Advocacy actions might you take to improve health care through legislation at the state or federal level
Changing the policies; some of the policies governing the health department have highly undermined the proper delivery of health care services to the community members, mainly those in the rural areas. Some of the policies have been hindering some professionals from exercising their skills independently and anywhere, thus hindering them from moving to any location to serve their citizens (Zeadally & Bello, 2021). Therefore making some fundamental changes to the previous policies will boost the health care delivery to the community members. The government, through its legislators, is in a great position to aid in changing some of these vital policies, which will aid in changing the health status of the population in a country.
The government, through its legislators, can aid in better implementation of various health facilities in various locations in the country. These health facilities will aid in better delivery of health services to every person in the country. Well-equipped healthcare facilities with the necessary resources and professionals will aid in serving the patients effectively and minimize the health issues. This will also assist in promoting more awareness and reaching more patients and society members, thus enlightening them on the need to leave healthier. This will be a better action to improve the health status of the community members.
The state and the federal government can aid in introducing an online platform where the patient and health care professional can communicate effectively. The online channel will help the patient describe the status of their condition where the health care professional offers the treatment later. This will aid in minimizing congestions in the health care facilities where this are some of the stations where most of the patients are contracting diseases. Hence this will aid in ensuring that the disease spread has been minimized as people are not associating regularly. This platform will also aid in minimizing the transportation costs as the patients will only communicate about their issues at their comfort in their homes. Transportation has been incurring a lot of costs, making it uneasy for some of the patients to seek medical attention. Therefore this online platform will aid in minimizing disease spread, costs of transportation and aid in the quick delivery of health care services to the patients. Hence, it will aid in better improvement of the health care services to the patients.
The state and the federal government can aid in handling some of the issues regarding insurance coverage and payment to ensure that every citizen accesses all the medical services effectively (American Nurses Association). The government can enforce some rules to ensure that every citizen’s insurance policy. This will aid in ensuring that their medical expenses are fully covered in case of an illness. Therefore, this will aid in minimizing the medical payments that patients incur during their treatments. Insurance coverage helps reduce the medical expenses, thus allowing the community members to visit the health facility if they have a health condition. Hence, this has helped boost health care in the country, which will aid in boosting the nation’s economic development.
Zeadally, S., & Bello, O. (2021). Harnessing the power of Internet of Things based connectivity to improve healthcare. Internet Of Things, 14, 100074.
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