Directions for this assignment, you will develop a 1000-1200 word rhetorical analysis of a published article. Step one choose an article that interests you. It is important to choose an article that makes a substantial argument for you to analyze. My suggestion is to go to the website of journals that specialize in the longer persuasive essays such as The New Yorker (Links to an external site.) or Slate (Links to an external site.). You also can submit your article to me if you have any questions prior to writing your essay. Please choose an understandable article that interests you but also be aware of your audience. As my professor once told me: ″If you do not know your audience, keep it in your diary since you will be the only person reading it.″ Crass but poignant. If you are not writing diary entries then you have an audience. Period. Understanding the rhetorical situation (Links to an external site.), as well as the exigency (Links to an external site.)and kairos (Links to a