Provide a status report to your classmates and instructor. Describe any modifications that you have made to the design or documentation, discuss whether you encountered any new challenges or risks, and describe the mitigation strategy you implemented for addressing each risk. Are you meeting the objectives identified in your system proposal?
- What hardware, software, virtual desktop resources, and so on will you need to design and implement your system?
- What adjustments have you made to your document based on peer feedback?
- How do system components and applications interface and share data?
In response to your peers, provide constructive feedback on their system design document progress and suggestions that they can incorporate into their documentation or projects. Is a sufficient amount of detailed information being provided to enable implementation by any skilled IT practitioner? Do you see any potential obstacles that they might come up against? If so, what approach can they take to overcome these challenges?
Here is my original discussion. Use this for the assignment above.
Cloud service is a project proposed to firms that will help to solve security threats faced by a good deal of information technology systems of different companies (Krutz & Vines 2010). As you know, in the recent past, there have been a lot of cases about cybersecurity. There are many companies which have been robbed through fraud. Some of those companies that have fallen prey to fraud include Volkswagen, Toshiba accounting scandal, Wal-Mart, target among many other companies. These companies have lost million dollars through cybersecurity and also lost their reputation to their customers. This robbing happens when malicious people hack a company’s information system. After hacking, the malicious crew can transfer cash from the accounts of the company. Those people can also steal private information from a company which should be confidential to that company. Therefore, by the use of this application software, cloud services, companies will boost their performances in the industry.
The system method that will be used in the implementation or communicating about the program is the joint application design. By using this method, it ensures that all staff members within that organization who are essential or prominent officials who are responsible for implementing new regulations will be consulted (Kandukuri & Rakshit 2009). Consultation with the staff members will first help convince them to by implementing the project. The reason is that the officials will be explained how the software will be effective or how the cloud service project will improve the performance of the company. The executive sponsor, the system designer and manager of the system in any organization will also be asked. After their consultation, the project will be implemented. Hence, the organization will be much secure, or in other terms, the organization will secure its information from being leaked or hacked by malicious people.
Before a successful implementation of this project, there are several potential risks which should be addressed so they do not hinder its application. Some of those risks include lack of resources like funds, poor management of the project and also a lack of support by top officials. Lack of adequate resources like money will affect or hinder implementation of the project in that; there will be no cash to buy materials needed in the project or pay workers working on the project. If top officials do not support the implementation of the cloud service project, then the project will fail since no adequate resources shall be channeled to the project. Poor management of the project is the other potential risk which includes underfunding or failing to buy required tools for the implementation of the project. Mismanagement may also include misunderstanding among the top officials. For instance, if the top officials of a particular firm fail to come into understanding about a certain issue like the implementation of this cloud service project, then achieving any goal aimed at making the firm successful will not be achieved. In conclusion, this project, cloud service, will not benefit an individual company but it will benefit all the companies that will buy the idea and implement the project. The project will improve the information technology systems of those companies that will implement the project. It will also improve its performance since the employees will work without fear of being robbed by the malicious people. All officials in any company willing to implement any kind of project should work together.
Kandukuri, B. R., & Rakshit, A. (2009, September). Cloud security issues. In Services Computing, 2009. SCC’09. IEEE International Conference on (pp. 517-520). IEEE.
Krutz, R. L., & Vines, R. D. (2010). Cloud security: A comprehensive guide to secure cloud computing. Wiley Publishing.