assessment13 xassessment5 x
Resource: Organizational Behavior
Locate the Self-Assessment Inventories from Organizational Behavior in your Materials section. Choose and complete three self-assessments from the following list to determine your personal strengths and weaknesses:
- Assessment number 5: Personal Values
- Assessment number 13: Empowering Others
- Assessment number 16: Your Intuitive Ability
Submit a response in an 8- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation. Based on the results reported by these assessments and your observation of yourself, what personal strengths do you have as an entrepreneur? What personal weaknesses can you identify and how might you make improvements?
Think of times when you have been in charge of a group—this could be a full-time or part-time work situation, a student workgroup, or whatever. Complete the following questionnaire by recording how you feel about each statement according to this scale.
1 = Strongly disagree
2 = Disagree
3 = Neutral
4 = Agree
5 = Strongly agree
When in charge of a group I find:
· ___2__ 1. Most of the time other people are too inexperienced to do things, so I prefer to do them myself.
· __4___ 2. It often takes more time to explain things to others than just to do them myself.
· __2___ 3. Mistakes made by others are costly, so I don’t assign much work to them.
· __2___ 4. Some things simply should not be delegated to others.
· __4___ 5. I often get quicker action by doing a job myself.
· __2___ 6. Many people are good only at very specific tasks, and thus can’t be assigned additional responsibilities.
· __3___ 7. Many people are too busy to take on additional work.
· __2___ 8. Most people just aren’t ready to handle additional responsibilities.
· __3___ 9. In my position, I should be entitled to make my own decisions.
Total your responses; enter the score here [__24___].
This instrument gives an impression of your willingness to delegate. Possible scores range from 9 to 45. The lower your score, the more willing you appear to be to delegate to others. Willingness to delegate is an important managerial characteristic. It is essential if you—as a manager—are to “empower” others and give them opportunities to assume responsibility and exercise self-control in their work. With the growing importance of empowerment in the new workplace, your willingness to delegate is well worth thinking about seriously.
· __100___ 1. An enjoyable, satisfying job
· __100___ 2. A high-paying job
· __100___ 3. A good marriage
· __70___ 4. Meeting new people; social events
· __50___ 5. Involvement in community activities
· __0___ 6. My religion
· __100___ 7. Exercising, playing sports
· __100___ 8. Intellectual development
· __60___ 9. A career with challenging opportunities
· __70___ 10. Nice cars, clothes, home, etc.
· __100___ 11. Spending time with family
· __20___ 12. Having several close friends
· __50___ 13. Volunteer work for not-for-profit organizations, such as a cancer society
· __100___ 14. Meditation, quiet time to think, pray, etc.
· __100___ 15. A healthy, balanced diet
· __100___ 16. Educational reading, TV, self-improvement programs, etc.
Professional- 160
Financial- 170
Family- 200
Social- 90
Community- 100
Spiritual- 100
Physical- 200
Intellectual- 200
Pretty decent balance overall
The higher the total in any area, the higher the value you place on that particular area. The closer the numbers are in all eight areas, the more well-rounded you are. Think about the time and effort you put forth in your top three values. Is it sufficient to allow you to achieve the level of success you want in each area? If not, what can you do to change? Is there any area in which you feel you should have a higher value total? If yes, which, and what can you do to change?