100-word response
When the word collaboration comes to mind, I think about a group of people working together to get something done. Back in December, I celebrated one of my favorite holidays. It is an African-American holiday. The name of the holiday is Kwanzaa. One of my favorite principles during the seven days of Kwanzaa is UJIMA. The commitment to active and informed togetherness on matters of common interest is also recognition and respect of the fact that without collective work and struggle, progress is impossible and liberation unthinkable (Reader,2019). The principal simply speaks about collaborative work and responsibility. The principal basically informs us that we need to work together to get things done within our community. Collaboration within the schools comes from the administration staff, the teachers, and even the custodian staff. We all, as a collective group, work together to keep the school running. We all have our roles; however, we all work together to ensure that our students are successful. The administration role deals with Budgets, logistics, schedules, disciplinary actions, evaluations, and public relations fall under the purview of educational administrators (Burens,2020). The teacher’s role is to educate and encourage our youngsters and so much more! Last but certainly not least is the environmental staff, who keep our building safe for our students to ensure a safe and secure learning environment. We all work together to ensure that we have a safe and successful school year. Collaboration plays a big part in our educational system. We must collaborate to succeed.