Please read the carefully read the case studies below, and answer each question corresponding to the case studies.
Research Methods Scenario 1
Mr. Smith creates a new sauce because he wants to increase his restaurant’s sales by creating a burger that reduces gas production. He recruits 100 customers with a history of gas problems. He has 50 of them eat burgers with the new sauce. The other 50 eat burgers with sauce that looks just like the new sauce, but it is really just a mixture of mayonnaise and food coloring. Both groups were told that they were getting the new sauce. Mr. Smith has all of the participants track their production of gas for 24 hours. Mr. Smith finds that customers who ate the new sauce had less gas production for 24 hours.
1. For the study above, what is likely Mr. Smith’s hypothesis?
2. Based on the research design chosen by Mr. Smith, what logical conclusion can Mr. Smith make about his study?
Research Methods Scenario 2
Dr. Jones is conducting a study on the impact of playing violent video games and childhood aggression. He has administered more than 500 questionnaires to parents and has interviewed almost 100 children to examine the relationship between video game use and childhood aggression. Dr. Jones was thorough in identifying known variables that influence childhood aggression and controlled for the influence of these variables. Dr. Jones has concluded that children who play violent video games will cause children to become aggressive.
1. Taking into account the research design chosen by Dr. Jones, what is the biggest problem with Dr. Jones’ conclusion of his research?
Research Methods Scenario 3
Dr. Tsu wants to examine the effects of heroin use in pregnancy on excessive crying in neonates. She wants to use the results of her study to inform her community’s OBGYNs in order to educate expecting individuals and families. Would an experimental or correlational research design be most appropriate for Dr. Tsu to use? Why?