100-word response 1 reference
Hello class, there are general guidelines when it comes to writing your research paper in APA format. APA format consists of your paper is double spaced, standard-sized which is 8.5” by 11”, and 1” margins on both sides of the paper. APA formate also included a header at the top of the page or a running header and should be included on every page after. The header should be the title of the research paper and the page number. APA generally uses font 12 Times New Roman. Your research paper should include a title page with your title, name, class, professor, and date. You should have an abstract, annotated bibliography, body, and work cited page.
General format. Purdue Writing Lab. (n.d.). Retrieved from
I do not have a lot of questions as I understand APA format and how to organize a research paper. What I have trouble with is the citation page using APA format. I always get feedback on my citations. When writing a citation with APA format, from what I understand is the author’s name is last then first. What I question is if there are only two, then both names would be written full out, but if there are more than two, would it be the first author and then et al., after? Does the same go for in-text citations? I come across a lot of sources I use that are credible but I am unable to find the author and sometimes the date. When using an in-text citation for that instance, I have also used the title of the source and n.d. for no date such as (Gangs, n.d.). For more than two authors, would it be (James & Dave, n.d.) (James, et al., n.d.)?
Some helpful hints would be when creating my citations, I tend to use Citation Machine and you can choose what format you want your citation to be in whether it is APA, MLA, or Chicago. I always double-check the work though and I also sometimes manually input the author’s name, title, date, website, URL, etc. and it just creates the citation for me with italics, periods, spaces added automatically. Another hint is do not wait until the end to create your reference page. I create my citations and paste them into the reference page while I am writing and come across a new source. If you wait until the end you could possibly forget a source and could waste more time. You can also start putting your citations in order alphabetically as you work too so you do not have to reorganize them at the end.