Please see the instructions below
Question 1
By this point in the course you should have located your data for the research paper and started to read and take notes. It is during this process you need to assess a few items before you begin the outlining and drafting part of the project. Based on your research answer the following questions AND be sure to provide follow up for your peers:
· How has your thinking changed based on the research? What have you learned?
· Was your working thesis on target? Do you need to rework the thesis based on what you have learned?
· How does the information in your sources mesh with the research question and help answer those questions? Have any additional important questions or subtopics come up that you will need to address in the paper?
· How do your sources complement each other? Do ideas or facts recur in multiple sources?
· Where do your sources disagree with each other, and why?
Question 2
This week we are continuing to discuss the role of culture in the interview process. After reviewing the materials posted, the assigned readings and any other resource, think about questions you may find difficult to ask a client. Present 3 questions and explain what makes them difficult for you and how you propose to resolve. For example, you may be of a different ethnic group and do not understand the religious belief of your client. Are you able to ask questions that may be offensive? How would you ask the question so you are not being offensive? Feel free to present additional reading material to support your response.
Reading materials:
Question 3
Students, for this week’s discussion I would like you to consider how advances in technology effect personal relationships. That is, with the advent of email, texting, online dating, zooming, skyping, tweeting, instagram, etc. Do you think relationships are better today or more challenged? Please give examples to support your opinions.
Question 4
In your opinion, what is an addiction? Why is it so difficult to quit abusing drugs?
Instructions: Please make the responses to each question have a minimum of 100 words.