3readings total
Total of 2 pages.
Please write a brief summary of what the readings are about for each of them, so I could know what the readings are talking about. And also write an analysis for each of them. Thank you!
There is also description of the course, so you could have a better understanding if what this course is about.
Below is an example of how to do this, please follow, thank you!
Reading one
Anderson, J. (2010) I. Introduction and II. Examples of Misuses of Traditional Knowledge. Indigenous/Tradition Knowledge and Intellectual Property (Issues Paper). Durham, N.C.: Center for the Study of the Public Domain, Duke University School of Law. (pp. 1-15 only).
This book looks at the indigenous/traditional understanding and intellectual property law are intertwined in this article, and it’s a challenging issue for lawyers today. Intellectual property law has never had to deal with anything like the challenges raised by indigenous knowledge safeguarding considerations.
Maintaining, controlling, protecting, and developing indigenous cultural heritage is a fundamental right of indigenous peoples, along with their scientific and technological achievements, as well as the fruits of their labors, such as human and inherited genetic resources, plant seeds and medicines, knowledge of natural phenomena, oral traditions, literature and artistic creations such as sports and traditional games (Anderson, 2010). Indigenous knowledge and traditional cultural manifestations are all part of the cultural legacy that these countries are entitled to safeguard and preserve.
Course Goal:
This course prepares
students from diverse scholarly and professional backgrounds to investigate, analyze and critique the social,
political and cultural tensions surrounding contemporary information practices.
Students will critically engage with the theoretical approaches, ethical groundings, methodological
frameworks and technical skills utilized by information professionals.
Course Objectives:
Upon completion of this course students will be able to:
1.Identify and analyze information-
related problems of a community or organization
2.Frame and articulate information resources, services and systems that can address the information-
related problems of a community or organization
3.Describe influences on individual and institutional information practices
4.Assess the implications of a contemporary information issue for an information organization
5.Apply knowledge of information technologies and resources to a real world situation, taking into
account the perspectives of institutional and community stakeholders
6.Articulate ideas and concepts in a variety of communication modes including oral, written and
7.Provide direction and feedback within a team or small group setting
8.Synthesize scholarship from information studies and related fields, along with media accounts
9.Apply knowledge from existing scholarship to real-world information problems
10.Describe principles and ethics of the information professions
11.Critically evaluate the role of the information professions in societies
12.Describe the contributions of the information professions
13.Participate meaningfully in professional development opportunities
Course Topics:
●Contemporary Theory
●Technology and Information Infrastructures
●Intellectual Property and Copyright
●Questioning Information Freedom
●Data and Bias
●Repair and Care Work
●Practicing Anti-Racism in Information Spaces
●Legacies of Colonialism in Libraries, Archives and Museums
●Library Labour Required and Recommended Reading: Material from books, journals, videos,
podcasts and websites will constitute required reading. These will be listed in the course learning
management system (i.e. Canvas) and will be available directly through links or through Library
(e.g., electronic and/or print formats).
Topic Briefing
The major assignment is a Topic Briefing Paper on a topic of your choice. Examples will be provided
on Canvas. A topic briefing document is a short, formatted document, outlining the key issues and
literatures on a topic, in order to provide information for an organization about making a decision,
moving forward with a policy, or creating a new program (for example). Topic Briefings often present
findings from literature in an easily accessible way, using graphics or images, and offer concise and
clear recommendations for an organization.
This assignment has 5 parts:
A.Topic Briefing Proposal:
You will submit a one-page proposal providing the following required information: the topic selected;
at least 4 relevant references; your motivation for choosing the topic; potential audience(s); initial
ideas concerning how you will explore the topic; and
B.Topic Briefing Draft:
You will submit a full draft of the Topic Briefing
C.Topic Briefing Peer Feedback:
You will provide peer reviews of 2 of your colleagues Topic Briefing Drafts.
D.Topic Briefing Final:
This is the final 4 page professionally formatted version of your topic briefing. This must have at
least 10 references.
E.Topic Briefing Pitch:
You will submit a slide deck of 3 slides maximum and present a 2 minute “pitch” of your Topic Briefing.