HSCO 511
Reflection Paper Assignment Instructions
The purpose of this assignment is for you to observe and analyze effective group leadership practices and reflect on your own group leadership skills. You will examine the content, process, dynamics, and therapeutic aspects of an anger management group along with the styles, skills, and techniques employed by the group leaders. You will then describe, analyze, and apply your observations in a short paper. By doing so, you will gain insight into group leader roles, behaviors, and responsibilities that are relevant for various human services contexts.
You will watch the video of the Anger Management Therapy Group led by Ed Jacobs and Christine Schimmel, available in Module 3, and write a 3–4 page (1,000–1,300 word) paper, not counting the title or reference pages (no abstract is necessary). Although you may use first person in the paper, it must otherwise be in current APA format. The paper must be submitted as a Word document and be well written; well organized; and free of grammar, spelling, or other writing errors. Address the following topics, integrating relevant ideas from both the Jacobs et al. and Forsyth texts in a meaningful way along with examples of your observations. Refer to specific group members by name, i.e. Matt (white t-shirt), Jessie (blue sweater), Luke (black t-shirt), Jen (white sweater), Adrian (black/gray hoodie), and Fran (green blouse). Use one paragraph each to address the topics below (subheadings are not expected).
1. The overall purpose of the group is to teach participants to better manage anger. What specific goal do the leaders appear to have in mind for this first session? Briefly describe the content. List all props used. Which one prop you think was most effective and why?
2. Describe the leadership style that was used. Additionally, the leaders demonstrated nearly all the basic group leadership skills identified in their text (i.e. Jacobs et al.). Analyze the three skills that you observed to be most effective with this group in terms of how/when they were employed and the resulting impact on the group.
3. As you watched this group transition from the beginning toward the working stage, what did you notice about the group dynamics and process? Analyze the participants’ engagement and the extent to which the session was therapeutic to them.
4. Other than the basic fact that the group would sit in a circle was it not for the camera, how could this session have been improved upon? What lost opportunities do you see for the leaders? How would you have led this group differently? In what ways does this session support a biblical view of persons. How might a biblical perspective be integrated in a group like this more intentionally? Examine new insights about yourself as an emerging group leader.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via a plagiarism tool.
HSCO 511
Reflection Paper Grading Rubric
Criteria |
Advanced |
Proficient |
Developing |
Below Expectations |
Not Present |
Points Earned |
Content: 70% |
Content |
33 to 35 points · Addresses all required aspects of the topic in sufficient depth & detail. · Demonstrates self-reflection, critical thinking & application. · Meets length parameters. |
30 to 32 points · Addresses most required aspects of the topic in sufficient depth & detail. · Demonstrates some reflection, critical thinking & application. · Length is acceptable. |
27 to 29 points · Addresses some required aspects of the topic; depth & detail may be lacking. · Some critical reflection & application may be implied. · May violate length parameters. |
1 to 26 points · Addresses required aspects of the topic to a limited extent. · Self-reflection, critical thinking & application is lacking. · May violate length parameters. |
0 points |
Sources & Support |
33 to 35 points
· Provides specific observations & examples. · Incorporates required sources in a meaningful way. · Integrates biblical worldview perspectives. |
30 to 32 points · Provides some observations & examples. · Incorporates required sources in some way. · Makes inferences based on a biblical worldview. |
27 to 29 points
· Provides a few observations & examples. · Cites required sources but lacks discussion. · Biblical worldview may be implied. |
1 to 26 points
· Observations & examples are vague or missing. · Required sources may not be incorporated. · Biblical worldview may not be evident. |
Structure: 30% |
Organization |
10 points · Well organized with an engaging introduction, a logic progression of ideas & transitions that are clear & maintain flow of thought. · Focused & concise with main points sufficiently developed. |
9 points · Generally well organized with a good introduction, progression of ideas & transitions that are clear & maintain flow of thought. · Focused & concise with main points somewhat developed. |
8 points · May lack an engaging introduction, a logic progression of ideas and/or transitions that are clear & effective to maintain flow. · Focus may be lacking & main points needing development. |
1 to 7 points · Organization is poor. · There may be a lack of focus; ideas may be vague, confusing or underdeveloped. |
Grammar & Mechanics |
10 points
· Spelling, grammar, punctuation, & capitalization is correct. · Sentences are coherent, complete, clear & varied. · Choice of words, tense & tone is appropriate. |
9 points
· Spelling, grammar, punctuation, & capitalization is acceptable. · Sentences are generally coherent, complete & clear. · Choice of words, tense & tone is acceptable. |
8 points
· Spelling, grammar, punctuation, or capitalization is incorrect. · Sentence structure needs to be developed. · Word choice, tense, or tone may be problematic. |
1 to 7 points
· Multiple writing, grammar, or sentence structure errors are present. |
Format & |
10 points
· Title page, header, margins font, spacing & heading are consistent with APA style. · References & in-text citations correspond & are correct. |
9 points
· Title page, header, margins font, spacing & heading are generally in APA style. · References & in-text citations correspond & are correct. |
8 points
· Title page, header, margins font, spacing & heading are inconsistent with APA style. · References & in-text citations may conflict or be incorrect. |
1 to 7 points
· The paper does not adhere to APA format. |
Total: |
/100 |