For this discussion, compare and contrast “the many faces of resistance” (Dallas) and “I don’t get it; I don’t like it; I don’t like you” approach (Maurer), and respond to the following:
- Which do you feel is most useful and practical? Why?
- What, if anything, would you add to the approaches?
- When did you encounter resistance to a change where an aspect of Dallas’s or Maurer’s framework was in evidence? Provide one example.
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Resistance To Change
Rick Maurer
Hi, I am Rick Maurer. I would like to talk with you about why people resist change and why they support it. Because once we know that we have a much greater chance of being able to influence people, and I do not care if that is influencing people at home, or one-on-one, or on a team or a huge organizational change. If we understand why people either resist of support this, we have options. We can pay attention to what is going on and go, “It is not working so well. I need to shift my strategies.” And I what I found is there are three major reasons why people resist change or they support change. And the first of those is, “I do not get it.”
People simply do not understand what you are talking about. They see your lips moving but they do not have a clue what you are talking about. You are talking about finances and that is not their background and you just miss them. Of course, it is important to be able to use information well so the people understand you and things like PowerPoint, question and answer sessions, emails. All these are fine tools for getting people information. But the problem is especially with organizational change is often we think that is where it ends. All I need to do is give people information and they will go along. And if they do not go along, I must have failed in giving them information so I do another presentation. And this time, I use clipart and I use graphs. And all it does is make matters worse because often the resistance is in one of those other two areas.
So, the first thing is I do not get it. The second one is I do not like it. And this is an emotional reaction against the idea. Something about what you are talking about scares them. If it is at work, I could be scared that “I can lose my job or I could lose control, I can lose face. I am an old dog, I cannot learn new tricks.” Whatever that is, it is very deep within us. And just piling on more information is not going to cut it. What we need to do is have a way to figure out so what is that fear and how can we work with that because that same energy that is going into fear needs to go into support.
I believe people can either be leaning away or leaning in. And they are not going to be doing both. So, either people are leaning in, supporting you, they are curious about what you have to say or they are leaning away and they are fearful or they are going, “All right, how do we get around this thing?” So, I do not get it, I do not like it and the last of these is, I do not like you.
So here, the resistance has to do with that other person, other groups, relationship to you. So, when you walk in a room, they go, “Oh, no. Not him again.” And if that happens, it is very hard to get your idea across because they are not even listening because they do not trust you. They think, “This not a person who follows through. This is not a person who keeps commitments. This is not a person who will tell us the truth.” And all of that gets in the way even if they understand it, even if they think this might be good for the organization, they are not going to follow it because you are the one coming up with it.
What you need, once again is you need that same kind of relationship energy to work in your favor. When you walk in a room, you need people to go, “Oh, good! She is here again.” Because now, they are giving you the benefit of the doubt. Now, they are listening because they want to understand you. And that area gets lost in change efforts a lot. We pay attention to give people information, maybe we pay attention to objections and we hardly ever pay attention to what is your relationship with the people you are trying to influence. It is a critical area.
I do not get it, I do not like it, and I do not like you. If you are interested in knowing more about this, there is an article on my website titled “Resistance to Change: What it is and why it matters”. You can go there, you can download it, you can print as many copies as you like.
I got to tell you. Those three levels are the basis of my work in change management. That is why I am always looking for. So, if you are interested in that, I really urge you to go read that short article so that you can begin to apply these ideas. Thanks for watching.