Please assist me in the following project
In a Microsoft Word document of 6-7 pages formatted in APA style, submit your instructional unit, which should include three lesson plans: one focused on patient education, one on family education, and one on staff development. Remember, your plans should demonstrate a logical approach to teaching, communicate what is to be taught and how, and outline how objectives are to be evaluated.
Click here
for a refresher on what each final lesson should include.
Building on the work that you started in Week 2, for all three groups of learners:
· Write two broad instructional goals for the educational experience for each group.
· For each learner group, write at least one learning objective related to each of the domains of Bloom’s taxonomy:
· Cognitive
· Affective
· Psychomotor
· Describe the lesson content.
· Provide a sequence for teaching activities.
· Describe instructional methods.
· Indicate time allotted for each activity.
· Identify and describe the instructional resources (materials, tools, etc.) and technology to be used.
· Describe how the learning will be evaluated.
On a separate references page, cite all sources using APA format. Helpful APA guides and resources are available in the
South University Online Library
. Below are guides that are located in the library and can be accessed and downloaded via the
South University Online Citation Resources: APA Style page
. The American Psychological Association website also provides detailed guidance on formatting, citations, and references at
APA Style.
• APA Citation Helper
• APA Citations Quick Sheet
• APA-Style Formatting Guidelines for a Written Essay
• Basic Essay Template
Please note that the title and reference pages should not be included in the total page count of your paper.