1. Website or information about issue
2. Background of issue and how it relates to your audience, Florida Tech Students
3. What other universities or communities have done
4. Additional research like interviews, videos or statistics.
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Bader Alsulami & Abdualziz Alharthi
Amy Laakman
April 2, 2020
Table of Contents
Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3
Background/Problems …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4
Background/Problems …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5
Solution …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6
Solution …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7
Advertisement ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8
Conclusion …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 9
Works Cited ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10
Promise in Brevard
People with special needs and disabilities in society have increased which has led them to
receive different approaches from nonprofit organizations. These organizations play a vital role
in the management and treatment of individuals with mental and physical disabilities. People
with special needs and disabilities have been perceived as the outcast in some communities
which have led to abandonment by society. Many nonprofit organizations have been established
to accommodate these people by providing housing services, medical services, education and
other human services that foster humanity among them. In this section, I’m going to discuss
Promise in Brevard nonprofit organization which was established in 2009 to provide good and
affordable housing to adults with mental and physical disabilities. The Promise in Brevard is
trying to solve the issue of social-economic discrimination of disabled individuals that they face
in many communities.
Background & Problems
The promise in Brevard provides opportunities and freedom to young people with special
needs so that they lead a normal life. The nonprofit organization was established so that it can
improve many lives of individuals with special needs in society (HIPHIL Novum 2.1 (2015): 1-
23). One of the issues Promise in Brevard aimed to solve, at first, was to provide housing campuses
to young people with special needs. This nonprofit organization has managed to accommodate
about 126 young people in a safe environment. It has created conducive and independent homes
for young adults with special needs and has established many developmental programs for them.
Another issue Promise in Brevard has tried to solve among people with special needs and
disabilities is, gapping unemployment. The organization provides vocational training and
employment to young adults with special needs. Based on the research carried out many people
with special needs are discriminated in terms of the job opportunity.
Promise in Brevard has promoted humanity to young adults with special needs by
accommodating them and offering them good education and employment so that their life
enrichment process is attained. The organization has established comprehensive business social
enterprises aimed to create employment opportunities for the residents of Promise in Brevard.
This has given young adults OF Promise in Brevard an opportunity to work within the Promise
community in ten social enterprises or work outside the community. Young adults with special
needs are nurtured and molded into contributing members of society. Promise in Brevard has
designed various programs to allow young adults with or without special needs to interact and
foster friendship, social accommodation as a way of preparing school life. The nonprofit
organization also helps to fight stereotypes that are peddled against people with special needs
and disabilities in society (IGI Global, 2020. 210-224). The attitudes of individuals with special
needs are transformed through guiding and counseling. After researching housing options
provided to individuals with special needs, it looks like the condition is safe and socially
accommodative. Promise in Brevard has provided premises where people with special needs can
live a life full of great opportunities and human freedom. Good care is provided to people with
disabilities to the standard where great opportunities are opened for them.
The solution to an individual with special needs and disabilities by nonprofit
organizations such as Promise in Brevard so that they promote humanity is paramount. These
organizations should provide clothing; bedding, devices and other equipment that may largely
help individuals with special needs move on physically, emotionally and also cognitively (Vol.
11. McFarland, 2015). This wills individuals with a disability whether young and adults fully
participate in life without any limitation. According to the research carried out, many families in
the communities have many children with special needs but some cannot afford supporting
equipment or devices. The organizations should identify and help such individuals to acquire
types of equipment to fulfill their needs in life. The organizations dealing with individuals with
special needs should be in a position to design and modify what is required so that the dreams for
such individuals are fulfilled. The organizations should educate members of the society about
individuals with special needs and disability so that to change their attitudes and help them to
lead a normal life. These solutions are similar to those of Florida Tech which is committed to
providing equal opportunity to people living with disabilities.
The promise in Brevard is located in West Melbourne, Florida and provides an
‘affordable housing community’ which was founded in 2014. The organization is a nonprofit that
incorporates various programs that seek to fulfill the life of every member in the society leaving
with special needs and disability. The organization offers independent training to meet the life
enrichment approach of people with disabilities (Communications of the Association for
Information Systems 13.1 (2004): 29). The promise in Brevard is the best nonprofit organization
to be advertised depending on services provided and described as “A PLACE WHERE YOUNG
FREEDOM NEVER THOUGHT POSSIBLE”. The promise in Brevard is a place of families
holding the future of many people living with a disability.
Many universities across the world are so considerable and eager to offer help when it
comes to students with special needs through many enhancing programs. Most universities use
technology when offering special education, for instance, the University of Cincinnati which
provides a solution to enhance communication with students with special needs. These disabled
students are helped by various institutions by offering financial support, transferring process,
housing and differences in academic requirements. In Florida Tech, we have a spcilized center
dedicated to helping them, called, The Office of Disability Services where disabled students are
entitled to reasonable and appropriate educational accommodations including adjustments to the
classroom, testing setting, housing or living modifications. ODS supports students the maximum
extent making sure that disabled students live and experience all aspects of university life and
have the best opportunity to succeed academically.
In conclusion, the issue of social and economic discrimination depicted by many
communities in which such individual life should be dealt with much effort to enhance equality
in society. Many organizations should step out and educate communities to help disabled people
so that they have a platform to attain their set goals in life. These nonprofits organizations should
team up with governmental organizations across the world to ensure they deliver supporting
equipment and devices to people with disabilities.
Works cited
Sumpter, Philip. “The Nature of Scripture According to Brevard S. Childs.” HIPHIL Novum 2.1
(2015): 1-23.
Reed, Betty J. The Brevard Rosenwald School: Black education and community building in a
southern Appalachian town, 1920-1966. Vol. 11. McFarland, 2015.
Oprisan, Emilia. “Challenges and Dilemmas in the Education of Children With Special Needs in
Romania.” Analyzing Paradigms Used in Education and Educational Psychology. IGI
Global, 2020. 210-224.
Loiacono, Eleanor, and Scott McCoy. “Charity begins at the homepage: Providing access to the
Web for people with disabilities.” Communications of the Association for Information
Systems 13.1 (2004): 29.