Response to Intervention (RTI) and Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) are common programs that provide a framework for assessment, delivery of instruction, provision of supports, and guidelines for referrals for eligibility in special education. The law requires that teams document efforts to support students in general education settings before they can be referred for special education evaluation
Using the 3rd Grade “Class Profile”, imagine you are the classroom teacher for these students. Review the profile and formulate a small group of students with whom you will implement RTI strategies. Using this group as an example, create a 15-20 slide digital presentation providing an introduction to the RTI for new educators.
Within your presentation, provide:
- An overview of RTI and MTSS, including an explanation of the tiers and how these systems can be used to enhance and adapt instruction.
- An explanation of the role of the child study team.
- A discussion and examples of the types of data collected throughout the RTI process.
- An explanation of what factors determine appropriate student placement within the RTI tiers. Refer to your example student group to illustrate specific ideas.
- An explanation of how the RTI model can help meet the needs of students without disabilities and as a means of adapting instruction prior to evaluating students for a disability.
- Five examples of research-based intervention strategies that you will use with students in your example student group who are struggling in English language, arts, or mathematics. Include justification for each intervention strategy.
- Description of the data that would be collected as part of implementing the research-based intervention strategies. Explain how this data could be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the RTI strategies and how this information could be used as justification for testing for possible special education eligibility.
- A title slide, reference slide, and presenter’s notes.
Support your presentation with a minimum of three scholarly resources.
Class Profile –
rd Grade
Student Name |
English Language Learner |
Socioeconomic Status |
Home Language |
5 0 4 Plan |
Reading (Lexile) Proficiency Level |
Math Proficiency Level |
Other |
Internet Available at Home |
Aaron |
4 |
Low |
Spanish |
No |
450-500 |
At grade level |
Very shy, but will participate if approached by peers. |
Yes |
Aiden |
N/A |
English |
Speech. Sees speech pathologists two times a week, 1 5 minutes each (phonemic awareness and letter blend sounds). |
5 2 5- 6 30 |
Struggles to self-regulate emotions; wants constant attention from teacher. |
Christian |
3 |
None |
Cordarrell |
High |
Dyslexia . No IEP due to intensive private intervention. |
545-600 |
New student. Assessment information from previous school. Hard working. |
Derek |
7 60- 8 00 |
*Below grade level |
RTI Tier 2 for math. Loves to read. On list for gifted testing for reading. |
Dereon |
OHI , ADHD . Difficulty with executive functioning and focus. |
6 10 -750 |
Does not like math. Often procrastinates with math assignments. |
Dulce |
5 |
Spanish |
Eveyln |
415-550 |
Often shouts out during class and interrupts instruction. Starting process for a behavior plan. |
Isabelle |
810- 9 50 |
Gifted for reading. |
Jennifer |
RTI Tier 3 for reading. |
Jose |
RTI Tier 2 for reading. |
Kimberly B. |
Loves to read non-fiction such as biographies. |
Kimberly M. |
Speech; verbal stutter and sounds. Sees speech pathologists four times a week, 15 minutes each. |
Leo |
New student. Assessment information from previous school. Very shy and withdrawn. |
Lexis |
OHI, ADHD. Difficulty with executive functioning and attention to detail. |
Numerous absences and tradies; Mom worried about her academics. |
Luis |
Above grade level |
Loves learning. Gifted in reading and math. |
Marshall |
Struggles to maintain focus. Loves to read; |
Martin |
RTI Tier 2 for math. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Matthew |
Hearing impairment; difficulty hearing in noisy conditions. |
Needs to be seated close to teacher or area of instruction. |
Natasha |
RTI Tier 1 for reading. |
Olyvia |
Robert C. |
ODD . Aggressive with peers. Often refuses to follow directions or complete tasks. |
Provide a quiet place in the classroom to use when a cool down is needed. |
Robert L. |
Vertigo and migraines |
325-420 |
Retained in kindergarten; limited progress. Often needs to go to nurse to lie down. |
Vincent |
Hard working; works slowly. |
Viri |
2 | On list for gifted testing for reading. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Yara |
Trauma; difficulty with maintaining peer relationships, depression, and self-confidence. |
Lacks motivation; death of mother last year. Loves to be alone and read. |
**Below Grade Level: Students are currently performing below first grade level. Progress needs to be monitored.
ELL Levels |
Scored as: |
1 |
Pre-emergent |
Emergent |
Basic |
Intermediate |
Proficient |
Grade |
Reader Measures; Lexile |
120L – 295L |
170L – 545L |
415L – 760L |
635L – 950L |
770L – 1080L |
6 |
855L – 1165L |
7 |
925L – 1235L |
8 |
985L – 1295L |
9 |
1040L – 1350L |
10 |
1085L – 1400L |
11/12 |
1130L – 1440L |
Special Education Key Terms
Acronym/Identification |
Details |
Category |
Plan for students with mental or physical impairments that presents limitations, including learning, but not significant enough to qualify for an IEP. Includes accommodations. |
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Difficulty with focus, attention to detail, task completion, restless, impulsive |
OHI, 504 Plan, or IEP based on severity of influence on academics. |
Auditory processing disorder. Difficulty recognizing sounds. |
504 Plan or IEP based on severity of influence on academics . |
Autism spectrum disorder. Developmental disorder often including difficulty with social interactions and communication and sometimes learning. |
Deaf-Blindness |
Hearing and visual impairments concurrently affecting communication and learning. |
Deafness |
Requires use of assistive technologies. |
Depression |
Can be considered emotional disturbance based on severity. |
Dyscalculia |
Difficulty understanding numbers and math facts. |
LD , IEP |
Dysgraphia |
Difficulty with handwriting and fine motor skills. |
Dyslexia |
Difficulty with reading and language. Affects fluency, comprehension, decoding, writing, and spelling. |
Dyspraxia |
Difficulty with muscle control and coordination. |
504 Plan or IEP based on severity of influence on academics | ||||||
ED |
Emotional disturbance. Includes anxiety, depression, ODD, bipolar, OCD , eating disorders, psychotic disorders. |
Executive Functioning |
Difficulty organizing and managing tasks, time management, and remembering details. |
Hearing Impairment |
May require use of assistive technology or hearing device. Difficulty with taking notes, following discussions, or following directions due to impaired hearing. |
Individualized Education Program. Includes modifications. Legal document that provides support and services to students to make academic progress. |
Intellectual Disability |
Presents significant limitations on learning and adaptive behavior. |
Language Processing Disorder |
Difficulty associating a meaning with sounds. |
LD |
Learning disorder |
Memory |
Difficulty with storing and retrieving information. |
Multiple Disabilities |
Simultaneous disabilities that impair physical movement and/or learning. Such as having an intellectual disability and orthopedic impairment. |
Often presents as high verbal skills and lower motor and visual/spatial and social skills (e.g., social cues). |
Obsessive compulsive disorder: Repetitive behaviors, over-thinking, anxiety |
Oppositional defiant disorder. Negative thinking, defiant of others’ requests, refuses to follow directions, aggressive. |
Other health impairment. Chronic or acute health problems that do not fall under any IDEA categories that impair the physical and/or learning environment (e.g. asthma, epilepsy, diabetes, Tourette Syndrome, lead poisoning, leukemia, rheumatic fever, sickle cell anemia, hemophilia, ADHD, heart conditions). |
Orthopedic Impairment |
A physical impairment that affects the educational performance (e.g., birth defects, bone tuberculosis, cerebral palsy, amputations) |
Speech/Language |
Difficulty with articulation possible due to a skeletal, muscular, or neuro-muscular impairment. Difficulty with syntax, semantics, pragmatics, phonics, morphemes. |
OHI or LD based on severity of influence on academics. |
Traumatic Brain Injury |
Acquired injury to the brain that significantly affects functionality including memory, cognition, sensory processing, physical functions, speech, abstract thinking. |
Visual Motor |
Difficulty processing what is seen and the ability to copy such as taking notes. |
LD, IEP (often seen with dysgraphia or non-verbal learning disabilities). |
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