Quantitative Research: Article Summary
This assignment is aimed at giving students an opportunity to select and analyze a real quantitative (qualitative is written in the classroom) research study and explain how it may or may not be able to help improve an aspect of health care delivery. This will be a 2 – 4 page paper that meets the general writing guidelines which are outlined in the syllabus.This assignment should be carried out as follows:Step #1: Study selection – Select the article that most interests you.
- A Randomized Trial of Intensive versus Standard Blood-Pressure Control (Article1)
- Cancer incidence and mortality worldwide: Sources, methods and major patterns in GLOBOCAN 2012 (Article2)
- The Quality of Surgical and Pneumonia Care in Minority-Serving and Racially Integrated Hospitals (Article3)
Step #2: Summary: Write a 2 – 3 page summary and analysis of the key aspects of the article you selected. In this summary you should cover the following items in the article:
- Describe the research hypothesis in the article
- Describe the type of quantitative research design selected and why this design was chosen by the author(s), i.e. Descriptive, Correlational, Causal-comparative/quasi- experimental research or Experimental research. The following link provides a quick review of the differenceshttp://www.bcps. org/offices/lis/ researchcourse/develop_ quantitative.html