Naiviv Barcelo
5 hours
ago, at 3:47 AM
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The aim of health maintenance and prevention services is to better people’s health. According to Edelman, the goal of medical promotion programs is to actively connect and empower people and the community at large to choose the optimal health behaviors and make lifestyle modifications to lower the risk of chronic illness development (Edelman et al.,2021). The process of enabling and strengthening people’s ability to control and enhance their health is referred to as health promotion.
Any healthcare provider institution’s ultimate purpose is to keep patients safe while they are at their facility. Patients who choose your health care facility are implying that they trust you to offer them with the best possible care. Improper diagnosis of acute illnesses is one of the key issues threatening patient safety. Medical practitioners are unable to conduct an accurate diagnosis on patients due to a lack of suitable diagnostic equipment in a healthcare facility, leaving some acute diseases undiscovered (Edelman et al.,2021).
Misdiagnosis of the patient’s ailment, according to Kaisey, can be a concern. This could lead to resistance to standard antibiotics, causing the patient’s health to deteriorate. As a result, cancer and hematology infusion centers are responsible for establishing some preventative treatments, such as emphasizing antibiotic stewardship programs. Despite the fact that digital transformations have been established to answer many problems in the medical and other industries, misdiagnosis has been a serious patient safety issue in health care.
Physicians should incorporate evidence-based therapies into their practice to improve patient diagnosis. Due to the numerous hours spent going over medical charts, the adoption of modern Electronic Health Records in examination rooms provides more accurate treatments and diagnoses, as well as other associated technologies, which will help physicians to provide better care to patients.
People and the community as a whole are fully engaged and empowered to choose the best health behaviors and make lifestyle adjustments to lower the risk of acquiring chronic diseases and other morbidities through health promotion and disease prevention initiatives. In the healthcare industry, there are various patient safety concerns, one of which is misdiagnosis. Misdiagnosis caused by a lack of suitable diagnostic equipment in a healthcare facility is an issue since medical practitioners are unable to conduct an effective diagnosis, which can result in premature death and disability.
Noralina Almora
5 hours ago, at 3:53 AM
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Health maintenance and management services are designed to improve people’s health. The goal of medical promotion programs, according to Tuckett, is to aggressively empower and educate community at large to choose the best health behaviors and make lifestyle changes to reduce the risk of chronic illness (Tuckett, et al., 2018). Health promotion is the process of supporting and increasing people’s capacity to control and improve their health.
The primary goal of any healthcare provider institution is to keep folks safe while they are in their care. Individuals who choose your health care institution are expressing that they have faith in your ability to provide them with the best care available. One of the major challenges endangering patient safety is incorrect diagnosis of acute diseases. Due to a lack of appropriate testing equipment in a hospital or clinic, healthcare professionals are unable to accurately diagnose patients, leaving certain acute diseases undiagnosed (Tuckett, et al., 2018).
According to Allen, misinterpretation of the patient’s illness can be a problem. This could result in resistance to common antibiotics, putting the patient’s health at risk. As a result, cancer and hematology infusion centers are in charge of putting in place specific preventative measures, such as promoting antibiotic stewardship programs. Despite the fact that digital changes have been built to solve many problems in the medical and other industries, misdiagnosis in health care has been a critical patient safety issue.
To enhance healthcare diagnosis, practitioners should include concrete proof therapies into their practices. The implementation of contemporary Healthcare Data in examination rooms gives accurate treatments as well as treatments, as well as other linked technologies, which will assist physicians deliver better care to patients due to the multiple hours spent poring over medical charts.
Under healthcare promotion and disease prevention activities, individuals and the population nowadays are fully engaged and enabled to choose the optimal health habits and make lifestyle changes to reduce the risk of chronic disease and other morbidities. Patient safety is a major worry in the healthcare business, with misdiagnosed being one of them. Medical practitioners are unable to make an efficient diagnosis as a result of a lack of appropriate diagnostic equipment in a healthcare facility, which can result in disability and premature death (Allen 2020).
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Yanet Garrido Coutin
Women in the United States are more likely than women in other developed countries to die during childbirth. 1 Individuals in Good Health2030 focuses on minimizing pregnancy problems and maternal mortality, as well as assisting women in maintaining their health prior to, during, and after pregnancy. Some women develop health difficulties during pregnancy, while others develop health problems before conception that could lead to pregnancy concerns. Preventing pregnancy issues can be as simple as encouraging women to adopt healthy habits and seek medical attention before and during their pregnancy. In addition, actions to avoid unwanted pregnancies can assist women and newborns to have better outcomes. Therefore, my topic number 3, pregnancy and childbirth, are important.
The health of women before, during, and after pregnancy can have a significant impact on the health and well-being of their infants. Women who receive recommended health care services before becoming pregnant are more likely to be healthy during their pregnancy and give birth to healthy babies. Infant health can be improved by strategies that help pregnant women seek medical treatment and avoid dangerous habits like smoking or drinking alcohol. Despite advancements in medical research and care, significant disparities in mother’s health, baby birth, and health outcomes persist. Prenatal care and education can greatly enhance delivery and health outcomes for mothers and their babies, but uninsured (or underinsured) women frequently lose out on these essential interventions.
It is important to avoid the development of diseases or conditions such as perinatal depression, gestational diabetes, and folic acid intake to prevent the development of neural tube defects. The criteria are used to understand the risk of developing conditions such as various screenings for pregnant women, preventive medication, preventive interventions, and behavioral counseling interventions.
Pregnancy and Childbirth — Evidence
Based Resources – Healthy People 2030 |
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Yanet Garrido Coutin
How are knowledge and wisdom used in decision-making cognitive informatics?
To create better decisions, knowledge and wisdom are used in cognitive informatics decision-making. Information is the ability to comprehend facts, whereas wisdom is the ability to put that knowledge to good use. You need both information and judgment to make smart decisions. Cognitive informatics aids in the collection and processing of data so that educated decisions can be made. Selections (McGonigle et al., 2021). Principles, laws, and ideas that regulate behavior (such as the proper way to do something) are examples of knowledge. Knowledge is applied in everyday settings to produce decisions and recommendations that efficiently solve problems. Decisions are frequently based on gut instincts about what is correct (or wrong). However, because they are not founded on facts, such intuitive decisions can be incorrect. Although intuitions might provide a general sense or impression, it can be difficult to justify a judgment based on pertinent information. Therefore, incorporating a cognitive informatics approach into your daily routine is critical (McGonigle et al., 2021). Knowledge aids in comprehending facts, whereas wisdom aids in putting that knowledge to good use. The first step is to understand how to manage information overload. Information has always existed, but what has changed recently is the amount of data handled.
How social media is impacting healthcare ethics?
The way healthcare is given and consumed is changing dramatically as a result of social media. It is also having an impact on the way healthcare ethics is practiced. Social media is being used by patients to communicate with their doctors. Because of the influence of social media, the way patients engage with their doctors is changing. Patients are becoming more empowered as a result of the tools accessible to them through their devices, and as a result, they expect their doctors to provide them with more access and interaction. Patients are viewing healthcare as a dialogue with a focus on individual needs and wellness initiatives, rather than simply going to the doctor, being diagnosed, treated, and sent on their way (McGonigle et al., 2021). Using social media to engage with patients can be a strategy to improve the entire patient experience if the doctor maintains a professional demeanor. Increased transparency leads to improved communication, which reduces stress levels in both patients and doctors.
Social media can be used to teach about patient rights and duties and to disseminate information about them. Social media can be used to teach and disseminate information on the rights and duties of patients (McGonigle et al., 2021). For example, films and articles explaining patients’ rights and duties can be shared on social media. Patients will be better able to grasp their rights and duties, allowing them to advocate for themselves when necessary.
McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. (2021). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.
Naiviv Barcelo
1/17/22, 4:45 AM
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Wisdom is the highest human virtue, and its application is critical for humans and civilization. Without intelligent people, wisdom civilization cannot function, and vice versa, smart people cannot function without favorable conditions for the growth of wise civilization. The ecology is more equal where there are more equals. Accelerating the mind’s evolution through making decisions based on practical, theoretical, global, and universal knowledge and wisdom (Krawczyk & Targowski 2020).
For healthcare practitioners, social media will continue to be both a blessing and a curse. One way that I believe social media sites, particularly YouTube, could be valuable to military medical professionals is that there are many operations that an Independent Duty Corpsman is trained on and is allowed and certified to perform that they do not frequently perform. So, if the provider can go on YouTube and refresh their recollection of the operation, it might potentially save a lot of lives wherever they are in the world (Terrasse et al., 2019). On the other hand, if civilians watch these videos of how to perform these procedures, they may endanger other individuals or themselves..
Additionally, it will enable medical experts to disseminate better information to the general public, thereby improving society’s preventative health practices and, perhaps, improving personal cleanliness standards. Unfortunately, if all practitioners rely only on social media, information will be unavailable to others who do not have access to social media or the internet. Professionals can also identify and contact their colleagues all around the world through social media platforms such as Linked In and others. Providing them with the opportunity to obtain second opinions and consultations from a variety of sources. Professionals must not release a patient’s Information or Secured Health Data to anyone who does not need to know about it without the individual’s consent, as required by the Affordable Care Act.
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Noralina Almora
2 hours
ago, at 6:36 AM
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The existing healthcare system prioritizes urgent, recurrent, and therapeutic care, but because health care is undergoing extraordinary change, it need improvement. To cope with new healthcare environment, modern society need a health-care system that brings patients and providers together in health promotion, illness management, and early intervention (Kaakinen et al., 2018).
The first group of determinants or factors that affect health are the economic, social, and political determinants, which are multi-sectoral responsibilities of the state. The second group includes those who are part of the state’s actions for the population’s health, which include surveillance and control in certain circumstances and promotion and direct intervention in others. Lifestyle variables, environmental factors, and factors related to the genetic and biological components of the population are all deciding factors of health.
The Nursing Professionals will enlighten the patients on how to follow prescribed care plan and obtain the treatments they require, despite of the effects of environmental,social, and access to care concerns that can have a direct impact on the design and execution of care delivery. Professionals will be concerned about their patients’ and their families’ health. For themselves and their patients, they will educate the families on how to live a better lifestyle. Because they have varied behavioural routines, diverse cultural patients will be affected differently by various diseases (Caballero 2018). As a result, understanding the patient’s cultural context is the first thing in establishing good health promotion and programs of illness management.
Health promotions get utilized to provide techniques or life choices and health to assist us stay the life we consider god or healthier. All actions that increase total health of the body, such as exercising and consuming a more nutritious and balanced diet, must be included in the definition of health promotion. The goal of disease management programs is to assist people in engaging in activities that lead to better living (Owens & Cribb 2019). Before designing health promotion and disease management strategies, RNs must have a thorough awareness of the culturally varied and ambulatory care patients’ behaviors and lifestyle attributes.
Attempts on a multitude of fronts are essential for those suffering from diseases like type 1 diabetes to live a better lifestyle. Nurses must comprehend and keep various medicinal appointments as agreed with the physician, which is one of the most important principles that aid in assessing the patients’ needs (Guo et al., 2019). The client’s two sensible goals are to help the sick achieve an improvement that changes life, such as taking daily drugs as prescribed by the physician for the prescribed period. The Health Systems intervention will help to monitor the client’ssuar level of blood every two months to see if they have improved.The essential goal is to eat a food with high balanced diet: this performance intervention is good for the sick to analyze how they adopt their responsibilities and roles in losing weight and controlling sugar levels in the blood by the meals consumed.
Registered Nurses must educate their patients on how to manage hyperglycemia according to the appropriate care standards for people with diabetes (Guo et al., 2019). A combination of heavy physical inactivity and a high carbohydrate intake caises diabetes. The patient should be aware of type 1 diabetes is caused by the failure of pancreases to produce insulin, resulting in excessive blood glucose levels. To avoid low blood sugar, the client should know that they must inject insulin every day and eat foods that are healthy on a regular basis.
Kaakinen, J. R., Coehlo, D. P., Steele, R., & Robinson, M. (2018). Family health care nursing: Theory, practice, and research. FA Davis.
Caballero, A. E. (2018). The “A to Z” of managing type 2 diabetes in culturally diverse populations. Frontiers in endocrinology, 9, 479.
Owens, J., & Cribb, A. (2019). ‘My Fitbit Thinks I Can Do Better!’do health promoting wearable technologies support personal autonomy?. Philosophy & Technology, 32(1), 23-38.
Guo, Z., Liu, J., Zeng, H., He, G., Ren, X., & Guo, J. (2019). Feasibility and efficacy of nurse-led team management intervention for improving the self-management of type 2 diabetes patie
Rebeca Urbina
The range of personal, social, economic, and environmental factors that influence health status are known as determinants of health in individuals and populations. Determinants of health fall under several broad categories such as policy making, social factors, health services, individual behavior, and biology and genetics. It is the interrelationships among these factors that determine individual and population health. Because of this, interventions that target multiple elements of health are most likely to be effective. Determinants of health reach beyond the boundaries of traditional health care and public health sectors; sectors such as education, housing, transportation, agriculture, and the environment can be important allies in improving population health.
Health promotion is possibly the most moral, well-organized, effective, and viable strategy for achieving good health. It is described as the course of empowering people to enhance control over the causes of wellbeing and thereby enhancing their wellbeing. Nutbeam and Harris (2004) define health promotion as the process of improving and guarding the health of the populace, the public, individuals, and the community. They argue that health elevation and disease prevention can be attained through deliberate activities and programs that are intended to enhance population health results. Health promotion and disease prevention are meant to empower individuals to make healthier choices and reduce their risk for disability and disease (Murdaugh et al., 2019). At the population level, health elevation and disease deterrence activities can eliminate health disparities, improve quality of life, and enhance accessibility and availability of healthcare services. Health promotion and disease prevention is a concept that is being adopted in every aspect of healthcare. There is also a difference between health promotion and disease prevention. Health promotion aims to engage and empower individuals to choose healthy behaviors and to make changes to reduce the risk of chronic diseases, while disease prevention focuses on specific efforts targeted to reduce the development and severity of chronic diseases and morbidities.
Murdaugh, C. L., Parsons, M. A., & Pender, N. J. (2019). Health promotion in nursing practice. New York, NY: Pearson.
Nutbeam D & Harris E (2004) Theory in a nutshell: A practical guide to health promotion theories. Sydney, NSW: McGraw-Hill
Healthy People 2030 (2020). Retrieved from Center of Disease Control and Prevention:
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