100 word response 1 reference
We will turn in our papers this week. It is an exhilarating feeling and extremely nervous at the same time. Now to checklist 1, the thesis needed to be stronger. When I submitted the draft, my thesis was not as strong as possible. I received the advice to look at other abstracts for examples, which I did. My outline changed a bit due to some information not being relevant to my paper. I noticed I was using many semicolons and had unfinished thoughts in some spots. Not purposely. I just began thinking and most likely walked away from the laptop. I did notice I was writing in a passive voice. I know I have a terrible habit of writing in passive voice. Active voice makes your message more robust and straightforward, unlike passive voice written as something has occurred (Underwood, 2016). I thought that it was written in the past when writing about research, but I made myself believe that it was supposed to be written in passive voice. There are instances where passive voice is better when presenting an idea when writing has to be formal, professional, and legal (Underwood, 2016). I will be using Grammarly to catch my passive voice and grammatical errors for this paper (Underwood, 2016).