GRST 501
Title of the issue investigated:
Thesis Statement, Outline, and Annotated Bibliography
Your name here
Thesis Statement: Write your working thesis statement here. Follow the guidelines in the Module 3 Presentation for how to write a good thesis statement and what to avoid in doing so.
Outline: Only if your assignment instructions from your other course do not provide ideas for outline points, please use or rearrange this structure for your outline and add to it or delete as necessary. Regardless of the outline points you create, every main point should have at least two supporting points or evidence (A & B) below it. Consult the presentation in Module 3 for more outlining guidelines.
I. Introduction
A. Attention-grabbing opening sentences that motivate your readers to continue
B. Brief background of issue or controversy
C. Thesis statement
II. First Supporting Reason or Argument (backing up your thesis)
A. Statistic, data, quote or paraphrase from source
B. Statistic, data, quote or paraphrase from source
III. Second Supporting Reason or Argument (backing up your thesis)
A. Statistic, data, quote or paraphrase from source
B. Statistic, data, quote or paraphrase from source
IV. Third Supporting Reason or Argument (backing up your thesis)
A. Statistic, data, quote or paraphrase from source
B. Statistic, data, quote or paraphrase from source
V. Opposing Viewpoints
A. Statistics, data, quotes or paraphrases from sources
B. Acknowledgement of strengths of opposing views
C. Analysis of weaknesses of opposing views
VI. Conclusion
A. Summarize main supporting points
B. Restate thesis in strong and unique way
Annotated Bibliography: A good annotated bibliography should include the citations for each source (at least four) you plan to cite in your paper (all should be credible, scholarly sources), a 1-2 sentence summary of the source, a 1-2 sentence evaluation of the source (accuracy, recency, bias, reliability, etc.), and how the source is relevant to your paper (what point would it help support or opposing views does it reveal?).
Review the Read: Annotated Bibliography in APA Format: pp. 3 – 4 in the Learn section. This will provide you with an example of how to structure your bibliography, though be sure to use your discipline’s own citation style. No abstract needed prior to your annotations.
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HSCO 511
Support Group Paper Assignment Instructions
After attending four support/self-help group meetings, you will describe your observations of group member and leader behaviors; group dynamics; and meeting content and processes. You will reflect on how your experiences with the group compares to best practices and principles for group counseling and support groups that you have learned about in this course. Your paper must demonstrate critical thinking, literature-supported analysis, and personal application.
The paper must be 7–8 pages or about 2,500 words, not counting the title page, abstract, and reference page. Integrate relevant ideas from all required course texts and two scholarly research articles about group counseling in a substantial and meaningful way. Although you may use first person in this paper, it must otherwise be in current APA format and include a title page, running head, abstract, and a reference page. The paper must be submitted as a Word document and be well written; well organized; and free of grammar, spelling, or other writing errors. In the paper’s introductory paragraph, identify the group you attended and the number of participants at each meeting. Then, address the following topics using these headings:
Content and Process
Give a concise description of the topics or themes of the meetings you attended and how the content was incorporated. Discuss the appropriateness of the content and the effectiveness of how it was processed. Provide specific details and examples from the meetings as needed, but do not disclose confidential or identifiable information about group members.
Group Dynamics and Participants
Describe the atmosphere and dynamics of the group, what developmental stage it was in, the level of participation, and how you think members benefitted from this group. (You may find chapter 16 of the Forsyth text helpful for this section.)
Leadership Behaviors
Describe the leadership styles and skills that were used and discuss to what extent and in what ways you think they were appropriate and effective. Describe specific challenges you observed and how the leader(s) handled them.
Application and Conclusion
Reflect on your learning and the most significant takeaways from this experience. If you were leading this group, what would you do differently? How did the meetings promote or contradict a biblical view of persons? Were ethical guidelines for group counseling adhered to or violated? End your paper with a concluding thought.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via a plagiarism tool.