Basically, this is a group assignment which needs to be done on PPT.
I have Wix ID and Password which has invite, where login needs to be done with the help of my email ID.
Login ID:
Password: ITEXCEL0824@
Please go through the document named “PROJECT2-ISEM540-V6-CLOUD”.
There is a game which needs to be played. I have the login details.
Login ID: gnagasrinivas940
Password: Texas8645@
Industry: HealthCare
Country: Ghana
A sample other team’s assignment PPT pdf has been attached to get one glace idea.
Note: Attaching the a document which has website link and its login credentials.
(Wired/Wireless Network)
EconomicDevelopmentEducationHealthPublic Safety
ISEM 540: Enterprise Architectures & Integration
PROJECT 2: SOA and Integrated Enterprise Architectures (100 Points)
Important Information
· Organization = Team of 3-5 members
· Each team must submit only one deliverable file (you need to zip multiple files into one, if needed)
Your team is responsible for planning, engineering, and management of a Smart Hub, also known as a Smart Center). You should view the hub as a small enterprise that should be architected with integrated services. Your team should go beyond Project1 and develop an overall integrated architecture that ties together individual services within a hub and then between hubs, i.e., the focus is heavily on collaboration and coordination between services and hubs. This is a continuation of Project1.
Each team member is responsible for one ‘high impact’ service in the team. Your first task is to design an Enterprise Portal that will deliver these services of your team in a cohesive manner. For example, your team may develop a healthcare portal, an agriculture portal, a tourism portal, a service center portal, a village portal, an enterprise portal, etc.). Then the team members provide added value by improving collaboration (info exchange) between these services in your portal.
Figure 1: Conceptual View of Vertical and Horizontal Sectors in a Center, City, Island or Company (small circles indicate services within a sector)
Your team has no additional money (so what is new!) and needs to build a simple prototype of this system by using email as the basic transport mechanism and assuming human processing (by each team player) in different stages of the workflow — each team member player acts as an automated service – do role playing). You have to show how you will exchange info between services (team members) by using XML. Figure 1 illustrates the overall concept, assuming that each team is concentrating on one sector (of course, multiple teams may concentrate on one sector).
Deliverable A: SOA-based Design of Your Center (50 Points)
Propose an SOA-based design of Your Center presented in Project1 that provides a reusable and flexible architecture that can be implemented quickly by using off-the-shelf components and services. The idea is to go from EAF to Portal to SOA with Info Flow for your center. Your deliverable is a report (10 to 20 annotated viewgraphs) that shows results from the following tasks:
Detailed Design of your Center by Using Web/Mobile Services from the Cloud (30 Points):
Your Enterprise Portal should deliver the services your Center is providing (e.g., a healthcare portal, an agriculture portal, a tourism portal, etc.). The design can be represented by the home page of the portal. To save time and money, explore Web Services available on the cloud to populate your portal (web site). You need to learn about the cloud and find appropriate Cloud Services to support a reusable and flexible architecture that can be implemented quickly. You may select Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure Services, WordPress, or any other Web Services available on the Cloud. You may also choose to populate the Center with appropriate mobile apps or cyberphysical systems by searching the Google Playbook or Apple Store.
Each team member should select the services from suitable cloud service provider and become a champion of that Service Provider. The objective is to learn about the Web Services being offered on the Cloud, in the Mobile App stores and for IoTs/Cyber Physical Systems. This could be shown as an Application Matrix for your Center. Hint: Please look at APPENDIX B (Application Matrix Revisited)
Deliverable: 5-6 slides that first shows a revised view of the EAF (one Slide) that you produced in Project1 (this view should show an Application Architecture Layer that is based on Web Services and Mobile Apps). It should then also show the Portal Design but now show the portal with Web Services/mobile apps/IoTs/Cyber Physical Systems. Overall Portal Design should be one slide, one slide about Cloud choices (e.g., SAAS, PAAS) and then one slide per service (team member) listing the Web Services and/or the Mobile Apps that you have chosen with links for additional information and two lines (pro and con) about the service provider.
Simple Information Exchanges and SOA (20 points):
First take the workflow you developed in Project1and show the information exchanged between the services that you have developed with other services from the same team over a Message Broker (i.e., an ESB). Feel free to extend and/or modify your workflow from Project1. For example, an overall workflow may be a composite of several individual workflows (e.g., from each team member). Now show an SOA based architecture of the Center (i.e., show the Services/the apps, the ESB and the Directory (e.g., WSDL, UDDI, etc).
Deliverable: Show the overall SOA architecture (one or 2 Slides), then show information flow between the main players (one or 2 Slides). Finally show a high-level view of the XML/Jason documents exchanged with short explanation (2-3 slides with annotations). You must show information exchanged (arrows) as “hot links” so that when users click on an arrow, they see the XML/Jason documents. This is a simple example of gamification.
Deliverable B: Hands on Experiments (40 Points) – Individual
The purpose of this deliverable is to give you some practical insights by engaging in some hands-on experiments with the SPACE Lab and then doing some self-assessment. More information is presented in APPENDIX A.
Experiments and Self-Assessment by using the SPACE ePlanner
· Use the Digital Transformation Game available at
Digital Transformation Game (
and take the Quiz at the end of it. Please enter your final score (You must score more than 80% to get full credit). You should select a complex sector (e.g., Healthcare, Manufacturing) and push the limits of the game by making any changes to the game as you need. Then cross the bridge to PISA and import your results from DT advisor. Use PISA to develop a detailed plan of your company by going through various PISA Modules (e.g., Enterprise Modeler, Platform Advisor and Network Advisor). Each team member must show the following information (Name of the team member plus the SPACE Login ID used, and screen shot of first page of the PISA Summary Report) (20 Points)
· Please use the ePlanner to do Part A and then compare the results and the lessons learned. You have already used the ePlanner in Project1, now you will need to go to a higher Stage and run more experiments. In self-assessment use BIC circle to show EAF and SOA of the Bundle. Please feel free to add new services to your bundle by using ePlanner. This is a good mechanism to identify future areas of research and investigation for your capstone projects. (20 Points)
Deliverable C: Reference Materials and Annotations Used (10 Points):
· There must be one slide deck per team uploaded to Dropbox. The slide deck must have a title page that clearly specifies the team members. After the title page, a “
Team Contribution
” slide must be included that shows what each member has done in the project (one line) and a percentage of contribution by each team member (total must add to 100%). For example, in a team of 4, the total contribution will ideally be 25% for each member. This Contribution will impact your grade. Any disagreements about contribution must be resolved by the team members through voting.
· The slide deck must be properly annotated (by using PowerPoint Notes) that explain the diagrams and also the key ideas presented (5 points).
· In addition, a References slide must be included to list the materials that were used to develop this solution. This must include the following:
· Specific names of case studies from the text that were helpful in this assignment
Hints and Suggestions
This Project heavily relies on the materials covered in Module 2. Please review the Module 2 Reading Materials (slides with vice annotations and text chapters) carefully before attempting this Project.
APPENDIX A: Hands-on Experiments with SPACE
Deliverables: Fill out Self-Assessment Reports in Template1
You should have access to SPACE (
) – a Computer Aided Consulting environment that could possibly do Project2. Your main job is to develop the Project2 plans by using SPACE ePlanner and other tools and then do the Self-Assessment Templates given below. Please use Exhibit 1 to get started. This exercise should not take more than 5-6 hours.
IMPORTANT: Please go to the SPACE ePlanner Learning Corner and make sure that you are at Stage3 before proceeding.
Please use the following framework for evaluating SPACE and post this Report to Moodle Project2 Dropbox. Your Grade for this part will depend on the breadth as well as the depth of this Report.
Team and Region/Sector Information:
· Region/Sector Selected (e.g., Island and healthcare): _____________________
· Team members involved in Self-Assessment (team member name plus SPACE Planner User ID, no need for password): _________________________
Hands-On Experiments (Individual)
Each team member builds a Service Bundle (a collection of at least two services) that represents a Unit/Section of their center and then do the following experiments:
· Carefully examine the portal generated for the Bundle (i.e., services and collaboration)
· Use the collaboration capabilities of your portal to discover at least 5 other hubs (it maybe from other teams) and develop a Collaboration Matrix view of the Smart Global Village. Send a message (some documents) with at least one other team. Hint: Please take a look at Appendix A for additional information.
· Discover ISEMHQ (an ISEM Hub) by using collaboration capabilities of your portal and identify what services does ISEMHQ provide.
· Prepare a short report to the ISEMHQ that has the following information: your ID Number and the Scenario name that you generated, and any special features of the bundle you have produced (e.g., the service names)
· Answer the questions asked in Table1
· You need to be in Stage 3 or Stage4 of the SPACE ePlanner to conduct these experiments.
· Before attempting this experiment, please watch the 16 minute videoclip of SPACE demo for B2B Collaborations at
TABLE1: Study the Sample Portal for your service by using SPACE
Planning for Service Bundles |
For Each Service Bundle, Please Answer the Following Questions |
Bundle Type: Member Name: User ID, and Scenario Name |
Q1: Was the Bundle Portal Generated Satisfactory (0-100%) Q2: Were you Able to Collaborate with other Bundles using the Collaboration facility Q3: What type of experiments were you able to run on your bundles Q4: What is the value of this Portal to Project 2 (Low, Medium, High) Q5: What is your Score in the Digital Transformation Game (Minimum Score is 80%): Q6: What is the Value of the Digital Transformation Game to Enterprise Architecture and Integration (L, M, H) Q7. What is the academic value of these hands-on exercises (Low, Medium, High)? How can this value be improved? |
Bundle Type: Member Name: User ID, and Scenario Name |
Message Example
Project 2: Integrated
Enterprise Architectures
Team: Akzer, Rinku, Ronak
Smart Center: Prevention and Research Center for Premature pregnancy
in Malawi
• Akzer Yeshmukhanbetova → Worked on Deliverable A Part 2 –
Diagram for Simple Information Exchanges Using SOA; SOA and how it
enables Web Services -> 33.3%
• Rinku Damodar Dhande → Worked on Deliverable A Part 1 – Design
and Population of an Enterprise -> 33.3%
• Ronak Jain → Worked on Web Services, Rest, SOAP Request,
Response,XML Deliverable A -> 33.3%
Deliverable A – Design
and population of an
enterprise portal
(Windows, Mac)
Deliverable A – Diagram
Simple Information
Exchanges Using SOA
• We have services in our portal that would help the researchers to do
research by choosing various topics that they could use to do their
• This service would be a RES based web service and will be hosted by
Amazon web services elastic cloud computing platform
• We would use these services in Phase 2 to add mobile/IOS/or
application for android and iphones.
• We would also use cloud services to store huge amount of research
data that would be available for the registered users to ref
Deliverable A – Diagram
Simple Information
Exchanges Using SOA
• We could use SOAP UI for our mobile application that would help to
communicate with our customers.
• SOAP UI will help us to generate an easy to go mobile applications.
• A soap node would transmit the message and a receiver node will
receive the message.
• There would also be a SOAP Path that would help to transmit the
message to the destination node.
Deliverable A – Diagram
Simple Information
Exchanges Using SOA
Potential Web Services & Mobile
Apps that could be used – Akzer
AWS Services:
•Amazon S3
•Amazon DynamoDB
•Amazon Cognito
•Amazon Pinpoint
Medical apps for health tracking/diagnosis (integration with our center)
•AHRQ ePSS – Screening and prevention tool
•Diagnosaurus – Differential diagnosis
•Epocrates – Drug and medical reference
Deliverable A Part 1 – Web Services
and Mobile Apps that could be of
• The information collected through the devices from the patients will
be stored centrally in the relational database through the web
• Based on the data monitored an ambulance will automatically get
scheduled for the patients depending on the preset tolerance level.
• The device implanted in the patients are configured to locate the
patient and have in built process to identify the nearest healthcare
Emergency Transportation Service –
Web service helps the system to
communicate each other. Interaction is
based on XML.
As per the security concerns, web GUI
cannot make direct calls to the database
and it needs proper model which will use the
object repository.
This is a typical MVC web app but there are
2 individual model classes for service and
web GUI is inheriting from the main one.
Web service could be used as an interface
for the application and subscribes to its
WSDL to communicate and share the data.
WSDL is essentially an XML document that
explains each service method name, return
type, parameters and call conventions
People Applications Partners
Service Access
Service Provider Access
Human Access Applications Data Sources Partners
People Applications PartnersData Sources
Presentation Services
Business Services
Data Services
Patient Tracker
Data Hospital/Research Center
Infrastru cture Se rvices
Service Access
Shared Services
Service Provider
Service Provider
Business event initiators
HCS – Health Care Services
PPRS – Premature
Research Services
PP&DPS – Premature
Pregnancy and Death
Prevention Services
Deliverable A – Diagram
Simple Information
Exchanges Using SOA
• A service provider is the primary engine underlying
the Web services. It describes its Web services using
WSDL and actually provides or implements the
business functionality of various types. The WSDL
definition is published to a service broker.
• A service broker describes the service’s location and
contract. It is responsible for ensuring the service
information is available to any potential service
requestor, consumer, or called Web service client.
• A service consumer or Web service client issues one or
more queries to the service broker to locate a service
and determine how to communicate with that service.
• WSDL and SOAP are the communication vehicles
facilitating the services.
• Part of the WSDL provided by a service provider is passed
to the service consumer in specifying what the requests
and responses are for the service provider.
• The service consumer sends SOAP messages as service
requests to the service provider. The service provider then
provides the expected SOAP responses back to the service
consumer to complete the requests.
Deliverable A – Diagram
Simple Information
Exchanges Using SOA
Service-oriented architecture (SOA) is used in
enabling Web services
• SOA Provider – an enhanced service
provider particularly in supporting
additional interface types for service
• SOA Provider references integration
services and data from Integration
Repository in processing inbound
SOAP request messages that invoke
Web services and sends the SOAP
response out.
• The Web service invocation
framework (WSIF) serves as a service
consumer to issue a request through
the invocation of a Web services from
the application suite.
Source: Oracle SOA. Understanding Service Enablement
Deliverable A – Diagram
Simple Information
Exchanges Using SOA
Health Tracking service will have the following RESTful endpoints:
Endpoints for basic health(user) information
create/new operation: POST /user
write/modify operation: PUT /user/:id
Read Operation: GET /user/:id
Delete Operation: DELETE /user/:id
Endpoints for health(user) tracking service information
POST /user/:id/info
PUT /user/:id/info
GET /user/:id/info
POST /user
{“last_name”: “Atkins”,
“first_name”: “John”,
“address”: “123 Horizon Blvd, New Providence, CA “,
”citizenship”: ”American”,
“heartbeat_rate”: “normal”,
“userid”: “AB9810C”,
“date_of_birth”: “Dec 19th 1990”,
“health_indicator”: “green”,
“blood_pressure”: “normal”,
“baby_health_status”: “normal”,
“oxygen_level”: “normal”,
“Date”: “Feb 2nd 2018”,
“Time”: “05:24 PM EST”}
Will return { “id”: AB9810C } We will use this default id for future communication about this user
SOAP Request:
POST /InStock HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: max
SOAP Response:
POST /InStock HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: max
xmlns:tns=”” xmlns:xsd=”http://www.w3.
org/2001/XMLSchema” name=”GetDirectory” targetNamespace=””>
WSDL for Malawi Healthcare Transportation encodingStyle=”” />
encodingStyle=”” />
Service Delivery
• Understanding Service Enablement. (n.d.). Retrieved September 23,
2018, from
• 7 AWS Services to Consider for Your Next Mobile App Development
Project. (n.d.). Retrieved September 29, from
• •Ventola, C. L. (2014, May). Retrieved September 29, 2018, from
Thank you
- Slide 1
- Potential Web Services & Mobile Apps that could be used – Akzer
- Emergency Transportation Service – Ronak
- Slide 10
- Slide 12
- WSDL for Malawi Healthcare Transportation Service Delivery
- Slide 16
- Slide 19
Team Work Distribution
Design of an enterprise portal.
Technical Architecture
REST based Web services
Web services that could be of value – Rinku
Web Service Data Exchange
Service-Oriented Architecture
Health Tracking Service – Ronak
SOAP Call to Health Data Repository
Sample XML how informaiton is exchanged
References (Needs to be login with the help of my Gmail)
Login ID: gnagasrinivas940
Password: ITEXCEL0824@
Recovery email:
Login ID: gnagasrinivas940
Password: Texas8645@
Phone Number: +19497355938.