20200114213024hum_106_strayer_writing_standards 20200114213006hum106_student_guide__1_ x20200114213943hum_journal_rubrics
Reflective Journal 1: My Experience with Art
Address these points:
- Describe your experience with art before taking this class.
- Explain your feelings about art in general and modern art in specific.
- Explain your reasons for taking this course.
Reflective Journals
Journals should be 1 full page.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
- Discuss the value of visual art for an individual and society.
- Analyze the essential relationship between any work of art and the various kinds of influences on the artist and audience that shape the interpretation of the art.
- Classify key artists and styles in the visual arts from the Impressionist period to the present.
- Describe the relationship between individual artistic expression and the cultural, social, political, and historical forces which give rise to these expressions.
- Write clearly and concisely about modern art using proper writing mechanics.
this class is experience to modern art. this class has a text book but it doesn’t require it for this assignment. this is more of a oppion reflective journel.
Communicating professionally and ethically is one of the
essential skill sets we can teach you at Strayer. The following
guidelines will ensure:
· Your writing is professional
· You avoid plagiarizing others, which is essential to writing ethically
· You give credit to others in your work
Visit Strayer’s Academic Integrity Center for more information.
Winter 2019
Strayer University Writing Standards 2
� Include page numbers.
� Use 1-inch margins.
� Use Arial, Courier, Times New Roman, or Calibri font style.
� Use 10-, 11-, or 12-point font size for the body of your text.
� Use numerals (1, 2, 3, and so on) or spell out numbers (one, two, three, and so on).
Be consistent with your choice throughout the assignment.
� Use either single or double spacing, according to assignment guidelines.
� If assignment requires a title page:
· Include the assignment title, your name, course title, your professor’s name, and the
date of submission on a separate page.
� If assignment does not require a title page (stated in the assignment details):
a. Include all required content in a header at the top of your document.
or b. Include all required content where appropriate for assignment format.
Examples of appropriate places per assignment: letterhead of a business letter
assignment or a title slide for a PowerPoint presentation.
� Use appropriate language and be concise.
� Write in active voice when possible. Find tips here.
� Use the point of view (first, second, or third person) required by the assignment
� Use spelling and grammar check and proofread to help ensure your work is error free.
� Use credible sources to support your ideas/work. Find tips here.
� Cite your sources throughout your work when you borrow someone else’s words or ideas.
Give credit to the authors.
� Look for a permalink tool for a webpage when possible (especially when an electronic
source requires logging in like the Strayer Library). Find tips here.
� Add each cited source to the Source List at the end of your assignment. (See the Giving
Credit to Authors and Sources section for more details.)
� Don’t forget to cite and add your textbook to the Source List if you use it as a source.
� Include a Source List when the assignment requires research or if you cite the textbook.
� Type “Sources” centered on the first line of the page.
� List the sources that you used in your assignment.
� Organize sources in a numbered list and in order of use throughout the paper. Use the
original number when citing a source multiple times.
� For more information, see the Source List section.
General Standards
Use Appropriate
Title Your Work
Write Clearly
Cite Credible
Build a
Source List
Strayer University Writing Standards 3
Writing Assignments
Strayer University uses several different types of writing assignments. The Strayer University
Student Writing Standards are designed to allow flexibility in formatting your assignment and
giving credit to your sources. This section covers specific areas to help you properly format
and develop your assignments. Note: The specific format guidelines override guidelines in the
General Standards section.
Paper and Essay
Specific Format
PowerPoint or
Slideshow Specific
Format Guidelines
� Use double spacing throughout the body of your assignment.
� Use a consistent 12-point font throughout your assignment submission. (For
acceptable fonts, see General Standards section.)
� Use the point of view (first or third person) required by the assignment guidelines.
� Section headings can be used to divide different content areas. Align section
headings (centered) on the page, be consistent, and include at least two section
headings in the assignment.
� Follow all other General Standards section guidelines.
� Title slides should include the project name (title your work to capture attention if
possible), a subtitle (if needed), the course title, and your name.
� Use spacing that improves professional style (mixing single and double spacing as
� Use a background color or image on slides.
� Use Calibri, Lucida Console, Helvetica, Futura, Myriad Pro, or Gill Sans font styles.
� Use 28-32 point font size for the body of your slides (based on your chosen font
style). Avoid font sizes below 24-point.
� Use 36-44 point font size for the titles of your slides (based on chosen font style).
� Limit content per slide (no more than 7 lines on any slide and no more than 7
words per line).
� Include slide numbers when your slide show has 3+ slides. You may place the
numbers wherever you like (but be consistent).
� Include appropriate images that connect directly to slide content or presentation
� Follow additional guidelines from the PowerPoint or Slideshow Specific Format
Guidelines section and assignment guidelines.
Strayer University Writing Standards 4
Giving Credit to Authors and Sources
When quoting or paraphrasing another source, you need to give credit by using an in-text
citation. An in-text citation includes the author’s last name and the number of the source from
the Source List. A well-researched assignment has at least as many sources as pages (see
Writing Assignments for the required number of sources). Find tips here.
Option #1: Paraphrasing
Rewording Source Information in Your Own Words
· Rephrase the source information in your words.
Be sure not to repeat the same words of the author.
· Add a number to the end of your source (which will tie
to your Source List).
· Remember, you cannot just replace words of the
original sentence.
“Writing at a college level requires informed
As Harvey wrote, when writing a paper for
higher education, it is critical to research and
cite sources (1).
When writing a paper for higher education,
it is imperative to research and cite sources
(Harvey, 1).
Option #2: Quoting
Citing Another Person’s Work Word-For-Word
· Place quotation marks at the beginning and the end of
the quoted information.
· Add a number to the end of your source (which will tie
to your Source List).
· Do not quote more than one to two sentences
(approximately 25 words) at a time.
· Do not start a sentence with a quotation.
· Introduce and explain quotes within the context of
your paper.
“Writing at a college level requires informed
Harvey wrote in his book, “Writing at a college
level requires informed research” (1).
Many authors agree, “Writing at a college
level requires informed research” (Harvey, 1).
Strayer University Writing Standards 5
Page Numbers
When referencing multiple pages in a text book or other
large book, consider adding page numbers to help the
reader understand where the information you referenced
can be found. You can do this in three ways:
a. In the body of your paper;
or b. In the citation;
or c. By listing page numbers in the order they were
used in your paper on the Source List.
Check with your instructor or the assignment guidelines to
see if there is a preference based on your course.
(Harvey, 1, p. 16)
In the example, the author is Harvey, the source list number
is 1, and the page number that this information can be
found on is page 16.
Multiple Sources (Synthesizing)
Synthesizing means using multiple sources in one sentence
or paragraph (typically paraphrased) to make a strong
point. This is normally done with more advanced writing,
but could happen in any writing where you use more than
one source.
The key here is clarity. If you paraphrase multiple sources
in the same sentence (of paragraph if the majority of the
information contained in the paragraph is paraphrased),
you should include each source in the citation. Separate
sources using semi-colons (;) and create the citation in
the normal style that you would for using only one source
(Name, Source Number).
(Harvey, 1; Buchanan, 2)
In the example, the authors Harvey and Buchanan were
paraphrased to help the student make a strong point.
Harvey is the first source on the source list, and Buchanan is
the second source on the source list.
Traditional Sources
Strayer University Writing Standards 6
Discussion Posts
When quoting or paraphrasing a source for discussion
threads, include the source number in parenthesis after the
body text where you quote or paraphrase. At the end of
your post, type the word “Sources” and below that include
a list of any sources that you cited.
If you pulled information from more than one source,
continue to number the additional sources in the order that
they appear in your post.
For more information on building a Source List Entry, see
Source List section.
The work is the important part of any writing
assignment. According to Smith, “writing
things down is the biggest challenge” (1).
This is significant because…
The other side of this is also important. It is
noted that “actually writing isn’t important as
much as putting ideas somewhere useful” (2).
1. William Smith. 2018. The Way Things Are.
2. Patricia Smith. 2018. The Way Things Really
Are. http://www.betterthansample.com/tiger
A web source is any source accessed through an internet browser. Before using any source, first determine its credibility.
Then decide if the source is appropriate and relevant for your project. Find tips here.
Home Pages
A home page is the main page that loads when you type
a standard web address. For instance, if you type Google.
com into the web browser, you will be taken to Google’s
home page.
If you do need to cite a home page, use the webpage’s
title from the browser. This found by moving your mouse
cursor over the webpage name at the top of the browser.
When citing a homepage, it is likely because there is a news
thread, image, or basic piece of information on a company
that you wish to include in your assignment.
Specific Web Pages
If you are using any web page other than the home page,
include the specific title of the page and the direct link (when
possible) for that specific page in your Source List Entry.
If your assignment used multiple pages from the same author/
source, create separate Source List Entries for each page
when possible (if the title and/or web address is different).
Web Sources
Strayer University Writing Standards 7
Effective Internet Links
When sharing a link to an article with your instructor and
classmates, start with a brief summary and why you chose
to share it.
Be sure to check the link you’re posting to be sure it will
work for your classmates. They should be able to just click
on the link and go directly to your shared site.
Share vs. URL Options
Cutting and pasting the URL (web address) from your browser
may not allow others to view your source. This makes it hard
for people to engage with the content you used.
To avoid this problem, look for a “share” option and choose
that when possible so your classmates and professor
get the full, direct link. Always test your link(s) before
submitting to make sure they work.
If you cannot properly share the link, include the article as an
attachment. Interested classmates and your professor can
reference the article shared as an attachment. Find tips here.
Hey check out this article: http://www.
After reading the textbook this week, I
researched job sites. I found an article on how
to find the best job site depending on the job
you’re looking for. The author shared some
interesting tools such as job sites that collect job
postings from other sites and ranks them from
newest to oldest, depending on category. Check
out the article at this link: http://www.Jobs4You.
Charts, images, and tables should be centered and followed by an in-text citation. Design your page and place a citation
below the chart, image, or table. When referring to the chart, image, or table in the body of the assignment, use the citation.
On your Source List, provide the following details of the visual:
· Author’s name (if created by you, provide your name)
· Date (if created by you, provide the year)
· Type (Chart, Image, or Table)
· How to find it (link or other information – See Source List section for additional details).
Charts, Images, and Tables
Strayer University Writing Standards 8
Source List
The Source List (which includes the sources that you used in your assignment) is a new page
you add at the end of your paper. The list has two purposes: it gives credit to the authors that
you use and gives your readers enough information to find the source without your help. Build
your Source List as you write.
· Type “Sources” at the top of a new page.
· Include a numbered list of the sources you used in your paper (the numbers
indicate the order in which you used them).
1. Use the number one (1) for the first source used in the paper, the number
two (2) for the second source, and so on.
2. Use the same number for a source if you use it multiple times.
· Ensure each source includes five parts: author or organization, publication date,
title, page number (if needed), and how to find it. If you have trouble finding
these details, then re-evaluate the credibility of your source.
· Use the browser link for a public webpage.
· Use a permalink for a webpage when possible. Find tips here.
· Instruct your readers how to find all sources that do not have a browser link
or a permalink.
· Separate each Source List Element with a period on your Source List.
The person(s) who
published the source. This
can be a single person,
a group of people, or an
organization. If the source
has no author, use “No
author” where you would
list the author.
The date the source was
published. If the source
has no publication date,
use “No date” where you
would list the date.
The title of the
source. If the
source has no title,
use “No title”
where you would
list the title.
The page
number(s) used. If
the source has no
page numbers,
omit this section
from your Source
List Entry.
Instruct readers how to find
all sources. Keep explanations
simple and concise, but
provide enough information
so the source can be located.
Note: It is your responsibility
to make sure the source can
be found.
Michael Harvey
In the case of multiple
authors, only list the first.
This is not the same as
copyright date, which is
denoted by ©
The Nuts &
Bolts of College
p. 1
Include p. and
the page(s) used.
Setting Up the
Source List Page
Creating a
Source List Entry
Source List Elements
Strayer University Writing Standards 9
How It Will Look in Your Source List
1. Michael Harvey. 2013. The Nuts & Bolts of College Writing. p. 1. http://libdatab.strayer.edu/
Sample Source List
1. Michael Harvey. 2013. The Nuts & Bolts of College Writing. p. 1. http://libdatab.strayer.edu/login?url=http://search.
2. William R. Stanek. 2010. Storyboarding Techniques chapter in Effective Writing for Business, College and Life. http://
3. Zyad Hicham. 2017. Vocabulary Growth in College-Level Students’ Narrative Writing. http://libdatab.strayer.edu/
4. Anya Kamenetz. July 10, 2015. The Writing Assignment That Changes Lives. https://www.npr.org/sections/
5. Brad Thor. June 14, 2016. The Best Writing Advice I Ever Got. http://time.com/4363050/brad-thor-best-writing-advice/
6. Karen Hertzberg. June 15, 2017. How to Improve Writing Skills in 15 Easy Steps. https://www.grammarly.com/blog/
7. Roy Peter Clark. 2008. Writing Tools: 55 Essential Strategies for Every Writer. p.55-67. Book on Amazon.com.
8. C.M. Gill. 2014. The Psychology of Grading and Scoring chapter in Essential Writing Skills for College & Beyond.
9. ABC Company’s Policy & Procedures Committee. No Date. Employee Dress and Attendance Policy. Policy in my office.
10. Henry M. Sayre. 2014. The Humanities: Culture, Continuity and Change, Vol. 1. This is the HUM111 textbook.
11. Savannah Student. 2018. Image. http://www.studentsite.com
12. Don Dollarsign. 2018. Chart. http://www.allaboutthemoney.com
13. Company Newsletter Name. 2018. Table. Company Newsletter Printed Copy (provided upon request).
ssignments and Rubrics
Discusses aesthetic theory and provides critical analysis of examples from modern art in poetry, painting and music. Also discusses the arts of photography, dance, architecture, sculpture, theater, and film.
Required Resources
1. Sam Hunter.
. Modern art
rd ed. Pearson. HUM
6 textbook.
Supplemental Resources
1. Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago. No date.
2. Museum of Contemporary Art Sydney Australia.
3. San
rancisco Museum of Modern Art. 20
4. Tate Modern. No date.
5. The Museum of Modern Art. 2011.
1. Discuss the value of visual art for an individual and society.
2. Analyze the essential relationship between any work of art and the various kinds of influences on the artist and audience that shape the interpretation of the art.
3. Compare and contrast artists and their works in the context of their styles and their historical periods, while distinguishing their styles one another and using the proper terminology.
4. Explain the formal elements of various styles of modern art both in general and in specific works.
5. Describe the relationship between individual artistic expression and the cultural, social, political, and historical forces which give rise to these expressions.
6. Summarize the diverse artistic trends in modern art in designated time periods.
. Classify key artists and styles in the visual arts from the Impressionist period to the present.
. Explain the cultural and stylistic developments in modern arts.
. Analyze the diversity of opinions and perspectives about art, artistic styles, and developments.
10. Summarize significant contributions in modern art from women, ethnic minorities, non-western cultures and in various time periods.
11. Explain various terms, qualities, and themes of visual art from the late 1800s to the present.
12. Use technology and information resources to research issues in modern art.
13. Write clearly and concisely about modern art, using proper writing mechanics.
The standard requirement for a 4.5 credit hour course is for students to spend 13.5 hours in weekly work. This includes preparation, activities, and evaluation regardless of delivery mode.
, and
· Reading(s)
· Chapter 1: Modernism and Its Origins in the 19th Century
· Chapter 2: Seurat, Cezanne, and the Language of Structure
· Discussions
· None
· Reading(s)
· Chapter 3: Gauguin, van Gogh, and the Language of Vision
· Chapter 4: Art Nouveau in Painting and Design
· e-Activity
· Visit one of these Art Nouveau Websites and explore the history, styles, and works of representative Art Nouveau artists highlighted.
e prepared to discuss.
· National Gallery of Art “Anatomy of an Exhibition,” located at http://www.nga.gov/feature/nouveau/exhibit_city.shtm
· Art Nouveau, located at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Art_Nouveau
· Art Lex, located at http://www.artlex.com/ArtLex/a/artnouveau.html
· Discussions
· Reflective Journal 1: My Experience with Art
· Reading(s)
· Chapter 5: Early Modern Sculpture: From Rodin to Brancusi
· Chapter 6: Tradition and Innovation in Architecture: 1880 – 1914
· e-Activity
· Visit the Great Buildings Website, located at http://www.greatbuildings.com/architects/Frank_Lloyd_Wright.html, and view five of the buildings (different from the ones in the text) designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. Be prepared to discuss. (Note: If this site is not available, locate another Website that shows Frank Lloyd Wright’s buildings.)
· Discussions
Assignment 1: The Critic’s Choice
· Reading(s)
· Chapter 7: Expressionism in France: Matisse and the Fauves
· Chapter 8: Expressionism in Germany: The Bridge and the Blue Rider
· Discussions
· Reflective Journal 2: Social Influences on Artists
· Reading(s)
· Chapter 9: The Cubist Revolution: Braque and Picasso
· Chapter 10: From Cubism to Abstract Art: Futurism, Suprematism, De Stijl
· Discussions
· Reflective Journal 3: Proposed Cultural Event
Note: If you believe that you have a legitimate reason for attending a “virtual” activity, you must contact the instructor no later than Week 5 for your request to be considered.
· Reading(s)
· Chapter 11: Dada and Fantastic Art
· Chapter 12: Surrealism: The Resolution of Dream and Reality
· Chapter 13: The Shaping of the New Architecture: 1918-40
· Discussions
Assignment 2: My Work – My Vision
· Reading(s)
· Chapter 14: The School of Paris Between the Wars
· Chapter 15: International Abstraction: Constructivism and the Brauhaus
· Chapter 16: American Art in the Wake of the Armory Show
· Discussions
· Reflective Journal 4: Art in Everyday Life
· Reading(s)
· Chapter 17: The New York School: Abstract Expressionism
· Chapter 18: The Postwar European School: L′Art Informel, Expressionist Figuration, Welded Sculpture
· Chapter 19: American Art of the Sixties: Pop Art and Minimalism
· Discussions
Assignment 3: My Personal Artwork or Discovery
· Reading(s)
· Chapter 20: Europe’s New Realism, Pop Art, and Abstraction
· Chapter 21: The Diffusion of the New Architecture: 1954-75
· Chapter 22: The Post-Minimal/Post-Modern Seventies: From Conceptual Art to New Image
· e-Activity
· Go to the Sydney Opera House Website, located at http://www.sydneyoperahouse.com/About/Venues.aspx. Select and review the information and pictures found in these three areas: Building Program, History & Heritage, and Venues. Be prepared to discuss.
· Discussions
· None
· Reading(s)
· Chapter 23: The Post-Modern Eighties: From Neo-Expressionism to Neo-Conceptualism
· Chapter 24: A New Fin de Siecle / A New Century
· Chapter 25: Post- and Neo-Modernism in Architecture
· Discussions
Assignment 4: Impressions of Museum or Gallery Exhibit
· Reading(s): None
· Discussions
· None
Total Points
% of
Assignment 1: The Critic’s Choice
Assignment 2: My Work – My Vision
Assignment 3: My Personal Artwork or Discovery
Assignment 4: Impressions of Museum or Gallery Exhibit
Reflective Journals (4 journals worth 40 points apiece)
Participation (27 discussions worth 10 points apiece)
Percentage |
900 – 1,000 |
90% – 100% |
A |
800 – 899 |
80% – 89% |
B |
700 – 799 |
70% – 79% |
C |
600 – 699 |
60% – 69% |
D |
Below 600 |
Below 60% |
F |
HUM 106 – Experience of Modern Art |
©2019 Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University Confidential and Proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University.
HUM106 Student Version 1194 (03-04-2019) Final Page 1 of 3
Due Week 3 and worth 120 points
Imagine you are an art critic who has just seen a specific artwork for the first time at an art gallery opening. Select a specific piece of art from Chapters 1-4, and research the background of the artists and the movement that it represents. Write a critique for the city newspaper.
Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you:
1. Describe the artwork in terms of subject, medium, composition, and use of color.
2. Classify the work of art, highlighting the style, movement, and any innovation the artist displayed.
3. Analyze the relationship between the work of art and the influences on the artist that shape the interpretation of the art.
4. Explain your personal view of the work and make a recommendation for or against the public viewing the work.
5. Include three (3) references to support your claims. (The text may be used as one (1) reference.)
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
· This course requires use of new
Strayer Writing Standards (SWS)
. The format is different from other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.
· Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow SWS or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
· Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. Include the name of the artist and title of the art piece being discussed under the title of the paper.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
· Analyze the essential relationship between any work of art and the various kinds of influences on the artist and audience that shape the interpretation of the art.
· Explain the formal elements of various styles of modern art both in general and in specific works.
· Classify key artists and styles in the visual arts from the Impressionist period to the present.
· Use technology and information resources to research issues in modern art
· Write clearly and concisely about modern art using proper writing mechanics.
Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic/organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric.
Points: 120 |
Criteria |
Unacceptable Below 60% F |
Meets Minimum Expectations 60-69% D |
Fair 70-79% C |
Proficient 80-89% B |
Exemplary 90-100% A |
1. Describe the artwork in terms of subject, medium, composition, and use of color.
Weight: 30% |
Did not submit or incompletely described the artwork in terms of subject, medium, composition, and use of color. |
Insufficiently described the artwork in terms of subject, medium, composition, and use of color. |
Partially described the artwork in terms of subject, medium, composition, and use of color. |
Satisfactorily described the artwork in terms of subject, medium, composition, and use of color. |
Thoroughly described the artwork in terms of subject, medium, composition, and use of color. |
2. Classify the work of art, highlighting the style, movement, and any innovation the artist displayed. Weight: 20% |
Did not submit or incompletely classified the work of art, highlighting the style, movement, and any innovation the artist displayed. |
Insufficiently classified the work of art, highlighting the style, movement, and any innovation the artist displayed. |
Partially classified the work of art, highlighting the style, movement, and any innovation the artist displayed. |
Satisfactorily classified the work of art, highlighting the style, movement, and any innovation the artist displayed. |
Thoroughly classified the work of art, highlighting the style, movement, and any innovation the artist displayed. |
3. Analyze the relationship between the work of art and the influences on the artist that shape the interpretation of the art. Weight: 20% |
Did not submit or incompletely analyzed the relationship between the work of art and the influences on the artist that shape the interpretation of the art. |
Insufficiently analyzed the relationship between the work of art and the influences on the artist that shape the interpretation of the art. |
Partially analyzed the relationship between the work of art and the influences on the artist that shape the interpretation of the art. |
Satisfactorily analyzed the relationship between the work of art and the influences on the artist that shape the interpretation of the art. |
Thoroughly analyzed the relationship between the work of art and the influences on the artist that shape the interpretation of the art. |
4. Explain your personal view of the work and make a recommendation for or against the public viewing the work.
Weight: 15% |
Did not submit or incompletely explained your personal view of the work and made a recommendation for or against the public viewing the work. |
Insufficiently explained your personal view of the work and made a recommendation for or against the public viewing the work. |
Partially explained your personal view of the work and made a recommendation for or against the public viewing the work. |
Satisfactorily explained your personal view of the work and made a recommendation for or against the public viewing the work. |
Thoroughly explained your personal view of the work and made a recommendation for or against the public viewing the work. |
6. Include 3 references to support your claims. (The text may be used as one reference.) Weight: 5% |
No references provided |
Does not meet the required number of references; all references poor quality choices. |
Does not meet the required number of references; some references poor quality choices. |
Meets number of required references; all references high quality choices. |
Exceeds number of required references; all references high quality choices. |
7. Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirements Weight: 10% |
More than 8 errors present |
7-8 errors present |
5-6 errors present |
3-4 errors present |
0-2 errors present |
Due Week 6 and worth 140 points
Create a dialogue between two artists discussing their work(s) with an interviewer asking questions in front of an audience at an art gallery (much like a panel discussion format). Have Gris or Picasso dialogue with Matisse, Cezanne Gauguin, or van Gogh. Each one should explain his work(s), influences, philosophy, style, themes, and meaning, highlighting the reason for the work(s)’ importance to and impact on the world of art.
Use the style of dialogue used in a play. For example:
Interviewer: Senor Picasso and Monsieur Matisse, which work do you consider your most significant accomplishment and why do you think so?
Picasso: (Confidently) I have so many that are significant, but one that I think is truly a work of genius and innovation is [insert the Title of the Artwork]. This work shows the innovation the art world refers to as Cubism. I was the founder of that movement and perfected the style. No other artist has had that type of influence in the world of art.
Matisse: (Somewhat insulted). If I may be so bold, Senor Picasso, but I think my work has had a greater influence. My [insert the Title of the Artwork] has had a lasting impression, if you excuse the term, on thousands of artists. For example, …
Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you:
1. Create dialogue for selected artist #1 that reflects his influences, philosophy, style, themes, and meaning of his work(s).
2. Create dialogue for selected artist #2 that reflected his influences, philosophy, style, themes, and meaning of his work(s).
3. Create dialogue for selected artist #1 that highlights the reason for work(s)’s importance and impact on the world of art.
4. Create dialogue for selected artist #2 that highlights the reason for work(s)’s importance and impact on the world of art.
5. Create appropriate interview questions that facilitate the dialogue and highlighted the comparison between the two (2) artists.
6. Include three (3) references that help support the artists’ comments. (The text may be used as one (1) reference.)
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
· This course requires use of new Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different from other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.
· Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow SWS or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
· Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
· Discuss the value of visual art for an individual and society.
· Analyze the essential relationship between any work of art and the various kinds of influences on the artist and audience that shape the interpretation of the art.
· Explain the formal elements of various styles of modern art both in general and in specific works.
· Describe the relationship between individual artistic expression and the cultural, social, political, and historical forces which give rise to these expressions.
· Use technology and information resources to research issues in modern art.
· Write clearly and concisely about modern art using proper writing mechanics.
Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic/organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric.
Points: 140 |
1. Create dialogue for selected artist #1 that reflects his influences, philosophy, style, themes, and meaning of his work(s). Weight: 20% |
Did not submit or incompletely created dialogue for selected artist #1 that reflected his influences, philosophy, style, themes, and meaning of his work(s). |
Insufficiently created dialogue for selected artist #1 that reflected his influences, philosophy, style, themes, and meaning of his work(s). |
Partially created dialogue for selected artist #1 that reflected his influences, philosophy, style, themes, and meaning of his work(s). |
Satisfactorily created dialogue for selected artist #1 that reflected his influences, philosophy, style, themes, and meaning of his work(s). |
Thoroughly created dialogue for selected artist #1 that reflected his influences, philosophy, style, themes, and meaning of his work(s). |
2. Create dialogue for selected artist #2 that reflects his influences, philosophy, style, themes, and meaning of his work(s). Weight: 20% |
Did not submit or incompletely created dialogue for selected artist #2 that reflected his influences, philosophy, style, themes, and meaning of his work(s). |
Insufficiently created dialogue for selected artist #2 that reflected his influences, philosophy, style, themes, and meaning of his work(s). |
Partially created dialogue for selected artist #2 that reflected his influences, philosophy, style, themes, and meaning of his work(s). |
Satisfactorily created dialogue for selected artist #2 that reflected his influences, philosophy, style, themes, and meaning of his work(s). |
Thoroughly created dialogue for selected artist #2 that reflected his influences, philosophy, style, themes, and meaning of his work(s). |
3. Create dialogue for selected artist #1 that highlights the reason for work(s)’s importance and impact on the world of art. Weight: 15% |
Did not submit or incompletely created dialogue for selected artist #1 that highlights the reason for work(s)’s importance and impact on the world of art. |
Insufficiently created dialogue for selected artist #1 that highlights the reason for work(s)’s importance and impact on the world of art. |
Partially created dialogue for selected artist #1 that highlights the reason for work(s)’s importance and impact on the world of art. |
Satisfactorily created dialogue for selected artist #1 that highlights the reason for work(s)’s importance and impact on the world of art. |
Thoroughly created dialogue for selected artist #1 that highlights the reason for work(s)’s importance and impact on the world of art. |
4. Create dialogue for selected artist #2 that highlights the reason for work(s)’s importance and impact on the world of art. Weight: 15% |
Did not submit or incompletely created dialogue for selected artist #2 that highlights the reason for work(s)’s importance and impact on the world of art. |
Insufficiently created dialogue for selected artist #2 that highlights the reason for work(s)’s importance and impact on the world of art. |
Partially created dialogue for selected artist #2 that highlights the reason for work(s)’s importance and impact on the world of art. |
Satisfactorily created dialogue for selected artist #2 that highlights the reason for work(s)’s importance and impact on the world of art. |
Thoroughly created dialogue for selected artist #2 that highlights the reason for work(s)’s importance and impact on the world of art. |
5. Create appropriate interview questions that facilitate the dialogue and highlighted the comparison between the two (2) artists. Weight: 15% |
Did not submit or incompletely created appropriate interview questions that facilitated the dialogue and highlighted the comparison between the two (2) artists. |
Insufficiently created appropriate interview questions that facilitated the dialogue and highlighted the comparison between the two (2) artists. |
Partially created appropriate interview questions that facilitated the dialogue and highlighted the comparison between the two (2) artists. |
Satisfactorily created appropriate interview questions that facilitated the dialogue and highlighted the comparison between the two (2) artists. |
Thoroughly created appropriate interview questions that facilitated the dialogue and highlighted the comparison between the two (2) artists. |
6. Include 3 references that help support the artists’ comments. (The text may be used as one reference.) Weight: 5% |
Assignment 3: My Personal Artwork or Discovery
Due Week 8 and worth 110 points
Imagine you are trying to sell a work of art to a wealthy art collector. Describe a painting or watercolor that you have created or discovered from the 20th or 21st Century that has special meaning to you. Describe it in terms of content, style, color, composition, theme or intent, highlighting how this artwork makes you (or the viewer) feel.
Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you:
1. Provide a copy of the painting or water color, and describe the piece in terms of content, style, color, and composition.
2. Explain the artwork’s theme and intent.
3. Classify the artwork within the modern art movements and explain why it belongs there.
4. Explain how this artwork makes you (or the viewer) feel. (If you created the work, explain why you did so and your feelings toward the process and the completed work.)
5. Include two (2) references that help support your claims. (The text may be used as one (1) reference.)
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
· This course requires use of new Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different from other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.
· Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow SWS or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
· Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length. Identify the artwork and artists under the title of your paper.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
· Explain the formal elements of various styles of modern art both in general and in specific works.
· Classify key artists and styles in the visual arts from the Impressionist period to the present.
· Use technology and information resources to research issues in modern art.
· Write clearly and concisely about modern art using proper writing mechanics.
Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic/organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric.
Points: 110 |
Assignment 3: My Personal Artwork or Discovery | ||||
1. Provide a copy of the painting or water color, and describe the artwork in terms of content, style, color, and composition. Weight: 30% |
Did not submit or incompletely provided a copy of the painting or water color, and incompletely described the artwork in terms of content, style, color, and composition. |
Insufficiently provided a copy of the painting or water color, and insufficiently described the artwork in terms of content, style, color, and composition. |
Partially provided a copy of the painting or water color, and partially described the artwork in terms of content, style, color, and composition. |
Satisfactorily provided a copy of the painting or water color, and satisfactorily described the artwork in terms of content, style, color, and composition. |
Thoroughly provided a copy of the painting or water color, and thoroughly described the artwork in terms of content, style, color, and composition. |
2. Explain the artwork’s theme and intent. |
Did not submit or explain the artwork’s theme and intent. |
Insufficiently explained the artwork’s theme and intent. |
Partially explained the artwork’s theme and intent. |
Satisfactorily explained the artwork’s theme and intent. |
Thoroughly explained the artwork’s theme and intent. |
3. Classify the artwork within the modern art movements and explain why it belongs there. Weight: 20% |
Did not submit or incompletely classified the artwork within the modern art movements and did not explain why it belongs there. |
Insufficiently classified the artwork within the modern art movements and insufficiently explained why it belongs there. |
Partially classified the artwork within the modern art movements and partially explained why it belongs there. |
Satisfactorily classified the artwork within the modern art movements and satisfactorily explained why it belongs there. |
Thoroughly classified the artwork within the modern art movements and thoroughly explained why it belongs there. |
4. Explain how this artwork makes you (or the viewer) feel. (If you created the work, explain why you did so and your feelings toward the process and the completed work.) Weight: 15% |
Did not submit or incompletely explained how this artwork makes you (or the viewer) feel. (If you created the work, did not explain why you did so and your feelings toward the process and the completed work.) |
Insufficiently explained how this artwork makes you (or the viewer) feel. (If you created the work, insufficiently explained why you did so and your feelings toward the process and the completed work.) |
Partially explained how this artwork makes you (or the viewer) feel. (If you created the work, partially explained why you did so and your feelings toward the process and the completed work.) |
Satisfactorily explained how this artwork makes you (or the viewer) feel. (If you created the work, satisfactorily explained why you did so and your feelings toward the process and the completed work.) |
Thoroughly explained how this artwork makes you (or the viewer) feel. (If you created the work, thoroughly explained why you did so and your feelings toward the process and the completed work.) |
5. Include 2 references that help support your claims. (The text may be used as one reference.) Weight: 5% |
6. Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirements Weight: 10% |
Assignment 4: Impressions of Museum or Gallery Exhibit
Due Week 10 and worth 200 points
As a way of experiencing the Humanities beyond your classroom, computer, and textbook, you are asked to attend a “cultural event” and report on your experience. This assignment requires the following:
· Submit your cultural event choice to the instructor for approval before the end of Week 5.
· Visit a museum or gallery exhibition of modern art before the end of Week 9.
· Write a report of the visit.
· Summarize the report in a PowerPoint presentation.
Write a three to four (3-4) page paper (750-1,000 words) in which you:
1. Identify the date visited, location, name, and background of the museum or specific exhibition. (If virtual, identify the Website along with the other information.)
2. Describe three (3) works, noting the artist, title, subject, and the time period of each work.
3. Compare the style, influences, and meaning or intent of each piece, highlighting any changes (if any) from the first to last piece.
4. Explain your reasons for selecting the pieces in a discussion of the reasons for the artist’s popularity and / or impact on the art world.
5. Summarize the main points of three (3) works discussed in your paper in a PowerPoint presentation of at least three (3) slides. Each of the slides should have three to four (3-4) short bullet points and notes about the works in the slide notes section. Include a cover page for the PowerPoint. Add the slides with notes to your paper.
6. Include four (4) references that help support your claims. (The text may be used as one (1) reference.)
Visiting a Museum
· It makes sense to approach a museum the way a seasoned traveler approaches visiting a city for the first time. Find out what is available to see. In the museum, find out what sort of exhibitions are currently housed in the museum and start with the exhibits that interest you. If there is a travelling exhibition, it’s always a good idea to see it while you have the chance. Then, if you have time, you can look at other things in the museum.
· Make notes as you go through the museum and accept any handouts or pamphlets that the museum provides free. While you should not quote anything from the printed material when you do your report, the handouts may help to refresh your memory later.
· The quality of your experience is not measured by the amount of time you spend in the galleries or the number of works of art that you actually see. The most rewarding experiences can come from finding three (3) pieces of art or exhibits which intrigue you and then considering those works in leisurely contemplation. Most museums even have benches where you can sit and study a particular piece.
· If you are having a difficult time deciding which pieces to write about, ask yourself these questions: (1) If the museum you are visiting suddenly caught fire, which three (3) pieces of art or exhibits would you most want to see saved from the fire? (2) Why would you choose those two (2) particular pieces?
If a student is unable to attend a cultural event in person due to circumstances beyond the student’s control, then the instructor will recommend an alternate event/activity for the student to “attend” online. The “virtual” event/activity is usually only for students who, due to their physical location, cannot possibly attend an event/activity in person; typically, these students are stationed overseas or have no means of transportation. If you believe that you have a legitimate reason for attending a “virtual” activity, you must contact the instructor no later than Week 5 for your request to be considered.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
· This course requires use of new Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different from other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.
· Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow SWS Style format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
· Include a cover page containing the tile of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
· Include a PowerPoint presentation. The PowerPoint presentation is not included in the page count.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
· Discuss the value of visual art for an individual and society.
· Analyze the essential relationship between any work of art and the various kinds of influences on the artist and audience that shape the interpretation of the art.
· Explain the formal elements of various styles of modern art both in general and in specific works.
· Describe the relationship between individual artistic expression and the cultural, social, political, and historical forces which give rise to these expressions.
· Classify key artists and styles in the visual arts from the Impressionist period to the present.
· Explain various terms, qualities, and themes of visual art from the late 1800s to the present.
· Use technology and information resources to research issues in the study of modern art.
· Write clearly and concisely about modern art using proper writing mechanics.
Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic/organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric.
Points: 200 |
Assignment 4: Impressions of Museum or Gallery Exhibit | ||||
1. Identify the date visited, location, name, and background of the museum or specific exhibition. (If virtual, identify the Website along with the other information.) Weight: 5% |
Did not submit or incompletely identified the date visited, location, name, and background of the museum or specific exhibition. (If virtual, incompletely identified the Website along with the other information.) |
Insufficiently identified the date visited, location, name, and background of the museum or specific exhibition. (If virtual, insufficiently identified the Website along with the other information.) |
Partially identified the date visited, location, name, and background of the museum or specific exhibition. (If virtual, partially identified the Website along with the other information.) |
Satisfactorily identified the date visited, location, name, and background of the museum or specific exhibition. (If virtual, satisfactorily identified the Website along with the other information.) |
Thoroughly identified the date visited, location, name, and background of the museum or specific exhibition. (If virtual, thoroughly identified the Website along with the other information.) |
2. Describe three (3) works, noting the artist, title, subject, and the time period of each work. |
Did not submit or incompletely described three (3) works, incompletely noted the artist, title, subject, and the time period of each work. |
Insufficiently described three (3) works, insufficiently noted the artist, title, subject, and the time period of each work. |
Partially described three (3) works, partially noted the artist, title, subject, and the time period of each work. |
Satisfactorily described three (3) works, satisfactorily noted the artist, title, subject, and the time period of each work. |
Thoroughly described three (3) works, thoroughly noted the artist, title, subject, and the time period of each work. |
3. Compare the style, influences, and meaning or intent of each piece, highlighting any changes (if any) from the first to last piece. Weight: 30% |
Did not submit or incompletely compared the style, influences, and meaning or intent of each piece, highlighting any changes (if any) from the first to last piece. |
Insufficiently compared the style, influences, and meaning or intent of each piece, highlighting any changes (if any) from the first to last piece. |
Partially compared the style, influences, and meaning or intent of each piece, highlighting any changes (if any) from the first to last piece. |
Satisfactorily compared the style, influences, and meaning or intent of each piece, highlighting any changes (if any) from the first to last piece. |
Thoroughly compared the style, influences, and meaning or intent of each piece, highlighting any changes (if any) from the first to last piece. |
4. Explain your reasons for selecting the pieces in a discussion of the reasons for the artist’s popularity and / or impact on the art world. Weight: 15% |
Did not submit or incompletely explained your reasons for selecting the pieces in a discussion of the reasons for the artist’s popularity and / or impact on the art world. |
Insufficiently explained your reasons for selecting the pieces in a discussion of the reasons for the artist’s popularity and / or impact on the art world. |
Partially explained your reasons for selecting the pieces in a discussion of the reasons for the artist’s popularity and / or impact on the art world. |
Satisfactorily explained your reasons for selecting the pieces in a discussion of the reasons for the artist’s popularity and / or impact on the art world. |
Thoroughly explained your reasons for selecting the pieces in a discussion of the reasons for the artist’s popularity and / or impact on the art world. |
5. Summarize the main points of three (3) works discussed in your paper in a PowerPoint presentation of at least three (3) slides. Each of the slides should have three to four (3-4) short bullet points and notes about the works in the slide notes section. Include a cover page for the PowerPoint. Add the slides and with notes to your paper. Weight: 20% |
Did not submit or incompletely summarized the main points of three (3) works discussed in your paper in a PowerPoint presentation of at least three (3) slides. Each of the slides should have three to four (3-4) short bullet points and notes about the works in the slide notes section. Did not submit or incompletely included a cover page for the PowerPoint. Added the slides and with notes to your paper. |
Insufficiently summarized the main points of three (3) works discussed in your paper in a PowerPoint presentation of at least three (3) slides. Each of the slides should have three to four (3-4) short bullet points and notes about the works in the slide notes section. Insufficiently included a cover page for the PowerPoint. Added the slides and with notes to your paper. |
Partially summarized the main points of three (3) works discussed in your paper in a PowerPoint presentation of at least three (3) slides. Each of the slides should have three to four (3-4) short bullet points and notes about the works in the slide notes section. Partially included a cover page for the PowerPoint. Added the slides and with notes to your paper. |
Satisfactorily summarized the main points of three (3) works discussed in your paper in a PowerPoint presentation of at least three (3) slides. Each of the slides should have three to four (3-4) short bullet points and notes about the works in the slide notes section. Satisfactorily included a cover page for the PowerPoint. Added the slides and with notes to your paper. |
Thoroughly summarized the main points of three (3) works discussed in your paper in a PowerPoint presentation of at least three (3) slides. Each of the slides should have three to four (3-4) short bullet points and notes about the works in the slide notes section. Thoroughly included a cover page for the PowerPoint. Added the slides and with notes to your paper. |
6. Include 4 references that help support your claims. (The text may be used as one reference.) Weight: 5% |
Reflective Journals
Journals should be ¾ to 1 page or 2 to 3 developed paragraphs.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
· Discuss the value of visual art for an individual and society.
· Analyze the essential relationship between any work of art and the various kinds of influences on the artist and audience that shape the interpretation of the art.
· Classify key artists and styles in the visual arts from the Impressionist period to the present.
· Describe the relationship between individual artistic expression and the cultural, social, political, and historical forces which give rise to these expressions.
· Write clearly and concisely about modern art using proper writing mechanics.
Reflective Journal 1: My Experience with Art
Due Week 2 and worth 40 points
Address these points:
1. Describe your experience with art before taking this class.
2. Explain your feelings about art in general and modern art in specific.
3. Explain your reasons for taking this course.
Reflective Journal 2: Social Influences on Artists
Due Week 4 and worth 40 points
Address these points:
1. Explain how social influences have an impact on many artists and their works. Use examples from movements and examples explored in the chapters up to this point.
2. Explain how current events have been influencing art in such areas as movies and music. Use examples to illustrate your views.
Reflective Journal 3: Proposed Cultural Event
Due Week 5 and worth 40 points
Address these points:
1. Identify the site that you plan to visit for Assignment 4: Impressions of Museum or Gallery Exhibit.
2. Identify your goals of the visit.
3. Explain your reasons for the selection. (If you select a virtual site, explain your reasons.)
If a student is unable to attend a cultural event in person due to circumstances beyond the student’s control, then the instructor will recommend an alternate event/activity for the student to “attend” online. The “virtual” event/activity is usually only for students who, due to their physical location, cannot possibly attend an event/activity in person; typically, these students are stationed overseas or have no means of transportation. If you believe that you have a legitimate reason for attending a “virtual” activity, you must contact the instructor no later than Week 5 for your request to be considered.
Reflective Journal 4: Art in Everyday Life
Due Week 7 and worth 40 points
Address these points:
1. Describe the places you see art (sculpture, architecture, photography) in everyday life.
2. Comment on the importance of art in everyday life.
3. Discuss the importance of art to you personally.
Grading for Reflective Journal assignments will be based on answer quality, logic/organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric.
Points: 40 |
Assignment: Reflective Journal |
1. Discuss points assigned. Weight: 60% |
Did not submit or incompletely discussed points assigned. |
Insufficiently discussed points assigned. |
Partially discussed points assigned. |
Satisfactorily discussed points assigned. |
Thoroughly discussed points assigned. |
2. Complete page requirement. |
Did not submit or incompletely completed page requirement. |
Insufficiently completed page requirement. |
Partially completed page requirement. |
Satisfactorily completed page requirement. |
Thoroughly completed page requirement. |
3. Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirements Weight: 10% |
HUM 106 – Assignments and Rubrics |