FinalProject (Due May 14)
You are required to complete a final project in the application of remote sensing. Suggested topics include
Agriculture, Forestry, Earth Sciences, Urban studies, and Hydrology. Your final project should be in the
form of a proposal. No fieldwork/outdoor activities or actual analysis is required to complete your final
project. However, your project should contain enough detail to enable your reader to carry out the project.
Your project report should have the following items.
1. Title
Provide a suitable title that conveys the essence of the project. Anybody reading the title should
get a clear idea of what the project is all about.
2. Introduction
Explain what the project is all about. Why is it important? Etc.
3. Methods
Describe how you are going to carry out the project. This includes the type of data you are going to
use, the data source, and what kind of technique or techniques you are going to use to analyze the
data. Your methods section should be clear, contain enough detailed information to enable the
person reading your report to complete the project. Use a cartographic model (flowchart) to show
the necessary steps involved in your data analysis. Here is an example of a cartographic model of
a flood hazard mapping project.
4. Expected Results
Describe the result that you would have generated if you have completed the project.
Report to turn in.
You should turn in a 2 to 3-page document that has all the above sections. You should present
the written port in bullet form. For example:
Land use/ cover Map of Turlock
• Land use/ cover influence many hydrological processes
▪ Runoff
▪ Erosion
▪ Infiltration
• Information on land use is necessary to predict hydrological processes
• No current land use/cover information exists for the City of Turlock
• This objective of this project is to generate land use/cover map of the City of Turlock
Project Presentation (May 19, 2-4 p.m.)