Write a 100-word response with 1 reference
I will start out with the comparison of each factor. Obviously Each factor works together in the event of disaster to properly manage and respond to risks. Mitigation has common ground with response and recovery because “Mitigation also includes measures taken during or in the immediate aftermath of an incident.” (Fay, 2010) This also connects mitigation and the other factors to preparedness since you cannot properly respond to disasters and mitigate them without training and preparedness. Mitigation can help de-escalate a situation while it is happening and lead to a speedy recovery as well. Mitigation can be more effective if you are prepared and anticipate your disasters and risks. These factors have many similarities and work well with each other, but also have some differences to highlight the importance the different steps in risk management. For example, you cannot prepare for an event that has already happened you can only respond and mitigate with what training and supplies you had on hand. This highlights the importance of preparing for disasters before they happen to help with the other factors down the line. You also cannot recover from disaster before it has happened, but you can prepare a recover plan before something happens. One of the big differences between preparedness and all of the other factors is that preparedness is only training or thinking about the situations that happen and all the other factors are actually carrying out the plans you have made. What makes each factor different is when it takes place within risk management and what actions are actually taking place.