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10 Critical Thinking and Clinical Reasoning
The term “thinking like a nurse” was introduced by Dr. Christine
Tanner in 2006. To think like a nurse, critical thinking and clinical
reasoning must be defined and understood. This chapter examines
the influence of critical thinking and clinical reasoning on the care of
clients. Both these terms describe the mental processes nurses use to
ensure that they are doing their best thinking and decision making.
The practice of nursing requires critical thinking and clinical
reasoning. Critical thinking is the process of intentional higher level
thinking to define a client’s problem, examine the evidence-based
practice in caring for the client, and make choices in the delivery of
care. Clinical reasoning is the cognitive process that uses thinking
strategies to gather and analyze client information, evaluate the rel-
evance of the information, and decide on possible nursing actions to
improve the client’s physiological and psychosocial outcomes. Clini-
cal reasoning requires the integration of critical thinking in the iden-
tification of the most appropriate interventions that will improve the
client’s condition. The concept of clinical reasoning “evolved from
the application of decision-making to the health care professions”
(Simmons, 2010, p. 1153). “Clinical reasoning also guides nurses in
assessing, assimilating, retrieving, and/or discarding components of
information that affect patient care” (p. 1151). Clinical reasoning is
often defined in practice-based disciplines, such as nursing and med-
icine, as the “application of critical thinking to the clinical situation”
(Victor-Chmil, 2013, p. 35).
Critical thinking involves the differentiation of statements of fact,
judgment, and opinion. The process of critical thinking requires
the nurse to think creatively, use reflection, and engage in analytical
thinking (Alfaro-LeFevre, 2013). Alfaro-LeFevre’s 4-Circle Critical
Thinking Model provides a visual representation of critical think-
ing abilities and promotes making meaningful connections between
nursing research and critical thinking and practice (Figure 10–1 •).
Critical thinking is an essential skill needed for the identification of
client problems and the implementation of interventions to promote
effective care outcomes (Bittencourt & Crossetti, 2012). The process
of providing feedback and reflection is vital to the improvement of
nursing practice. A study by Asselin (2011) revealed that students
who reflected on new knowledge developed new insights regarding
practice. The insights nurses acquired led to changes in their ap-
proach to practice.
According to Scheffer and Rubenfeld (2010), critical thinking
is a metaphorical bridge between information and action. Criti-
cal thinking in nursing involves habits of the mind and requires the
implementation of cognitive skills. In 2000, Scheffer and Ruben-
feld conducted a landmark study in which internationally diverse
expert nurses from nine countries defined ten habits of the mind
(affective components) and seven skills (cognitive components) of
critical thinking in nursing. The ten affective components are con-
fidence, contextual perspective, creativity, flexibility, inquisitiveness,
intellectual integrity, intuition, open-mindedness, perseverance, and
reflection. The seven skills are analyzing, applying standards, dis-
criminating, information seeking, logical reasoning, predicting, and
transforming knowledge. Lunney (2010) used the affective and cog-
nitive components to demonstrate the use of critical thinking in the
diagnostic process and the identification of an accurate nursing di-
agnosis. The study indicated that nurses need to utilize all 17 critical
thinking concepts in the identification of nursing diagnoses.
Nurses use critical thinking skills in a variety of ways:
• Nurses use knowledge from other subjects and fields. Nurses use
critical thinking skills when they reflect on knowledge derived
After completing this chapter, you will be able to:
1. Describe the significance of developing critical thinking abili-
ties in order to practice safe, effective, and professional nurs-
ing care.
2. Describe the actions of clinical reasoning in the implementa-
tion of the nursing process.
3. Discuss the attitudes and skills needed to develop critical
thinking and clinical reasoning.
clinical judgment, 147
clinical reasoning, 144
cognitive processes, 149
concept mapping, 151
creativity, 145
critical analysis, 145
critical thinking, 144
deductive reasoning, 146
inductive reasoning, 146
intuition, 147
metacognitive processes, 149
nursing process, 147
problem solving, 147
Socratic questioning, 146
trial and error, 147
4. Describe the components of clinical reasoning.
5. Integrate strategies to enhance critical thinking and clinical
reasoning as the provider of nursing care.
6. Describe the process of concept mapping to enhance
critical thinking and clinical reasoning for the provision of
nursing care.
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Figure 10–1 • Alfaro-LeFevre’s 4-Circle Critical Thinking Model.
Adapted with permission from Critical Thinking Indicators (CTIs): 2014 Evidence-Based Version,
by R. Alfaro-LeFevre, 2014. Retrieved from .
Theoretical & Experiential Knowledge
Intellectual Skills / Competencies
CT Characteristics
(Attitudes / Behaviors)
Technical Skills /
Starting at the top and going clockwise around the circles above, here’s what you
need to do to develop your ability to think critically.
1. Develop a critical thinking character. Hold yourself to high standards. Make
a commitment to developing critical thinking characteristics such as; honesty,
fair-mindedness, creativity, patience, and confidence.
2. Take responsibility and seek out learning experiences to help you get the
theoretical and experiential knowledge to think critically. Practice intellectual skills
such as assessing systematically and comprehensively. Just as practicing
physical skills improves your ability to perform physically, practicing thinking skills
improves your ability to perform intellectually.
3. Gain interpersonal skills such as teamwork, resolving conflict, and being an
advocate. Keep in mind that “being too nice” problems (e.g., not giving
constructive criticism because of concerns of not offending someone) can be as
bad as “not being very nice” problems (e.g., demonstrating arrogance, sarcasm,
and or intolerance of other ways of doing things). Learn how to give and take
feedback. To improve you must get through the negative aspects of criticism.
4. Practice related technical skills (e.g., using computers, managing IV’s). Until
these skills become like second natures, they create a “brain drain” making it
difficult to focus on other important things such as monitoring patient responses
to care.
Interpersonal Skills /
from other interdisciplinary subject areas such as the biophysi-
cal and behavioral sciences and the humanities in order to pro-
vide holistic nursing care. For example, when providing care to
a client at the end of life, it is important to have knowledge of
culture and religion to enhance the delivery of culturally sensi-
tive care and enhance the client’s spiritual well-being to promote
a good death.
• Nurses deal with change in stressful environments. A client’s
condition may rapidly change and routine protocol may not
be adequate to cover ever y unexpected situation. Critical
thinking enables the nurse to recognize important cues, re-
spond quickly, and adapt inter ventions to meet specific client
needs at the right time. Box 10–1 lists some personal critical
thinking indicators.
• Nurses make important decisions. Every day, and every moment
during the day, nurses use critical thinking skills and clinical rea-
soning to make judgments about a client’s care. For example, de-
termining which observations must be reported to the primary
care provider immediately and which can be noted
in the electronic medical record for later consulta-
tion with the primary care provider requires critical
thinking. Also clients have different health needs
simultaneously. For example, a client who is experi-
encing an acute asthma attack with air hunger will
also experience anxiety. The nurse must administer
a medication to improve breathing before addressing
the client’s anxiety.
Critical thinking cognitively fuels the intellectual
artistic activity of creativity. When nurses incorporate
creativity, they are able to find unique solutions to unique
problems. Creativity is thinking that results in the de-
velopment of new ideas and products. Creativity in prob-
lem solving and decision making is the ability to develop
and implement new and better solutions for health care
Creativity is required when the nurse encounters a
new situation or a client situation in which traditional
interventions are not effective. Creative thinkers must
assess a problem and be knowledgeable about the un-
derlying facts and principles that apply. An example
would be a 4-year-old child who has sustained a severe
burn and has been discharged from the hospital. The
home care nurse has orders to soak and cleanse the
wound in the bathtub. After arriving at the child’s home,
the nurse determines the family does not have hot water
service due to an inability to pay the gas bill. The nurse
warms water on the electric stove so the wound can be
cleansed in the bathtub as ordered by the primary care
provider. Next the nurse contacts the social worker to
help the family obtain financial assistance so the gas bill
can be paid and the hot water restored.
In this clinical scenario the nurse has utilized cre-
ativity by warming the water on the stove. The nurse
has also utilized knowledge of the role the social worker
plays in providing care to the child and family. The use of
creativity provides the nurse with the ability to:
• Generate many ideas rapidly.
• Be generally flexible and natural; that is, able to change viewpoints
or directions in thinking rapidly and easily.
• Create original solutions to problems.
• Be independent and self confident, even when under pressure.
• Demonstrate individuality.
In addition to the ten affective and seven cognitive components of
critical thinking, the nurse uses other techniques to ensure effective
problem solving and decision making. These techniques include
critical analysis, inductive and deductive reasoning, making valid
inferences, differentiating facts from opinions, evaluating the cred-
ibility of information sources, clarifying concepts, and recognizing
Critical analysis is the application of a set of questions to a
particular situation or idea to determine essential information and
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146 Unit 3 • The Nursing Process
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BOX 10–1 Personal Critical Thinking Indicators: Behaviors, Attitudes, and Characteristics
• Self-aware: Clarifies biases, inclinations, strengths, and
limitations; acknowledges when thinking may be influenced by
emotions or self-interest.
• Genuine/authentic: Shows true self; demonstrates behaviors
that indicate stated values.
• Effective communicator: Listens well (shows deep understand-
ing of others’ thoughts, feelings, and circumstances); speaks
and writes with clarity.
• Health: Promotes a healthy lifestyle; uses healthy behaviors to
manage stress.
• Careful and prudent: Knows own limits—seeks help as
needed; suspends or revises judgment as indicated by new
or incomplete data.
• Confident and resilient: Expresses faith in ability to reason and
learn; overcomes disappointments.
• Honest and upright: Seeks the truth, even if it sheds unwanted
light; upholds standards; admits flaws in thinking.
• Curious and inquisitive: Looks for reasons, explanations, and
meaning; seeks new information to broaden understanding.
• Alert to context: Looks for changes in circumstances that
warrant a need to modify thinking or approaches.
• Analytical and insightful: Identifies relationships; expresses deep
• Logical and intuitive: Draws reasonable conclusions (if this is so,
then it follows that . . . because . . .); uses intuition as a guide
to search for evidence; acts on intuition only with knowledge of
risks involved.
• Open and fair-minded; Shows tolerance for different viewpoints;
questions how own viewpoints are influencing thinking.
• Sensitive to diversity: Expresses appreciation of human
differences related to values, culture, personality, or learning
style preferences; adapts to preferences when feasible.
• Creative: Offers alternative solutions and approaches; comes
up with useful ideas.
• Realistic and practical: Admits when things are not feasible;
looks for user-friendly solutions.
• Reflective and self-corrective: Carefully considers meaning of
data and interpersonal interactions, asks for feedback; corrects
own thinking, is alert to potential errors by self and others, finds
ways to avoid future mistakes.
• Proactive: Anticipates consequences, plans ahead, acts on
• Courageous: Stands up for beliefs, advocates for others, does
not hide from challenges.
• Patient and persistent: Waits for the right moment; perseveres
to achieve best results.
• Flexible: Changes approaches as needed to get the best
• Empathetic: Listens well; shows ability to imagine others’
feelings and difficulties.
• Improvement-oriented (self, patients, systems): Self— identifies
learning needs; finds ways to overcome limitations, seeks out
new knowledge. Patients—promotes health care systems;
promotes safety, quality, satisfaction, and cost-containment.
From Critical Thinking Indicators (CTIs): 2014 Evidence-Based Version (p. 7), by
R. Alfaro-LeFevre, 2014, Stuart, FL, p. 7. Reprinted with permission. Retrieved from .
ideas and discard unimportant information and ideas. The questions
are not sequential steps; rather they are a set of criteria for judging an
idea. Not all questions will need to be applied to every situation, but
one should be aware of all of the questions in order to choose those
questions appropriate to a given situation.
Socrates was a Greek philosopher who developed the method
of posing questions and seeking an answer. Socratic questioning
is a technique one can use to look beneath the surface, recognize and
examine assumptions, search for inconsistencies, examine multiple
points of view, and differentiate what one knows from what one
merely believes. Box 10–2 lists Socratic questions to use in critical
analysis. Nurses should employ Socratic questioning when reporting
about a client’s condition and current status, reviewing a client’s his-
tory and progress notes, and planning care.
Two other critical thinking skills are inductive and deductive
reasoning. In inductive reasoning, generalizations are formed
from a set of facts or observations. When viewed together, certain
bits of information suggest a particular interpretation. Inductive
reasoning moves from specific examples (premises) to a generalized
conclusion—for example, after touching several hot flames (prem-
ise), we conclude that all flames are hot. A nurse who observes a
client who has dry skin, poor turgor, sunken eyes, and dark amber
urine and who is determined to be dehydrated (premise) concludes
that the presence of those signs in other clients indicates that they are
Deductive reasoning, by contrast, is reasoning from general
premise to the specific conclusion. If you begin with the premise
BOX 10–2 Socratic Questions
• Is this question clear, understandable, and correctly
• Is this question important?
• Could this question be broken down into smaller parts?
• How might _____________ state this question?
• You seem to be assuming _____________; is that so?
• What could you assume instead? Why?
• Does this assumption always hold true?
• You seem to be using the perspective of _____________.
• What would someone who disagrees with your
perspective say?
• Can you see this any other way?
• What evidence do you have for that?
• Is there any reason to doubt the evidence?
• How do you know?
• What would change your mind?
• What effect would that have?
• What is the probability that will actually happen?
• What are the alternatives?
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that the sum of the angles in any triangle is always 180 degrees, you
can conclude that the sum of the angles in the triangle you happen
to have is also 180 degrees. A nurse might start with a premise that
all children love peanut butter sandwiches. Thus, if the nurse is try-
ing to encourage a child to eat, then the nurse should offer the child
a peanut butter sandwich. This is an example in which the premise
is not always valid and, thus, the conclusion also may not be valid.
Nurses use critical thinking to help analyze situations and establish
which premises are valid.
In critical thinking, the nurse also differentiates statements of
fact, inference, judgment, and opinion. Table 10–1 shows how these
statements may be applied to nursing care. Evaluating the credibil-
ity of information sources is an important step in critical thinking.
Unfortunately, we cannot always believe what we read or are told.
The nurse must ascertain the accuracy of information by checking
other documents or with other informants. Hence, the expanding
need for evidence-based nursing practice. To comprehend a client
situation clearly, the nurse and the client must agree on the mean-
ing of terms. For example, if the clients says to the nurse “I think
I have a tumor,” the nurse needs to clarify what the word means to
the client—the medical definition of a tumor (a solid mass) or the
common lay meaning of cancer—before responding. People also live
their lives under certain assumptions. Some people view humans as
having a basically generous nature, whereas others believe that the
human tendency is to act in their own best interest. The nurse may
believe that life should be considered worth living no matter what
the condition, whereas the client may believe that quality of life is
more important than quantity of life. If the nurse and client recog-
nize that they make choices based on these assumptions, they can
still work together toward an acceptable plan of care. Difficulty arises
when people do not take the time to consider what assumptions un-
derlie their beliefs and actions.
When a nurse uses intentional thinking, a relationship develops
among the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that are ascribed to criti-
cal thinking and clinical reasoning, the nursing process, and the
problem-solving process.
Implementation of the nursing process provides nurses with a
creative approach to thinking and doing to obtain, categorize, and
analyze client data and plan actions that will meet the client’s needs.
The nursing process is a systematic, rational method of planning
and providing individualized nursing care. It begins with assessment
Statement Description Example
Facts Can be verified through investigation Blood pressure is affected by blood volume.
Inferences Conclusions drawn from the facts; going beyond facts to
make a statement about something not currently known
If blood volume is decreased (e.g., in hemorrhagic shock), the
blood pressure will drop.
Judgments Evaluation of facts or information that reflects values or
other criteria; a type of opinion
It is harmful to the client’s health if the blood pressure drops
too low.
Opinions Beliefs formed over time; include judgments that may fit
facts or be erroneous
Nursing interventions can assist in maintaining the client’s
blood pressure within normal limits.
TABLE 10–1 Differentiating Types of Statements
of the client and use of clinical reasoning to identify client problems.
The phases of the nursing process are assessing, diagnosing, plan-
ning, implementing, and evaluating. These phases are described in
detail in Chapters 11 through 14 .
Problem Solving
Problem solving is a mental activity in which a problem is identified
that represents an unsteady state. It requires the nurse to obtain infor-
mation that clarifies the nature of the problem and suggests possible
solutions. Throughout the problem-solving process the implementa-
tion of critical thought may or may not be required in working toward
a solution (Wilkinson, 2012). The nurse carefully evaluates the pos-
sible solutions and chooses the best one to implement. The situation is
carefully monitored over time to ensure that its initial and continued
effectiveness returns the client to a steady state. The nurse does not
discard the other solutions, but holds them in reserve in the event that
the first solution is not effective. Therefore, problem solving for one
situation contributes to the nurse’s body of knowledge for problem
solving in similar situations. Commonly used approaches to problem
solving include trial and error, intuition, and the research process.
One way to solve problems is through trial and error, in which a
number of approaches are tried until a solution is found. However,
without considering alternatives systematically, one cannot know
why the solution works. The use of trial-and-error methods in nurs-
ing care can be dangerous because the client might suffer harm if an
approach is inappropriate. However, nurses often use trial and error
in the home setting due to logistics, equipment, and client lifestyle.
For example, when teaching a client to perform a colostomy irriga-
tion, a bent coat hanger hung on the shower curtain rod provides an
appropriate height to perform the irrigation. In the hospital setting a
lowered intravenous (IV) pole is more likely utilized.
Intuition is a problem-solving approach that relies on a nurse’s in-
ner sense. It is a legitimate aspect of a nursing judgment in the imple-
mentation of care (Wilkinson, 2012). Intuition is the understanding
or learning of things without the conscious use of reasoning. It is
also known as sixth sense, hunch, instinct, feeling, or suspicion. As
a problem-solving approach, intuition is viewed by some people as a
form of guessing and, as such, an inappropriate basis for nursing de-
cisions. However, others view intuition as an essential and legitimate
aspect of clinical judgment acquired through knowledge and experi-
ence. Clinical judgment in nursing is a decision-making process to
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148 Unit 3 • The Nursing Process
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2012). Fair-mindedness helps one to consider opposing points of
view and to try to understand new ideas fully before rejecting or ac-
cepting them. Critical thinkers strive to be open to the possibility
that new evidence could change their minds. The nurse listens to
the opinions of all members of a family, young and old. Sometimes
the traditional approach will emerge as the most effective strategy,
whereas at other times a new and possibly unproven approach should
be tried. In every case, the nurse must be able to provide the rationale
for any action taken.
Insight into Egocentricity
Critical thinkers are open to the possibility that their personal biases
or social pressures and customs could unduly affect their think-
ing. They actively try to examine their own biases and bring them
to awareness each time they think or make a decision. By failing to
reflect on personal biases, the nurse may reach inappropriate conclu-
sions for the individual client. For example, a nurse spends extensive
time teaching a client who is obese about nutrition and weight loss to
prevent recurrence of back pain, but is mystified when the client ap-
pears uninterested and does not follow the nurse’s advice. The nurse’s
bias of assuming that all clients will incorporate preventive care (just
because the nurse would do this) resulted in an inaccurate assess-
ment of the client’s motivation; both the nurse’s and the client’s time
was wasted. Possibly, the client’s cultural views of weight are differ-
ent from those of the nurse. Had the nurse assessed the client’s back-
ground and beliefs about weight and collected sufficient evidence,
the nurse might have identified a problem more relevant to the client’s
priorities and, thus, developed a better care plan.
Intellectual Humility
Intellectual humility means having an awareness of the limits of one’s
own knowledge. Critical thinkers are willing to admit what they do
not know; they are willing to seek new information and to rethink
their conclusions in light of new knowledge. They never assume that
what everybody believes to be right will always be right, because new
evidence may emerge. A hospital nurse might be unable to imagine
how an older adult’s wife will care for her husband who has recently
had a stroke. However, the nurse also recognizes that it is not really
possible to know what the couple can achieve.
Intellectual Courage to Challenge
the Status Quo and Rituals
With an attitude of courage, a nurse is willing to consider and exam-
ine fairly his or her own ideas or views, especially those to which the
nurse may have a strongly negative reaction. This type of courage
comes from recognizing that beliefs are sometimes false or mislead-
ing. Values and beliefs are not always acquired rationally. Rational
beliefs are those that have been examined and found to be supported
by solid reasons and data. After such examination, it is inevitable
that some beliefs previously held to be true will be found to contain
questionable elements and that some truth will emerge from ideas
considered dangerous or false. Courage is needed to be true to new
thinking in such cases, especially if social penalties for nonconfor-
mity are severe. For example, many nurses previously believed that
allowing family members to observe emergency procedures (such as
cardiopulmonary resuscitation) would be psychologically harmful
to the family and that members would get in the health care team’s
ascertain the right nursing action to be implemented at the appro-
priate time in the client’s care. The nurse must first have the knowl-
edge base necessary to practice in the clinical area and then use that
knowledge in clinical practice. Clinical experience allows the nurse to
recognize cues and patterns and begin to reach correct conclusions.
Experience is important in improving intuition because the ra-
pidity of the judgment depends on the nurse having seen similar cli-
ent situations many times before. Sometimes nurses use the words “I
had a feeling” to describe the critical thinking element of considering
evidence. These nurses are able to judge quickly which evidence is
most important and to act on that limited evidence. Nurses in critical
care often pay closer attention than usual to a client when they sense
that the client’s condition could change suddenly.
Although the intuitive method of problem solving is gaining
recognition as part of nursing practice, it is not recommended for
novices or students, because they usually lack the knowledge base
and clinical experience on which to make a valid judgment.
The research process, discussed in Chapter 2 , is a formalized, logi-
cal, systematic approach to problem solving. The classic quantitative
research process is most useful when the researcher is working in a
controlled situation. Health professionals, often working with people
in uncontrolled situations, require a modified approach for solving
problems. For example, unlike many experiments with animals in
which the environment can be strictly regulated, the effects of diet
on health in humans are complicated by a person’s genetic variations,
lifestyle, and personal preferences. However, it is becoming increas-
ingly important for nurses to identify evidence that supports effective
nursing care. One critical source of this evidence is research.
Certain attitudes are crucial to critical thinking. These attitudes are
based on the assumption that a rational person is motivated to de-
velop, learn, grow, and be concerned with what to do or believe.
A critical thinker works to develop the following nine attitudes or
traits: independence, fair-mindedness, insight, intellectual humility,
intellectual courage, integrity, perseverance, confidence, and curiosity.
Critical thinking requires that individuals think for themselves. People
acquire many beliefs as children, not necessarily based on reason but
in order to have an explanation they comprehend. As they mature and
acquire knowledge and experience, critical thinkers examine their be-
liefs in the light of new evidence. Critical thinkers consider seriously a
wide range of ideas, learn from them, and then make their own judg-
ments about them. Nurses are open-minded about considering different
methods of performing technical skills—not just the single way they may
have been taught in school. Nurses should not ignore what other people
think, but they should consider a wide range of ideas, learn from them,
and then take the time to build their own judgments (Wilkinson, 2012).
Critical thinkers are fair-minded and make impartial judgments.
They assess all viewpoints with the same standards and do not base
their judgments on personal or group bias or prejudice ( Wilkinson,
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something else work? What would happen if we did it another way?
Who says that is so? The curious nurse may value tradition but is
not afraid to examine traditions to be sure they are still valid. The
nurse may, for example, apply these questions to the issue of mov-
ing responsibility for a procedure such as the drawing of arterial
blood samples among the nursing, respiratory therapy, or laboratory
department staff.
Clinical reasoning is the analysis of a clinical situation as it unfolds
or develops. It requires the nurse to use cognitive and metacognitive
processes. Cognitive processes are the thinking processes based
on the knowledge of aspects of client care. Cognitive skills are learned
through reading and applying health-related literature. Cognitive
skills are enhanced through the use of critical thought to understand
and apply content the nurse has previously learned. Metacognitive
processes include reflective thinking and awareness of the skills
learned by the nurse in caring for the client. The nurse reflects on
the client’s status, and through the use of critical thinking skills deter-
mines the most effective plan of care.
Benner, Sutphen, Leonard, and Day (2010) state that thinking
like a nurse requires clinical reasoning (p. 85). They identify clini-
cal reasoning as the ability to reason about a clinical situation as it
unfolds (p. 46). It is important for the nurse to be “tuned in” to the cli-
ent’s experiences and concerns. As the client’s condition changes, the
nurse must assess the client and then identify the interventions that
will lead to the improvement of the client’s health-related outcomes.
Changes in a client’s condition can occur in an instant. It is the respon-
sibility of the nurse to detect these changes, implement nursing as-
sessments and interventions, notify members of the health care team,
and evaluate the client’s response. Benner et al. (2010) describe the
components of clinical reasoning to include setting priorities, devel-
oping rationales, learning how to act, clinical reasoning-in- transition,
and responding to changes in the client’s condition. It is also impor-
tant to reflect on the care provided and the client’s response.
Setting Priorities
In the current nursing world, nurses have to think quickly to resolve
problems. In the often fast-paced clinical environment, the nurse
must know what assessments, tasks, requests, and concerns need
to be completed first. Priority setting needs to be dynamic or flex-
ible because the clinical environment can change quickly, requiring
changes in priorities. Beginning nursing students often view every-
thing as being of equal importance. They are often task oriented and
focused on what needs to be done and not necessarily on what is
most important. As they gain more clinical experience, they start to
determine which data are most relevant and important to each cli-
ent’s situation. Most nursing programs require beginning students to
complete preclinical preparation. This is a strategy to help them set
their priorities based on information they gathered before the actual
clinical experience. It is important for students to remember that,
once they begin providing client care, the priorities they set in the
preclinical preparation may change based on the current client situa-
tion. See Box 10–3 for examples of questions for nursing students to
ask themselves before and during client care that will help increase
their clinical reasoning abilities.
way. Others felt that blanket exclusion of family members was unnec-
essary and extremely stressful for some of them. As a result, nurses
initiated research that has demonstrated that family presence can be
accomplished without detrimental effects to the nurse, the client, or
the family. This is also an example of how evidence, rather than just
tradition, guides our nursing practice.
Intellectual integrity requires that individuals apply the same rigor-
ous standards of proof to their own knowledge and beliefs as they ap-
ply to the knowledge and beliefs of others. Critical thinkers question
their own knowledge and beliefs as quickly and thoroughly as they
challenge those of another. They are readily able to admit and evalu-
ate inconsistencies within their own beliefs and between their own
beliefs and those of another. A nurse might believe that wound care
always requires sterile technique. Reading a new article on the use
and outcomes of clean technique for some wounds leads the critically
thinking nurse to reconsider.
Because critical thinking is a lifelong endeavor, nurses who are
critical thinkers show perseverance in finding effective solutions
to client and nursing problems. This determination enables them
to clarify concepts and sort out related issues, in spite of difficulties
and frustrations. Confusion and frustration are uncomfortable, but
critical thinkers resist the temptation to find a quick and easy answer.
Important questions tend to be complex and confusing and there-
fore often require a great deal of thought and research to arrive at an
answer. The nurse needs to continue to address the issue until it is
resolved. For example, the nurses on a unit have tried to establish a
policy for selected clients to leave the hospital on a pass rather than
have to be discharged and readmitted in the same day. The need for
involvement of nursing, medical, administrative, and accounting
staff gradually generates solutions to obstacles. The development of
the policy moves forward, although very slowly.
Critical thinkers believe that well-reasoned thinking will lead to
trustworthy conclusions. Therefore, they cultivate an attitude of
confidence in the reasoning process and examine emotion-laden
arguments using the standards for evaluating thought, by asking
questions such as these: Is that argument fair? Is it based on sufficient
evidence? Consider nurses attempting to determine the best way to
allocate holiday time off for staff. Should they go by seniority, use ran-
dom selection (lottery), give preference to those who have children,
use “first-come, first-served,” or use another method?
The critical thinker develops skill in both inductive reasoning
and deductive reasoning. As the nurse gains greater awareness of the
thinking process and more experience in improving such thinking,
confidence in the process will grow. This nurse will not be afraid of
disagreement and indeed will be concerned when others agree too
quickly. Such a nurse can serve as a role model to colleagues, inspiring
and encouraging them to think critically as well.
The mind of a critical thinker is filled with questions: Why do we
believe this? What causes that? Does it have to be this way? Could
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150 Unit 3 • The Nursing Process
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Title: Kozier & Erb’s Fundamentals of Nursing 10e
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Responding to Changes
in the Client’s Condition
Nurses spend more time with clients than do other health care pro-
viders. As a result, an important aspect of nursing practice and the
nurse’s responsibility is to detect changes in the client’s condition,
recognize a change in priorities, adjust nursing care, and alert the pri-
mary care provider when appropriate.
Clinical reasoning involves an understanding and assessment of
the client’s relevant history and current condition and how it may be
changing. By closely monitoring and comparing any changes from
previous assessment data, the nurse is able to recognize a change in
status that may prevent an adverse outcome.
Reflection is a key to the success of clinical reasoning. Through re-
flection the nurse identifies factors that improved client care and
those that required changing or elimination. It is important to reflect
on whether the client was assessed accurately and in a timely man-
ner. The nurse thinks back on the interventions implemented and
whether they were effective. Most importantly, reflection includes in-
formation on the outcome of care. The nurse also reflects on previous
clinical experiences similar to this one to determine if the outcomes
of care improved the clients’ conditions.
Nurses use critical thinking and clinical reasoning skills when mak-
ing decisions about client care. The decision-making process includes
prioritizing care not only with one client but when providing care to
many clients. Nurses must make decisions and also assist clients to
Developing Rationales
After assessing the data and determining what is relevant to the client’s
condition and concerns, the nurse identifies interventions and sets pri-
orities for the most urgent needs (Benner et al., 2010). This is when the
nurse transfers nursing knowledge to the clinical situation to justify the
plan of care. Nursing students are often asked to explain the “why” of
their priority setting and subsequent interventions. Being able to state
the rationale, based on nursing knowledge, acts as a check for potential
errors, justifies the nurse’s actions, contributes to client safety, and helps
the beginning nursing student learn how a nurse thinks in practice.
Learning How to Act
The nurse must know how and when to respond in a clinical situation
by recognizing what is most urgent or significant. To take action, the
nurse needs to understand the relevant medical and nursing informa-
tion and translate this knowledge into a plan of care (Benner et al.,
2010). An example is thinking about potential complications given
the client’s current problems. Applying this knowledge increases the
nurse’s ability to quickly identify assessment data that indicate a po-
tential complication. Thus, the nurse can initiate nursing interven-
tions or actions quickly because he or she prepared for the possibility.
Avoiding potential complications promotes client safety.
Clinical Reasoning-in-Transition
It is important to realize that clinical situations are complex and al-
ways changing, especially given the acuity level of clients in today’s
hospital settings. Clinical reasoning-in-transition is the ability to
recognize subtle changes in a client’s condition over time. It includes
the evaluation of nursing interventions and the trending of relevant
assessment data. Nurses need to develop a sense of what is most im-
portant in each changing clinical situation and remember that the
primary focus is on the client’s well-being.
BOX 10–3 Questions to Develop Clinical Reasoning
1. What clinical data from the client’s chart is relevant and must
be recognized as significant to the nurse?
2. What nursing priority will guide the plan of care?
3. What is the desired client outcome?
4. What nursing interventions will be initiated based on this
priority and desired outcome?
5. How will the effectiveness of the nursing interventions be
6. What assessment(s) will be focused on based on the client’s
primary problem or nursing care priority?
7. What recently collected clinical assessment data are relevant
and must be recognized as significant?
8. What relevant clinical assessment data need to be closely
watched to detect a possible change in status?
9. What is the worst possible/most likely complication(s) to
anticipate today with this client?
10. What nursing assessments need to be initiated to identify if this
complication develops?
© 2014 Keith Rischer, RN, MA, CEN, CCRN/
Home Care Considerations Communication and Clinical Reasoning
• Interview the client in a nonthreatening, relaxing setting.
• Utilize the client’s words when describing the chief complaint.
• Communicate with the family to gain insight into the changes in
the client’s condition.
• Inform the primary care provider of the client’s physiological and
psychosocial status.
• Consult with other health care team members to deter-
mine if they have experience with clients who have had
similar health problems whose conditions changed. Ask
them what interventions were implemented and the outcome
of care.
• If the client’s status has not improved, consult with the health
care team and continue to implement critical thinking strategies
to address the client’s health-related outcomes.
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Chapter 10 • Critical Thinking and Clinical Reasoning 151
# 153613 Cust: Pearson Au: Berman Pg. No. 151
Title: Kozier & Erb’s Fundamentals of Nursing 10e
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(Alfaro-LeFevre, 2014). The concept map allows the nurse to map
words on a page and focus on concepts and relationships. A gen-
eral benefit of these maps is that they are quicker than note taking
and highlight key ideas (Alfaro-LeFevre, 2014). This text contains
more than a dozen concept maps that demonstrate care planning
and physiological processes.
Concept Mapping and Enhancing
Critical Thinking and Clinical Reasoning
Concept mapping provides nurses with a link between existing nurs-
ing knowledge and new information. This learning strategy enhances
the critical thinking process and can assist the nursing student in
understanding complex concepts (Chabeli, 2010). Concept maps
foster the demonstration that nurses and health care providers have
acquired the body of knowledge and understanding of concepts per-
tinent to the delivery of safe and effective care (Daley & Torre, 2010).
Rather than address one single client problem, the concept map can
incorporate multiple problems. This allows the nurse to demon-
strate interrelationships among a client’s problems and determine
care based on the complexity of those problems (Billings & Halstead,
2012). Thus, concept mapping may be a valuable tool to improve
critical thinking. Four basic types of maps are described in Box 10–4
and Figure 10–2 •.
make decisions. When faced with several client needs at the same
time, the nurse must prioritize and decide which client to assist first.
In the home care setting, the nurse must decide if the client’s
condition can be managed in the home or requires hospitalization.
The nurse must assess the ability of the caregiver and client to under-
stand and follow all aspects of the health care teaching the nurse has
The nurse must consider the client’s cultural and religious back-
ground because both influence the outcomes of care. For example, in
the Muslim religion, it is traditional for female relatives to care for a
new baby, thus allowing the new mother time to rest. If the nurse fails
to review cultural practices and insists that the new mother provide
the parenting, then the nurse has not utilized critical thought in the
process of clinical reasoning during the implementation of care.
Logical reasoning is a critical thinking skill that closely aligns
with clinical reasoning. In the planning of care, nurses must question
whether knowledge they possess about the care of the client is consis-
tent with the most current evidence-based practice. The nurse must
review the most current nursing and health-related literature prior to
implementing care.
A nurse’s ability to accurately implement and integrate critical
thinking, clinical judgment, and clinical reasoning is enhanced with
a commitment to lifelong learning. Andersson, Klang, and Petersson
(2012) conducted a study of clinical reasoning in a pediatric facility.
They found that experience and increased education or training were
important in the development of professional competence and also
enhanced clinical reasoning.
Concept mapping is a technique that uses a graphic depiction of
nonlinear and linear relationships to represent critical thinking. Also
known as mind mapping, concept maps are context dependent and
can be used to develop analytical skills. The attributes of the concept
are linked, making meaning of the concept they represent. Concept
maps provide an opportunity to visualize things in your own way
BOX 10–4 Types of Concept Maps
• Hierarchical maps—concept and attributes arranged in a
hierarchical pattern and typically constructed in a descending
order of importance. Relationships are identified between and
among a concept and its attributes (see Figure 10–2A)
• Spider maps—depict the interrelatedness of the concept and
its attributes in the map (see Figure 10–2B)
• Flowchart maps—linear diagrams demonstrating sequence or
cause-and-effect relations (see Figure 10–2C)
• Systems maps—inputs and outputs illustrate relationships
among the concept and its attributes (see Figure 10–2D)
Figure 10–2 • Types of concept maps: A, hierarchical; B, spider; C, flowchart; D, systems.
A. B.
C. D.
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152 Unit 3 • The Nursing Process
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Title: Kozier & Erb’s Fundamentals of Nursing 10e
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Critical Thinking Checkpoint
Mr. W. is a 63-year-old recently retired engineer with a history of irri-
table bowel syndrome that causes frequent diarrhea and rectal bleed-
ing. His wife is a schoolteacher. In mid-December he comes to the
acute care clinic complaining about “not feeling good.” You conclude
he is having a recurrence of his intestinal problem.
1. What questions would you ask yourself to check this
2. How would you demonstrate that you are using the critical think-
ing attitude of “confidence in reasoning”?
3. Socrates might ask you about the consequences of your conclu-
sion by posing the question “What are the implications of your
thinking?” How would you answer? Consider the implications if
you are correct and if you are incorrect in your assumption.
4. Critical thinkers look for subtle cues. Which cues in this situation
require follow-up?
See Critical Thinking Possibilities on student resource website.
Parents most often make decisions about the health care of chil-
dren. Growing children, however, can participate in those decisions
in age-appropriate ways. As described by Piaget, the ability of chil-
dren to reason and think critically about themselves and their situa-
tion develops gradually (see Chapter 20 ). At each stage, nurses
should be aware of the ways children think and be sensitive to how
they can be involved in health care decisions:
• Infants progress from reflexive behavior to simple, repetitive be-
havior and then to imitative behaviors, learning the concepts of
cause and effect and object permanence. Though not involved
in making decisions, they need to be comforted and secure as
care is given.
• Toddlers and preschoolers are very egocentric and engage in
magical thinking. They cannot reason out the implications of
care, but need explanations in language they can understand.
Play therapy and use of dolls and toys can help them adjust to
care, and they can sometimes be given options (e.g., do you
want your dressing changed before breakfast or after?).
• School-age children tend to be concrete thinkers. They ben-
efit from simple, direct explanations; hands-on exploration of
equipment and materials; and helping the care provider as
appropriate during procedures. Involving these children in care
can increase cooperation and decrease anxiety.
• Adolescents are increasingly able to think abstractly and may
make many of their own health care decisions. They should be
actively consulted as a part of the family system.
It is important to include all adult clients in decision making and plan-
ning nursing care, but it is especially difficult to do this when working
with older adults who have impaired cognitive abilities as is seen
with, for example, Alzheimer’s disease. The nurse should allow them
as much control and input as possible, keeping things simple and
direct so they understand. Older adults with impairments are usu-
ally unable to perform multiple tasks or even to think of more than
one step at a time. The nurse must have patience and be willing to
calmly repeat instructions if necessary. Presenting and discussing
issues in basic terms helps to maintain respect and dignity and al-
lows older adults to participate in their own care for as long as pos-
sible. If the older adult is unable to perform self-care activities such
as bathing or health-related activities such as a dressing change,
the nurse should seek appropriate alternative methods for assisting
the older adult with these.
Dickson and Flynn (2012) conducted a study to understand nurses’
experiences in preventing medication errors. The authors gathered
the data for the study by visiting nurses in the hospitals where they
were employed. They interviewed 50 medical–surgical nurses from
10 mid-Atlantic hospitals in the United States. The first research
question was “What are the thoughts and actions hospital nurses
use to identify medication errors and prevent them from reaching
their clients?” The second question was “What factors in the en-
vironment have an impact on the medication safety care practices
identified by hospital nurses?”
The researchers found that the nurses ensure client safety when
administering medications by interacting with the client and the fam-
ily. The nurses acknowledged that it was crucial for them to admin-
ister the right drug, to the right client, in the right dose, at the right
time, and via the right route. However, they felt that safe medication
administration practices did not end with the five rights. The nurses
stated that they needed to analyze the data from evidence-based
practice articles and engage in clinical reasoning to administer medi-
cations safely. They also revealed that they experience strong and
lasting emotions after making a medication error.
When administering medications to clients, nurses must ensure cli-
ent safety by taking the time to understand the medication effects
and maintaining a quiet zone while medications are administered.
They must also utilize clinical reasoning to advocate for the client
and coordinate care with health care providers, experienced nurses,
and other members of the health care team.
Evidence-Based Practice How Does Clinical Reasoning Affect Client Safety
in the Administration of Medications? EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE
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# 153613 Cust: Pearson Au: Berman Pg. No. 153
Title: Kozier & Erb’s Fundamentals of Nursing 10e
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• Nurses need critical thinking skills and attitudes to be safe, compe-
tent, skillful practitioners.
• Nurses use clinical reasoning skills to assess each client’s condi-
tion and identify interventions that improve clients’ physiological
and psychosocial outcomes.
• Creativity enhances critical thinking. Creative nurses generate
many ideas rapidly, are flexible and natural, create original solu-
tions to problems, tend to be independent and self-confident, and
demonstrate individuality.
• Critical thinking skills include the ability to do critical analysis, per-
form inductive and deductive reasoning, make valid inferences, dif-
ferentiate facts and opinions, evaluate the credibility of information
sources, clarify concepts, and recognize assumptions.
• Critical thinkers have certain attitudes: independence, fair-
mindedness, insight, intellectual humility, intellectual courage to
challenge the status quo and rituals, integrity, perseverance, con-
fidence, and curiosity.
• Nurses utilize cognitive processes in clinical reasoning, and their
thinking is based on the knowledge of the aspects of client care.
• Nurses also utilize metacognitive processes in clinical reasoning
through the knowledge they gain in the care of clients.
• Clinical reasoning-in-transition is the ability to recognize subtle
changes in a client’s condition over time.
• Reflection is the identification of factors that improve client’s care.
1. A client with diarrhea also has a primary care provider’s order for
a bulk laxative daily. The nurse, not realizing that bulk laxatives
can help solidify certain types of diarrhea, concludes, “The pri-
mary care provider does not know the client has diarrhea.” What
type of statement is this?
1. A fact
2. An inference
3. A judgment
4. An opinion
2. A client reports feeling hungry, but does not eat when food is
served. Using clinical reasoning skills, the nurse should perform
which of the following?
1. Assess why the client is not ingesting the food provided.
2. Continue to leave the food at the bedside until the client is
hungry enough to eat.
3. Notify the primary care provider that tube feeding may be
indicated soon.
4. Believe the client is not really hungry.
3. A client complains of shortness of breath. During assessment
the nurse observes that the client has edema of the left leg only.
The nurse reviews evidence-based practice literature and re-
flects on a previous client with the same clinical manifestations.
What do these actions represent?
1. Clinical judgment
2. Clinical reasoning
3. Reflection
4. Intuition
4. The client who is short of breath benefits from the head of the
bed being elevated. Because this position can result in skin
breakdown in the sacral area, the nurse decides to study the
amount of sacral pressure occurring in other positions. What
decision making is the nurse engaging in?
1. The research method
2. The trial-and-error method
3. Intuition
4. The nursing process
5. In the clinical reasoning process, the nurse sets and weighs the
criteria, examines alternatives, and performs which of the follow-
ing before implementing a plan?
1. Reexamines the purpose for making the decision.
2. Consults the client and family members to determine their
view of the criteria.
3. Identifies and considers various means for reaching the
4. Determines the logical course of action should intervening
problems arise.
6. The nurse is concerned about a client who begins to breathe
very rapidly. Which action by the nurse reflects clinical
1. Notify the primary care provider.
2. Obtain vital signs and oxygen saturation.
3. Request a chest x-ray.
4. Call the rapid response team.
7. The nurse is teaching a client about wound care during a follow-
up visit in the client’s home. Which critical thinking attitude
causes the nurse to reconsider the plan and supports evidence-
based practice when the client states, “I just don’t know how I
can afford these dressings”?
1. Integrity
2. Intellectual humility
3. Confidence
4. Independence
8. When the nurse considers that a client is from a developing
country and may have a positive tuberculosis test due to a prior
vaccination, which critical thinking attitude and skill is the nurse
1. Creating environments that support critical thinking
2. Tolerating dissonance and ambiguity
3. Self-assessment
4. Seeking situations where good thinking is practiced
Chapter 10 Review
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154 Unit 3 • The Nursing Process
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Title: Kozier & Erb’s Fundamentals of Nursing 10e
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9. A client in a cardiac rehabilitation program says to the nurse,
“I have to eat a low-sodium diet for the rest of my life, and I
hate it!” Which is the most appropriate response by the nurse?
1. “I will get a dietary consult to talk to you before next week.”
2. “What do you think is so difficult about following a
low-sodium diet?”
3. “At least you survived a heart attack and are able to return
to work.”
4. “You may not need to follow a low-sodium diet for as long
as you think.”
10. Which reasoning process describes the nurse’s actions when
the nurse evaluates possible solutions for care of an infected
wound for optimal client outcomes?
1. Intuition
2. Research process
3. Trial and error
4. Problem solving
See Answers to Test Your Knowledge in Appendix A.
Suggested Reading
Deschenes, M., Charlin, B. Gagnon, R., & Goudreau, J.
(2011). Use of a script concordance test to assess
development of clinical reasoning in nursing stu-
dents. Journal of Nursing Education, 50(7), 381–387.
In response to the lack of evidence for assessing and
measuring the clinical reasoning skills of nurses, the au-
thors developed a script concordance test. This test is an
examination of prototypical clinical practice situations that
possess ambiguous, complex, and incomplete information.
The scoring of the instrument is based on the responses of
15 expert panelists. Thirty first-year nursing students com-
pleted the test. The students’ responses are compared to
the responses of the expert panel. The study revealed that
script concordance tests allow educators to assess the
quality of students’ organization of knowledge. They also
evaluate students’ ability to make appropriate decisions
related to nursing interventions and professional practice.
Related Research
Fossum, M., Alexander, G. L., Goransson, K. E.,
Ehnfors, M., & Ehrenberg, A. (2011). Registered nurses’
thinking strategies on malnutrition and pressure ul-
cers in nursing homes: A scenario-based think-aloud
study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 20, 2425–2435.
Lapkin, S., & Levett-Jones, T. (2011). A cost-utility analysis of
medium versus high-fidelity human patient simulation mani-
kins in nursing education. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 20,
3543–3552. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2702.2011.03843.x
Alfaro-LeFevre, R. (2013). Critical thinking and clinical judg-
ment: A practical approach to outcome-focused thinking
(5th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: W. B. Saunders Elsevier.
Alfaro-LeFevre, R. (2014). Critical thinking indicators (CTIs):
2014 evidence-based version. Retrieved from http://
Andersson, N., Klang, B., & Petersson, G. (2012). Differences
in clinical reasoning among nurses working in highly spe-
cialised paediatric care. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 21,
870–879. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2702.2011.03935.x
Asselin, M. E. (2011). Using reflection strategies to link course
knowledge to clinical practice: The RN-to-BSN student
experience. Journal of Nursing Education, 50, 125–132.
Benner, P., Sutphen, M., Leonard, V., & Day, L. (2010). Educat-
ing nurses: A call for radical transformation. San Francisco,
CA: Jossey-Bass.
Billings, D., & Halstead, J. (2012). Teaching in nursing (4th ed.).
St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.
Bittencourt, K., & Crosetti, M. (2012). Theoretical model of
critical thinking in diagnostic processes in nursing. Online
Brazilian Journal of Nursing, 11(2), 563–567.
Chabeli, M. M. (2010). Concept-mapping as a teaching
method to facilitate critical thinking in nursing education: A
review of the literature. Health SA Gesondheid, 15(1), 1–7.
Daley, B. J., & Torre, D. M. (2010). Concept maps in medical
education: An analytical literature review. Medical Educa-
tion, 44, 440–448. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2923.2010.03628.x
Dickson, G. L., & Flynn, L. (2013). Nurses’ clinical reasoning: Pro-
cesses and practices of medication safety. Qualitative Health
Research, 22, 3–16. doi:10.1177/1049732311420448
Lunney, M. (2010). Use of critical thinking in the diagnostic pro-
cess. International Journal of Nursing Terminologies and Clas-
sifications, 21, 82–88. doi:10.1111/j.1744-618X.2010.01150.x
Scheffer, B., & Rubenfeld, M. (2000). A consensus statement
on critical thinking in nursing. Journal of Nursing Education,
39, 352–359.
Scheffer, B., & Rubenfeld, M. G. (2010). Critical thinking
TACTICS for nurses. Boston, MA: Jones & Bartlett.
Simmons, B. (2010). Clinical reasoning: Concept analy-
sis. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 66(5), 1151–1158.
Tanner, C. A. (2006). Thinking like a nurse: A research-based
model of clinical judgment in nursing. Journal of Nursing
Education, 45, 204–211.
Victor-Chmil, J. (2013). Critical thinking versus clinical reasoning
versus clinical judgment, differential diagnosis. Nurse Edu-
cator, 38(1), 34–36. doi:10.1097/NNE.0b013e318276dfbe
Wilkinson, J. M. (2012). Nursing process and critical thinking
(5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
Selected Bibliography
Beyer, D. A. (2011). Reverse case study: To think like a
nurse. Journal of Nursing Education, 50(1), 48–50.
Chang, M. J., Chang, Y.-J., Kuo, S.-H., Yang, Y.-H., &
Chou, F.-H. (2011). Relationships between critical
thinking ability and nursing competence in clinical
nurses. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 20, 3224–3232.
Krupat, E., Sprague, J. M., Wolpaw, D., Haidet, P., Hatem, D., &
O’Brien, B. (2011). Thinking critically about critical think-
ing: Ability, disposition, or both? Medical Education, 45,
625–635. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2923.2010.03910.x
Lewis, R., Strachan, A., & McKenzie-Smith, M. (2012). Is
high fidelity simulation the most effective method for the
development of non-technical skills in nursing? A review
of current evidence. The Open Nursing Journal, 6, 82–89.
Noonan, P. (2011). Using concept maps in perioperative edu-
cation. Association of Operating Room Nurses Journal, 94,
469–478. doi:10.1016/j.aorn.2011.02.013
Thompson, C., & Stapley, S. (2011). Do educational
interventions improve nurses’ clinical decision mak-
ing and judgment? A systematic review. International
Journal of Nursing Studies, 48, 881–893. doi:10.1016j.
Wotton, K., Davis, J., Button, D., & Kelton, M. (2010).
Third-year undergraduate nursing students’ perceptions of
high-fidelity simulation. Journal of Nursing Education, 49,
632–639. doi:10.3928/01484834-20100831-01
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