Read the following sections in Chapters 1 and 2 in your course textbook:
- 1.1 : What Is Critical Thinking?
- 1.3: What Is Logic?
- 1.4: Arguments Outside of Logic
- 1.5: The Importance of Language in Logic
- Chapter 1 Summary and Resources
- 2.1: Arguments in Logic
- 2.2: Putting Arguments in the Standard Form
- 2.4: Classifying Arguments
- Chapter 2 Summary and Resources
Watch the following videos:
Identifying Premises and Conclusions
What Is an Argument?
What Is a Good Argument? (Part I)
What Is a Good Argument?: The Logic Condition
Begin by choosing a paper topic from your own field of study or future career (or, if you prefer, you may select one from the
Final Paper Topics List
. ou may want to refer to the
Narrowing a Topic and Developing a Research Question
from the Writing Center for support. When choosing a topic, pick a controversial question that meets the following criteria:
- It is an interesting question related to your field of study or your future career.
- There are scholarly sources that answer the question on each side (you may need to do a little advance research to verify this).
You will use this topic through the rest of this course for the Week 2 Creating a Sound Argument Workshop assignment, the Week 3 Scholarly Arguments on Both Sides assignment, and the Week 5 Fair-Minded Reasoning final paper (though there is no penalty for changing your topic, should you feel the need to do so). Review the
Final Paper Topics List
for examples of topic ideas.
Week 1 Discussion Prompt 1
Start by choosing a topic as indicated in the general instructions for this discussion (you will be using this topic in the Week 2 Creating a Valid Argument Workshop, Week 3 Scholarly Arguments on Both Sides assignment, and the Fair-minded Reasoning final paper).
In your initial post:
1. State the topic you have chosen.
2. Present the strongest argument you can on two different sides of your topic. Make sure to put both arguments in standard form, with the premises listed above the conclusion.
3. Without taking sides on the issue, consider and discuss two of the following questions: (1.) What more can people do to understand the views of those with different perspectives on this and other topics? (2.) Do you think that understanding issues as strongly as possible from multiple points of view could promote a better life?
Guided Response: Write an initial post of at least 200 words.
here is the reading:
Due to a technical issue, the existing classroom links to your textbook may not be functioning as intended. Please use the links below to access the text for your course; no login is required.
Hardy, J., Foster, C., & Zúñiga y Postigo, G. (2015).
With good reason: A guide to critical thinking (Links to an external site.)
. Zovio.
- (Links to an external site.)
Requirements: 200-250 words