20170314032911unit_2_capstone_1 x
the attached document is the work i did last time.. i think it helps
Based on the feedback you have received on your introduction paragraph, begin writing a 3–4 page rough draft of the body paragraphs of your research paper, which should have a clear focus, problems and solutions, and reliable/scholarly sources as support. You should currently have a good supply of research notes to bring into each of your arguments. Be sure your rough draft includes the following:
- An introduction that has been revised based on prior feedback
- Body paragraphs organized around focused analysis and supporting evidence for each of the key points that you are researching
- In-text citations and a reference page to document sources being used
this was a good paper and an interesting selection of topics for an expository exploration of a changing landscape in the criminal justice field. Below are minor administrative issues that should be addressed in future academic papers. Keep up the good work.
This paper is authorized to be turned in late to help meet the needs of the student. The penalty is governed by AIU’s standardized late policy (effective January 11, 2017). The policy may not be amended or edited for individual usage. Assignments that are submitted within 7 calendar days, after the due date, will be assessed a 10% penalty off of the total assignment’s points. Break weeks are excluded from the formula. Only one late paper may be submitted in the last week of class. (12.5 points).
There are no in-text citations in the body of the paper to show where the work came from (although there are references at the end of the paper. Whenever there are references at the end of a paper, then there should also be corresponding in-text citations somewhere in the body of the paper. The in-text citations should match-up with the references at the end of the paper. An in-text citation is the author’s last name, followed by the year of publication. So if John Doe wrote a book, journal article, magazine article or website article in 2005, then the in-text citation would be like this: (Doe, 2005). If the publication date isn’t available, then simply write n.d. which means “no date. ” This is how it would look: (Doe, n.d.). If no human author is listed in the publication that you want to cite, then there is a specific way to format that too as an in-text citation. The AIU APA guide should help you and you can find it at
. A website called Citation Machine will also format the in-text citation for free for you. Go to
and remember to choose APA and not MLA. You can also visithttp://my.ilstu.edu/~jhkahn/APAsample to see a sample APA paper with sample in-text citations in it. PERRLA would also help you. It’s inexpensive software that you can purchase and it will automatically create in-text citations for you, and it will create an alphabetized reference page in the correct format – and it does it all the APA way! If you are interested, you can find them at:
(it’s worth it and it’s what I use). I have personally used PERRLA for many years with great satisfaction. Another software that I’ve never used can be found at
on the internet. Lastly, Microsoft Word 2007 will do the formatting for you. Simply click on “references” at the top of the screen and then select APA. (3 points).
This assignment hypothetically proposed that the student was hired by the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS). During this proposed tenure, the student was asked to present an investigative report at a criminal justice symposium with the goal of advising colleauges and practicioners relevant information about policies, technologies and databases may help to bring those accused of crimes to justice. While global jurisdictional issues have been discussed, the focus was on the legal landscape in the United States.
Running head:
Analysis and DNA databases1
Fingerprint Analysis and DNA databases6
How Fingerprint Analysis and DNA databases technologies have changed the legal landscape
Andres Quiles
AIU Online
Technological developments have been changing the law requirement scene. From automatons to body cameras to GPS labeling frameworks and warm imaging innovation, propels in law authorization change are making it feasible for authorities to improve open wellbeing more than ever. Be that as it may, much the same as any innovation, it is just helpful if the administrator knows how to utilize it and amplify its potential while additionally understanding its suggestions and conceivable dangers.
Fingerprint analysis is one of the technologies used today in the field of crime investigation and solving. Fingerprint analysis has gone through milestone steps in crime solving with the help of forensic scientist. It is easy to acquire fingerprints from a crime scene in that fingerprints are typically deposited on suitable surfaces such as polished stones and glass. Fingerprints are always present in epidermal ridges due to the natural secretions of sweat from the eccrine glands.
Fingerprints analysis has been in use since the 20th century. The use of fingerprints analysis has helped in solving a lot of crimes. Many criminals nowadays considered gloves to be an essential part of their plans before committing a crime. Human fingerprints are definite, almost remarkable, hard to modify, and reliable over the life of an individual, making them reasonable as long haul markers of human personality. They might be utilized by police or different experts to distinguish people who wish to disguise their character or to recognize individuals who are weakened or perished and along these lines not able to recognize themselves, as in the outcome of a catastrophic event.
Unique mark recognizable proof, known as dactyloscopy, or imprint ID, is the way toward contrasting two occurrences of grinding edge skin impressions, from human fingers or toes, or even the palm of the hand or sole, to figure out if these impressions could have originated from a similar person. The adaptability of contact edge skin implies that no two finger or palm prints are ever precisely similar in everything about; two impressions recorded instantly after each other from a similar hand might be marginally extraordinary. Unique mark recognizable proof, additionally alluded to as individualization, includes a specialist, or an expert PC framework working under edge scoring rules, figuring out if two grating edge impressions are probably going to have begun from a similar finger or palm.
A deliberate recording of friction edges is typically made with dark printer’s ink moved over a differentiating white foundation, regularly a white card. Grating edges can likewise be recorded carefully, for the most part on a glass plate, utilizing a method called Live Scan. An “inert print” is the possibility recording of rubbing edges saved on the surface of a question or a divider. Idle prints are undetectable to the bare eye, while “patent prints” or “plastic prints” are visible with the unaided eye. Inert prints are regularly fragmentary and require the utilization of concoction strategies, powder, or option light sources keeping in mind the end goal to be clarified. In some cases, a conventional splendid spotlight will make a dormant print noticeable.
At the point when friction edges come into contact with a surface that will take a print, material that is on the grating edges, for example, sweat, oil, oil, ink or blood, will be exchanged to the surface. The conditions encompassing each case of rubbing side statement are one of a kind and never copied. Thus, unique finger impression inspectors are required to experience broad preparing.
Another field which innovation has changed the legitimate scene is on the DNA database. A DNA database can be used as a piece of the examination of inherited illnesses, hereditary fingerprinting for criminology, or genetic parentage. DNA databases might be open or private, yet the biggest ones are national DNA databases.
DNA was initially used to help a criminal examination by Professor Jeffreys in 1986. This analysis utilized DNA fingerprinting systems to connection semen recolor tests gathered from two assaults/kills that had happened three years separated in 1983 and 1986, in a little town in Leicestershire, UK.
There are three sorts of DNA databases these are the scientific DNA database which is a real database for putting away DNA profiles of people that empower seeking and contrasting of DNA tests gathered from a wrongdoing scene against storing patterns. The most significant capacity of the scientific database is to create coordinates between the speculated individual and wrongdoing scene biomarkers, and after that gives proof to bolster criminal examinations, and furthermore prompts to recognize potential suspects in the criminal analysis. The second sort is the genealogy database which is used for genealogical DNA test results. The last type is medicinal DNA database which is a DNA database of therapeutically relevant genetic varieties. It gathers individual’s DNA which can mirror their restorative records and way of life points of interest. Through recording DNA profiles, researchers may discover the connections between the genetic condition and event of specific sicknesses.
When a match is delivered using a national DNA database to interface a crime scene to a suspected group who have given a DNA test to a database that association is every now and again implied as a cool hit. A frosty hit is of incentive in alluding the police organization to a particular suspect, however, is less evidential incentive than a DNA coordinate produced using outside the DNA database. Investigate demonstrates that DNA databases of criminal guilty parties diminish wrongdoing rates.
The United States national DNA database is kept up at three levels: federal, state and neighborhood. Each level executed its particular DNA list framework. The national DNA file structure permitted DNA profiles to be traded and looked at between took an interest research facility broadly. Each state DNA data framework allows DNA profiles to be sold and thought about between the labs of different states and the neighborhood DNA record structure DNA profiles at nearby destinations and transferred to SDIS and NDIS.
CODIS programming incorporates and associates all the DNA file frameworks at the three levels. CODIS is presented on each shared research focus site and uses a democratic framework known as Criminal Justice Information Systems Wide Area Network (CJIS WAN) to connect with various labs.
Gies, S., Wyrick, P. A., & Healy, E. (2015). Technology and Criminal Justice Policy. US Criminal Justice Policy, 281.
DesPortes, B. L. (2014). Friction ridge opinion evidence after Daubert and the NAS Report. Wiley Encyclopedia of Forensic Science.
Collins, F. S., & Hamburg, M. A. (2013). First FDA authorization for next-generation sequencer. New England Journal of Medicine, 369(25), 2369-2371.
Butler, J. M. (2015). The future of forensic DNA analysis. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B, 370(1674), 20140252.
Solove, D. J., & Schwartz, P. M. (2015). An Overview of Privacy Law.