unit_3_416 x4unit_4_416.pptx
Using any or all sources that you have been exposed to throughout the term, you will create a strategic plan (10–12 pages) to improve collaboration between the agencies that are involved in homeland security and emergency response in your city. Be sure to describe how your plan will encourage agencies to work together and avoid turf wars with regard to information and jurisdiction.
For this assignment, the strategies and plans listed in the resources for this and the other units provide examples of plans that you may use as a template. Because of the page limit, it is unlikely that an entire strategic plan is achievable. Therefore, you should focus on preparing a collaboration annex to the plan that you select.
- You will again approach it from the perspective of an emergency planner for the real-world county that you have employed all term. (Again, please use a pseudonym when referring to this county.)
- Choose either an emergency operations plan or a subject-specific plan (such as pandemic influenza, school safety and preparedness, information sharing, establishing a fusion center, or any other reasonable topic).
- Locate an annex in any plan or strategy; it does not need to be the plan that you have selected to contribute to for this assignment.
- You are going to produce a collaboration annex to a plan that is used (actually or hypothetically) by your county.
Provide definitions and explanations for key terms, including interagency,partners, collaborative relationships, coordination, and team-building.
- Develop and describe 3–5 primary overarching objectives for collaboration and coordination. These are strategic and therefore conceptual; you will be more specific later.
These objectives should be as detailed as possible to include information as to why and how they should be pursued and achieved.
An example of an objective may be to seek consensus with the subsequent rationale for this, potentially including focusing the team on a single end state, permitting all partners to have some ownership on the plan’s elements or overall goals, or demonstrating respect for all partners’ perspectives.These components must be fully explained.
- Identify at least ten stakeholders with whom the county will need to collaborate for this specific plan. Describe the following for each partner:
The specific capabilities that it brings to bear
Benefits that it will reap from collaboration
Challenges that collaboration or partnering will create for it
Points of contact for each partner agency
Any other information that you feel is relevant - Educate prospective partners on methods that the county will use to promote collaboration.
Select or originally design at least four methods, programs or approaches designed to foster collaboration.
You have learned about some methods and can locate many more in available strategies and operating procedures, especially those focused primarily on interagency coordination.
You may choose methods from existing sources, design your own programs, or combine both forms; if you use a method from another source, you must properly reference it. - Identify and describe at least three ways that partners will be incorporated into exercises; make these descriptions detailed, logical, and relevant to the success of this specific plan.
- Write a short summary wrapping up the intentions of your annex.
EM/HS Roles in Planning and Preparedness
Andres QuilesDeya
CRJS 416
The New York County has laid out several goals to serve the purpose of preparedness in case of emergency management and homeland security. In the 2014-2016 homeland security strategy, there are 10 goals to guide if such a case arises.
The first goal is fortifying the preparedness levels for chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear defense (CBRNE) and improving their reaction capabilities. This is done through carrying out intense training, purchase of required important equipment and other resources required for effectiveness and efficiency of first response to those caught in cases pertaining to CBRNE for fast and easy solutions to be put forward (Friedlander et.al, 1979).
Based on the threats the New York County is susceptible to, securing the critical infrastructure and major resources through effective identification of these threats or the infrastructure under threat as well as assessing the impact of these threats is important in strengthening the protection provided for the safekeeping of critical infrastructure.Having counter-terrorism and law enforcement measures put in place and fortified in a way that ensures terrorism is dealt with head-on. This is to be done through improving the relationships with countries on an international level and making adjustments based on new discoveries and previous threats in a way that deals with future threats that may arise.
Improving the relationships between the federal, state governments, local and the private stakeholders such that crucial information and intelligenceare shared every so often is importantto ensure that threats are counteracted in whichever case before they happen.Emergency management ought to be catered for in case of the worst case scenarios so that the county can always get back up despite the threats to New York.Strengthening the preparedness among the citizens of the county as well as the community through equipping them effectively with skills that will keep them charged and sustained for a while and at the same time, be in a position to provide assistance to those affected by the threats and disasters.
Another goal is being able to get back up as both a county and country by ensuring plans put in place to guide during disaster strikes are adhered to, to the latter and with the very much needed resilience.Improving the communication channels when disasters strike so that first responders catch wave before much damage is done to people, animals, property or infrastructure in the area, which would otherwise result in severe loss.Cyber security ought to be improved through equipping IT people with these capabilities of counteracting crimes and enhancing technology as it advances (Friedlander et.al, 1979). Health emergency preparedness is also important. The health providing professionals and trainees ought to be equipped with skills important enough to be used during emergency cases as well as possibly equipping the community to be ready for the same.
In the case of any disaster striking, the New York County also authorizes a few state and local disaster plans that are not necessarily mandated, yet. They include the creation of a division that deals with homeland security and emergency management, an anti-terrorism act and a preparedness act, pets’ evacuation, the review of pipeline security, provision of security to schools and assisted living facilities among others.
The New York County, in order to see through the effectiveness of these plans, has several stakeholders. Federal partners including the federal government, non-profit organizations such as emergency management services and the American Red Cross, the academic community which consists of schools having units or divisions to deal with disasters, Disaster Preparedness Commission (D.P.C.), first responders and locally elected officials, tribal partners, border security partners with Canada for instance, the private sector encouraging public-private partnerships, urban area working groups, and the general public. With all these groups in play, it ought to be easier dealing with catastrophic events and disasters.
The core stakeholders in every county would be the federal and state governments, the local and private stakeholders (Friedlander et.al, 1979). The other stakeholders depend on the decisions agreed upon by the county itself.The relationship between the EM/HS and the federal government is important because this government deals with the most catastrophic events and ought to be included in dealing with such to ensure the best teams; equipment and training are put in the picture.The state government is important as a core stakeholder in the case of EM/HS as it very well knows its counties or state such that if anything catastrophic is to occur, it would know what first steps to take and how to deal with the issue at hand thus it would be fully engaged in the process.
The private sector plays a crucial part in dealing with disasters as it is the principal provider of infrastructure as well as the needs for the people in that county. This sector then has the ability to provide the most important resources for the counteracting of catastrophes in the county. It therefore, deals on a one-on-one basis with the EM/HS team.Benefits that ensue as a result of these partnerships include having to worry less about what to expect in future for the federal, state and local governments in terms of security for the country. As for the private sector, strengthening the relationships with the government and improving the situation for the citizens is an added advantage.
These relationships will provide the most comprehensive and integrated preparedness, incident response and promote information sharing through fostering good and effective relationships with each other constantly, developing goals that ensure security and emergency management is well taken care of, roles and responsibilities are clearly outlined and actions and responses to disasters are doneeffectively. Some of the unique stakeholders to New York include border security partners such as Canada. Canada, for instance, coordinates its efforts well with New York when it comes to cultural and economic growth. Most importantly, Canada comes in handy when dealing with security concerns thus both discuss the best way to deal with them effectively. This relationship should be in existence to cater for the security of both parties so as to keep their citizens safe and well protected. Both of these groups benefit from the coordination through safety being ensured and gaining from partnerships that help grow the business aspects.
Urban area working groups are other stakeholders who come in handy such as Westchester counties, the city of New York and others. These groups work together with the New York authorities to ensure the homeland security of the region is well taken care of and the partnerships between these two groups are enhanced. These relationships are important as they can come together to foster the security of their urban working area thus protecting their own citizens in the process. Security is of great benefit to the groups involved.
The New York state works in coordination with the locally elected officials and the first responders to make sure disasters are dealt with in a timely manner such that the lives of New Yorkers are protected as well as the property therein. The people involved gain both security and have the power to help implement disaster management practices, theoretically and on the ground. The relationships between these groups is important as information held by each group is shared thus fosters security and the best way to deal with security concerns.
The Disaster Preparedness Commission is another stakeholder which ensures facilitation of the various groups involved in emergency management for the sake of disaster preparedness (Friedlander et.al, 1979). Collaboration of the teams involved in disaster management helps with the Governor’s insight into the matter(s) thus ensuring preparedness. Benefits are realized when the authorities involved gain from practicing and implementing their homeland security and emergency management practices.
Lastly, tribal partners both federal and state, are engaged in the involvement and preparedness for disaster efforts together with the state of New York. The relationship fosters security of all the parties involved in the long term thus ending up benefitting them both in terms of provision of security to tribal nations through their input into the preparedness.These relationships help with disaster preparedness through input from all these teams into the best ways of dealing with disasters by information sharing, sharing of trained teams and equipment in the fight against both natural and man-made disasters.
There are several methods to help conduct coordination sessions (United States, 2005). First, collection and evaluation of information to help guide a team in getting to know the importance and severity of various matters to do with disaster threats is important. Second, setting priorities based on the information presented helps guide the members involved to know the disasters to deal with first followed by those that are not as severe. Third, resource management helps with the allocation of resources to the most severe disasters based on the amount of resources required to mitigate the risks involved and managing these resources effectively.
There are several tactics to encourage robust participation of those present in the meeting. Encouraging members to be interactive so that important ideas can crop up, dividing the agenda to be discussed into short time units to reduce chances of boredom and inviting questions to keep people engaged. Appreciating and rewarding those who are active in the meeting too is an important tactic (Bullock, Haddow& Coppola, 2012).
The EM/HS teams can take into consideration interoperability and redundancy into communication to enable effective communication and operation while in the field in case disaster strikes (Washington, 2006). The baseline information that a county ought to provide to prospective partners for contributions’ sake is the kind of disasters the county is prone to, the measures that ought to be taken to deal with these disasters, at what point in time they should be expected or not, the amount of resources required to deal with these disasters based on risk assessments carried out on the same and finally, which disasters take first priority.
Creating space in which everyone can put forward their opinions and sharing information shared by other stakeholders helps gain viable cooperation from potentially recalcitrant partners so that they can feel as one and important individuals (Bullock, Haddow& Coppola, 2012).The New York County has to be convincing enough so as to have partners on board the idea of receiving help during preparing for the occurrence of disasters.
Bullock, J. A., Haddow, G. D., & Coppola, D. P. (2012). Introduction to homeland security: Principles of all-hazards risk management. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.
Facing hazards and disasters: Understanding human dimensions. (2006). Washington: National Academies Press.
Friedlander, R. A., Levie, H. S., Musch, D. J., Alexander, Y., & Lovelace, D. C. (1979). Terrorism: Documents of international and local control. Dobbs Ferry, N.Y: Oceana Publications.
United States. (2005). Department of Homeland Security Emergency Preparedness and Response Directorate fiscal year 2005 budget: Hearing of the Subcommittee on Emergency Preparedness and Response before the Select Committee on Homeland Security, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, March 3, 2004. Washington: U.S. G.P.O.
Influenza pandemic has a worldwide effect on mortality and morbidity. It therefore requires that there is a sustained response and effective plan. The plan in place is able to contain the possible effects of Influenza pandemic. It is important to note that, an Influenza pandemic can easily overwhelm the entire healthcare system very quickly.
Pandemic Influenza Preparedness
The first element is on preparation of potential Influenza emergency, the surveillance, case treatment and investigation, public health preventive measures, maintenance of essential services, research and evaluation and finally, implementation process and revision of the plan (Organization).
The aforementioned plan within the county is effectively highlighted and active. In particular, there are set resources that in case of any potential pandemic, there are enough funds to ensure that the county is well prepared to mitigate the potential effects of Influenza pandemic. Moreover, in terms of surveillance, all strategic concepts of carrying out surveillance are active. In particularly, the inter-pandemic surveillance, enhanced surveillance and the actual pandemic surveillance are all active processes in place that are functioning effectively.
Status of the Plan
Preparation cycle involve the aforementioned seven processes from preparation process of potential emergency to assessment and review of the plan cycle. It is a looping process that should follow effectively to ensure that there are proper mitigates processes in case of an Influenza pandemic. Moreover, it is important to note that every step of the process is important, however, the surveillance step is particularly critical as it helps define how fast all other processes should move. In a situation where there is late surveillance, there is a risk that all other processes may come in late to help mitigate the pandemic. Finally, assessment process is important to help define potential loopholes in the system. If the plan has any potential loophole, then it is possible to identify through the self-assessment process of the planning cycle.
Preparedness of the Cycle
Design Model
Case treatment and investigation
Public health preventive measures
Implementation process and revision
Preparation of potential Influenza emergency
Maintenance of essential services
Research and evaluation
Preparation for an emergency is the first step that entails a number of key aspects. Firstly, setting up a command or control center is an important first step. It ensures that there is effective organization for plan implementation. Moreover, risk assessment and communication dynamics. The aforementioned perspectives offer direction in centralized communication such that whatever information being relayed to the public and within the plan implementation process is harmonic. Finally, ethical and legal issues relating to the conduct and handling of potential cases during a pandemic are vital (Decker and Keith).
Stage 1
Involves surveillance process and response. There are three sets to the aforementioned stage, inter-pandemic, enhanced surveillance and pandemic surveillance stage. The stage is critical since it highlights the possible dangers, the presence of absence of an Influenza pandemic. It is more of a signaling system, or an alarm system that helps alert the imminent danger posed.
Stage 2
This stage involves investigation of potential cases and treatment processes. Three facets form the backbone for treatment and investigation. The first one is on diagnostic capacity where all test all carried out. Moreover, there is need for epidemiological studies since Influenza pandemic involves massive numbers of people. Finally, there is need for clinical management where diagnosed individuals are treated of the illness.
Stage 3
Taking preventive measures to curb spread of Influenza pandemic through the community is the other stage. Three aspects involve the public health measures, vaccine programs and antiviral preventive methods. Aforementioned measures are critical to ensure that on confirmation that there is an outbreak, proper and effective measures are set in place to ensure limited infection. Keeping in mind the precarious nature of Influenza pandemic it is therefore essential that proper actions be taken into account.
Stage 4
This stage involves maintenance of essential services in particular health services. There are about four perspectives to it, in terms of the personnel, supplies, facility and mortality handling. The advent of a pandemic implies that there are areas that require frequent checks. Therefore, it is imperative that health services are kept running before, during and after the epidemic. In addition, the recovery services account for a major factor to the success at this stage.
Stage 5
Research and evaluation is a critical stage in the plan. In particular, to ensure effective treatment, elimination of, and epidemic, it is important to establish the possible causes. Moreover, research ensures that there is effective establishment of key signs that complement the second phase of surveillance. It also ensures that proper understanding of the costive organisms and if there is any particular resistance to current medication plan.
Stage 6
Stage 7: Implementation, testing and revision of the plan is the final stage of the cycle. It accounts of implementation process of the preceding stages in the cycle. Moreover, there is constant testing of the plan to ensure effectiveness of the plan, and that are no particulate loopholes that may derail the plan. Ultimately, after the whole process and all stages are captured, there is need to revise and eliminate any form of errors or enhancing any ineffective stages.
Stage 7
The three facets of designing a valid plan include, the content, construct and criterion that bases on the validity theory. The content defines what the plan contains as a whole. Is the plan relevant to solve the intended problem or not? The content is critical since it organizes and defines what pieces of the puzzle fit where. Each piece of the plan is defined in the content stage.
Validity Facets
The construct stage involves testing if the defined plan is working, as it is suppose. It defines the degree that the purported claim of what the test measures actually do measure effectively and efficiently. In the current plan, it is important to test that each stage works effectively as defined in the content stage (Heumüller, Sebastian and Ulrike). Finally, the criterion defines the procedures to be followed in each specific stage. How effective are the set procedures? In technical language, this stage accounts for the standard operation procedures, which work to ensure every stage achieves its mandate effectively without any glitch.
Validity Facets
There are many stakeholders important in ensuring effective management of the plan. They include, administrative and security personnel, nurses, pharmacists and physicians, laboratory and technical aides, first responders and social workers, finally, mortuary personnel and maintenance. Aforementioned stakeholders all are important to ensuring that all the stages of the plan are implemented effectively. In particular, take the example of technical aides who involves researchers from the private sector. In most cases, the private sector is a critical part in helping implement the aforementioned plan effectively. They not only contain the expertise, but also the necessary capacity in complementing and adding to the plan especially in research (McKing).
Taking into account that there are different stakeholders, each one has their own unique contribution to the plan. In every stage, there are various expertise required for effective implementation of the plan. The nurses for example play a crucial role in providing care needed to any patient of the epidemic. The mortuary personnel are an integral part of the plan, since only they can handle patients that succumb to the epidemic.
Final recommendations are on developing a counter plan in case of any unforeseen eventuality. The current plan works until that point all foreseen issues or problems have a solution. However, it does leave a gap in a situation the current medication are not effective to the patients. Keeping in mind the idea of drug resistance in various organisms it is important that there is a backup plan to solve such unforeseen eventuality.
Moreover, setting up full operational institutions as part of the county team that works as proactive institutions. It implies that the plan in place becomes a valid standard operation procedure due for review. Therefore, such a department institution within the county would highly validate the plan, for a long-term process and not simply in the short term.
Decker, K. C and Holtermann Keith. “”The role for exercises in senior policy pandemic influenza preparedness.”.” Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management 6.1 (2009): 32. Journal .
Heumüller, Erich, Richter Sebastian and Lechner Ulrike. “Training, Test and Experimentation: A classification of command post exercises.” Proceedings of the 10 th international ISCRAM Conference. Baden-Baden., 2013. Book .
McKing, A. Framework for improving cross-sector coordination for emergency preparedness and response: action steps for public health, law enforce., the judiciary and corrections. DIANE Publishing, 2010. Book .
Organization, World Health. “WHO checklist for influenza pandemic preparedness planning.” World Health Organization (2005): 4-39. Document .
OSHA. “Pandemic Influenza Preparedness and Response Guidance for Healthcare Workers and Healthcare Employers.” Occupational Safety and Health Administration (2007): 3328-05. Document .