I need to have 6 articles about the topic listed above totaling 5 pages double spaced with an Abstract page as well as references APA style.
Course: HIA 4200, HSC 3200, NURS 3200
Semester: Spring 2022
Assignment: 2
Topic: Literature Review
Outcome: III.4. Examine health care findings with data visualizations.
Objective: Students will develop appropriate research question (s) for their research paper.
This assignment is to help you prepare an individual draft for the second portion of the research
paper for your assigned topic. Write a paper that summarizes the articles selected for your topic
(minimum of six) that have been published within the last five (5) years, and come from peer-
reviewed journals, using proper APA citation. Focus primarily on the setting, sample, design, and
findings. You should group similar articles in your document (refer to actual research articles or
papers for literature review examples). The assignment must be done utilizing the APA 7th
Edition Guidelines and must be a minimum of five pages, excluding the title page, abstract,
appendices, and references
Rubric (Specific details are listed in Appendix B of the course syllabus)
Grading Criteria Point Assignment
Organization 20
Content (per instructions) 20
Grammar and mechanics (spelling, punctuation, etc.) 20
APA 7th Edition style and communication 20
Support and references 10
Length of paper 10
Total Points 100
Late assignments will have 10 points deducted.
Due: As indicated on the Course Calendar/Moodle