PUBH8571_Paper2Assignment xPUBH8571Syllabus_FAll_2020_F_8.4.20202
As a public health leader what is the role of public health for assuring health justice and social justice for older adults? Provide supporting evidence to support the position with appropriate references. (Minimum of 6-7 pages with maximum of 10 page paper double spaced in addition to separate cover page (include course name and number, paper 2_Name of your paper_Little) and reference page. See syllabi for formatting and style. From Syllabus: APA Format is used for Dr. Little’s assignments. 12- point font, one -inch margins, double spaced, separate reference page. All assignments should be submitted with a cover page that includes your name, course name and number, semester/year, instructor name and date. Make sure you number each page except the cover page. We have discussed the community services for older adults as well as institutionalized care provided by assisted living and skilled nursing facilities (nursing homes). Concerns over quality in health care including long term care quality are important topics. Quality is directly related to health justice versus social justice. It should be american context. Please do thorough research.
1. Examine public health services for the aged population (INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND).
2. Analyze health care resources and competencies needed for healthy aging.
3. Demonstrate skills necessary for public health workforce development and advocacy.
4. Evaluate technological applications available for optimizing quality of life.
5. Analyze health care policies, financial resources and services available for the aged population.
6. Assess financial resources needed by aging population and critique current system for ensuring quality of care.
7. Evaluate the current needs and services for assuring provision of care for fragile populations.
8. Critique the role of public health in end of life care for aged population.
We have discussed the community services for older adults as well as institutionalized care provided by assisted living and skilled nursing facilities (nursing homes). Concerns over quality in health care including long term care quality are important topics. Quality is directly related to health justice versus social justice.
As a public health leader what is the role of public health for assuring health justice and social justice for older adults?
Provide supporting evidence to support position with appropriate references. (Minimum of 7 pages with maximum of 10 page paper double spaced in addition to separate cover page (include course name and number, paper 2_Name of your paper_Little) and reference page. See syllabi for formatting and style.
From Syllabus: APA Format is used for Dr. Little’s assignments. 12- point font, one -inch margins, double spaced, separate reference page. All assignments should be submitted with a cover page that includes your name, course name and number, semester/year, instructor name and date. Make sure you number each page except the cover page.
PUBH 8571: Public Health & Aging
Fall 2020 Syllabus
Distance Education Delivery
Dr. Ruth Little
Dr. Rashmita Basu
Vice Chair & Assistant Professor Assistant Professor
Dr. Little Office Hours: Office hour: by appointment
Tuesday 2-4pm; Thursday 2-5pm; Email:
or by appointment Phone: 252-744-2785 (O)
Phone 252-744-312
Cell: 252-916-4608
Enrollment in Doctor of Public Health, Health Policy Administration & Leadership Concentration
Course Objectives:
On completion of this course students are expected to be able to:
1. Examine public health services for the aged population.
2. Analyze health care resources and competencies needed for healthy aging.
3. Demonstrate skills necessary for public health workforce development and advocacy.
4. Evaluate technological applications available for optimizing quality of life.
5. Analyze health care policies, financial resources and services available for the aged
6. Assess financial resources needed by aging population and critique current system for
ensuring quality of care.
7. Evaluate the current needs and services for assuring provision of care for fragile populations.
8. Critique the role of public health in end of life care for aged population.
Textbooks for Dr. Little’s portion of the course:
Rowles, Graham D. & Teaster, Pamela B. (2016). Long Term Care in an Aging Society. Springer
Publishing Co. New York. New York.
Nerenberg, Lisa. (2019). Critical Topics in an Aging Society: Elder Justice, Ageism, and Elder Abuse.
Spring Publishing Co. New York, New York.
Dr. Basu’s portion of the course:
There will be no specific text book for Dr. Basu’s portion of this course, rather you will be given a list of
journal articles, book chapters, reports etc, on the topics that we will cover in the syllabus. Please find
these reading materials in the Canvas.
Additional Required Readings:
Will be assigned and placed in canvas under each weekly module. Please check frequently, as relevant
readings occur, these may be added to maximize course learning opportunities.
Course Schedule
Week 1: Dr. Little
August 10, 2020
Discussion Board 1:
See Week 1
Discussion Board in
Long Term Care Overview:
• Long Term Care Populations
• History of LTC
• Formal versus Informal Care
Week 2: Dr. Basu
August 17, 2020
Discussion #2:
demand for long-term
care services and
supports (LTSS),
financial and
economic challenges
faced by older adults
Health and economic consequences of
• Demographic trends: increase in
long-term care needs due to
disability, chronic illnesses
Financial/economic resources
available to aging population—to
meet the demand for care needs
Week 3: Dr. Basu
August 24, 2020
Discussion #3:
Payment and
reimbursement of
acute versus LTSS:
public versus private
payers. Different types
of LTSS /different
care settings
Health insurance coverages for older adults:
Reimbursement and financing of health
for older adults: Acute care and Long-term
• Insurance coverage for acute care:
• Long-term care needs for aging
population; types of services who
provides: Informal versus formal care
services-costs and consequences to
health care system, public health
• Home Health care/Long-term care
facilities/Skilled Nursing care
Week 4; Dr. Basu
August 31, 2020
Discussion #4:
Differences in
financing between
acute and long-term
care: financial risks
associated with LTSS
financing: the role of
Financing of long-term care services and
supports (LTSS):
• Financing of long-term care: roles of
public and private
• Who are the Long-term care service
government policies
and challenges to the
You should start
thinking about the
topic of your research
Decision to make private long-term care
Week 5: Dr. Basu
September 7, 2020
Discussion #5: Roles
of public payers
and individuals in
financing of LTSS
Private long-term care
insurance coverage
and its implications for
Labor Day Holiday
• Role of public and private financing
of long-term care services and
• Financial burdens related to long-
term care services and supports
Week 6: Dr. Basu
September 14, 2020
Discussion #6: Quality
of LTSS and role of
federal and state
regulations and
oversights on quality
assurance efforts
Quality of LTSS for older adults:
• Quality of care received by older
population- concerns/efforts to
address-both acute and long-term
care system.
• Efforts to improve quality of care—
acute care/long-term care ACA and
Week 7: Dr. Basu
September 21, 2020
Research Paper Due
(Specific instruction
for the research paper
is included at the end
of the syllabus)
COVID-19 and Long-erm care facilities:
public health challenges
• Why COVID-19 impacts long-term
care facilities so hard:
• Impacts of COIVID-19 on residents
and staff –challenges of having
adequate resources, transition of
residents due to COVID-19
Week 8: Dr. Little
September 28, 2020
Discussion Board See
Community Based LTC
• Quality of Life
• Family and Family Involvement
• Community Services/Aging
• Social Isolation
Week 9: Dr. Little
October 5, 2020
Home Health Care/Adult Day
• Policies and Regulation
• Disability Rights and Olmstead
• Technological Advances
• Geriatric Rehabilitation
• Adult Day Care Background and
Week 10: Dr. Little
October 12, 2020
Discussion Board
integrating week 9 and
See Canvas
Assisted Living/SNF/Palliative Care/Hospice
• History
• Policies and regulations
• Ethical Considerations
Week 11: Dr. Little
Oct 19, 2020
Paper 2 Assignment
No discussion board
work on paper
Ageism, Ethics/Elder Justice/Abuse
• History
• Health Justice vs Social Justice
• Elder Abuse
• Consumer Choice
• Advocacy
Week 12: Dr. Little
October 26, 2020
Discussion Board:
You will select a
critical ageism issue in
public health for this
discussion board.
Please send proposed
topic so other students
don’t select same topic
by October 21, 2020.
See Canvas
Critical Public Health Issues in Aging
• In depth discussion and review of
critical issues in public health and
aging including Covid-19 pandemic
for driving public health policies.
• Public Health Aging Policies: Aging
in Place; health and well-being of
older adults.
Week 13: Dr. Little
November 2, 2020
Public Health Policy & Aging/Health
• Social Determinants of Health Older
• Disparities in preventative care,
assess to care, chronic disease and
utilization of services
Week 14: Dr. Little
November 9, 2020
Paper 3 Final Assignment
Discussion Board on
Public Health
Disparities, A
leadership response.
See Canvas
Public Health Workforce/Leadership
Development for Aging Society
Week 1
November 16, 2020
Classes End. Paper 3
You will find each week’s reading materials in the canvas
Student Conduct: Students’ work on assignments outside of class is to be their own unless specifically instructed
to work in teams.
Grading Rubric: See Canvas
F=69.9 and below
Assigned readings and specific instructions for assignments will be distributed separately
• Discussion Boards: 40% (30% Dr. Basu; 10% Dr. Little)
• Paper 1: Basu: 20%
• Paper 2: Little 20%
• Paper 3: Little 20%
General Class Information:
• Dr. Little and Dr. Basu are co-teaching this course. Please note the instructor listed under the
week and date. Each professor’s assignments will constitute 50% of the final grade.
• APA Format is used for Dr. Little’s assignments. 12- point font, one -inch margins, double
spaced, separate reference page. All assignments should be submitted with a cover page that
includes your name, course name and number, semester/year, instructor name and date. Make
sure you number each page except the cover page.
• Assignments are due by the date and time posted. Late assignments will not be accepted.
• Proactive communication is appreciated if you are experiencing difficulties in meeting deadlines
due to Covid-19 pandemic and your job responsibilities.
Instructions for Dr. Basu’s research paper (you are welcome to send me your topics of interest and I
would be happy to give you feedback on your topic selection):
• APA Format is used. 12- point font, one -inch margins, double spaced, separate reference page.
All assignments should be submitted with a cover page that includes your name, course name and
number, semester/year, instructor name and date. Make sure you number each page except the
cover page. Your paper should be within 1500 words excluding reference pages, figures tables
• Structure and content of the research paper
1. Topic of your research paper and the goal/objective of your paper
2. Why this is a problem to older adults and what is not known in the literature that you
specifically wanted to learn from research this topic and particular question of your
3. Literature review: be brief and only include literature that are relevant to your study and
published within last 10 years. What would be your contribution to the literature?
4. Your findings –must be aligned to your goals/objectives
5. Your conclusions and what you have learned
East Carolina University is committed to social justice. The course director and other course leaders
concur with that commitment and expect to maintain a positive learning environment based upon open
communication, mutual respect, and non-discrimination. We do not discriminate on the basis of race,
gender identity and expression, age, disability, veteran’s status, religion, sexual orientation, color, creed,
genetic information, political affiliation, or national origin. Any suggestions as to how to further such a
positive and open environment in this course will be appreciated and given serious consideration. Initial
suggestions first should be delivered to the course director; if a satisfactory resolution is not
accomplished, concerned students then may direct suggestions to the BSOM Office of Student Affairs.
Additionally, as noted in the BSOM’s Office of Student Affairs Policies and Procedures, students
requesting disability accommodations must first self-identify to the Office of Disability Support Services
on the East Carolina University main campus, who will advise the Office of Student Affairs at Brody
School of Medicine concerning recommended accommodations.
East Carolina University seeks to comply fully with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Students
requesting accommodations based on a disability must be registered with the Department for Disability
Support Services located in Slay 138 ((252) 737-1016 (Voice/TTY)).