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Project #2
Create the following 3 UML diagrams for selected Meeting Room activities of the IT project
from the previous exercise (providing IT services for a new building):
• Use Case diagram (high-level diagram)
o Hint: Be careful to connect the right actors to the right high-level activities
• Activity diagram (with swim lanes)
o Hint: create a swim lane for the PC Specialist and another for the AV Specialist
• Communications diagram
o Hint: be specific about the dialog – what questions would be asked; what answers
would be given
• Create a Use Case diagram to show the 3 actors and the 9 basic activities:
1. Procurement of all resources.
2. Receipt of all resources.
3. Setup of PCs and network servers at corporate office.
4. Deployment and Testing of equipment to the IT Area/Office.
5. Deployment and Testing of equipment to the Administrative Area.
6. Deployment and Testing of equipment to the Conference Room.
7. Deployment and Testing of equipment to the Meeting Room.
8. Deployment and Testing of equipment to the Individual Offices.
9. Deployment and Testing of equipment to the Computer Labs.
• Create an Activity diagram, with swim lanes, for the Meeting Room (see next page for
• Create a Communications diagram to show collaboration between the PC Specialist and the
AV Specialist for the Meeting Room (see next page for details).
Meeting Room:
The meeting room has a wireless ceiling-mounted Projector, and a desktop PC.
The desktop PC accesses the network via a network port and accesses the projector via a
direct-connect cable.
Users can bring their laptop to access the network via a wireless connection.
They can also access the wireless projector via a direct-connect cable or via a wireless
Both the PC Specialist and AV Specialist meet together in the Meeting Room to verify the
equipment works properly.
The PC Specialist performs the following activities that must be shown on the activity diagram
and communication diagram:
Activity #1: Install the desktop PC
Activity #2: Connect the desktop PC, via a network cable, to the network port
Activity #3: Ensure the PC is connected to the network.
Activity #4: If the Network connect fails, the PC Specialist troubleshoots the problem.
Communication #1: If needed, communicates with the Network Specialist.
1. the PC Specialist describes any symptoms and error message(s)
2. the Network Specialist provides steps to be taken to resolve the problem
3. the PC Specialist acknowledges success of the solution
Activity #5: Connects the desktop PC, via the direct-connect cable, to the projector.
Activity #6: Works with the AV Specialist to ensure the Desktop PC displays to the projector.
Note: If the projector does not display, the PC Specialist and AV Specialist troubleshoot
the problem together.
The AV Specialist performs the following activities that must be shown on the activity diagram
and communication diagram:
Activity #1: Install the
Activity #2: Ensure the Projector displays.
Activity #3: Using a Laptop, connect to the network via wireless.
Activity #4: If the Network connect fails, the PC Specialist troubleshoots the problem.
Activity #4: Ensure the laptop screen displays to the projector.
Activity #5 Works with the PC Specialist to make sure the Desktop PC displays to the