Also, are some of your recommendations a higher priority or more urgent than others? Is will help to learn if there’s anything you should improve in your habits, and more importantly to develop and present an analysis including implications/recommendations. SUBMIT 1) Submit your PowerPoint slides, via BB. 2) Submit your checklist as a Word file, via BB. 3) Please include your last name in each file name. DONE!
General Security Practices
Do you…
NO |
· Set your security software/firewall, internet browser, and operating system (like Windows or Mac OS X) to update automatically? |
· Keep your browser’s default security settings (or make them stronger). |
· Pay attention to your browser’s security warnings? (Many browsers come with built-in security scanners that warn you before you visit an infected webpage or download a malicious file.) |
· Instead of clicking on a link in an email, type the URL of a trusted site directly into your browser? |
· Avoid opening attachments in emails unless you know who sent it and what it is? |
· Get well-known software directly from the source? (Sites that offer lots of different browsers, PDF readers, and other popular software for free are more likely to include malware.) |
· Read each screen when installing new software? (If you don’t recognize a program, or are prompted to install additional “bundled” software, decline the additional program or exit the installation process?) |
· Never click on popups or banner ads about your computer’s performance? (Scammers insert unwanted software into banner ads that look legitimate, especially ads about your computer’s health. Avoid clicking on these ads if you don’t know the source.) |
· Scan USBs and other external devices before using them? (These devices can be infected with malware, especially if you use them in high traffic places, like public computers) |
· Follow other safe computing practices, like not clicking on pop-ups, downloading “free” games or programs, opening chain emails? |
· Back up your data regularly? |
· Never send personal information in an email |
Do you…
· Develop strong passwords that use a combination of words, numbers, symbols, and both upper- and lower-case letters |
· Create a password phrase and make it relevant. If you’re joining a shopping site for example, think “About to Use Shopping Site” and use “ABT2_uz_$h0pping” |
· Use different passwords for every unique account, such as work, banking, and email |
· Disable the “save password” feature in your Internet browser |
· Never write your password on a postit and stick it on your computer? |
· Share your password with others? |
Do you…
· Keep your devices updated with the latest system and application patches |
· Assume that Wi-Fi connections are not secure, since many Wi-Fi hotspots don’t encrypt the information you send |
· Do not log into financial accounts or other sensitive accounts when using public Wi-Fi networks |
· Consider turning off features on your computer or mobile devices that allow you to automatically connect to Wi-Fi |
· Encrypt your home wireless network |
· Change your router’s default name and password |
· Allow only certain devices on your network (based on MAC address—no, I don’t mean Apple) |
Mobile device
Do you…
· Make sure the OS and software are up to date at all times
· Download apps from reputable sites and closely review permission requests
· Make sure to check the feedback from other users before installing the program from an app store
· Use a strong, complex password
· Use a security app, if available for your device
· Turn off Bluetooth and other connections when not in use