Follow the rubrics
In text citation
FinalReflection of ELSE 6163
The purpose of this assignment is two-fold. First, to acquaint you with the professional
standards established through the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) and High
Leverage Practices (HLPs). Second, to allow you the opportunity to reflect on what you
have learned in this course over the session in regards to the CEC standards which
serve as objectives for the course. As you work through your courses in preparation for
becoming a special educator, you can continue to monitor your progress as you acquire
the knowledge and skills identified within the professional standards. It is important for
you, as a future professional educator, to be aware of the standards governing your
field. (ICC7K3).
A. Review the CEC Standards and HLPs addressed in this course (See File-CEC
Standards and HLPs related to Assessment–ELSE 6163)
B. Identify and Categorize the knowledge and skills that you consider Met or
NOT Met.
a. MET means that you feel comfortable in demonstrating this skill into
b. NOT MET means that you do not feel comfortable in demonstrating this
skill into practice in your classroom.
C. For each of the skills that you have MET provide ONE example that
demonstrates you have met this knowledge and skill set based on a class
assignment or activity and how you may use these skills to work with students
with exceptionalities in your current or future teaching assignment.
D. For each of the skills that you have NOT MET provide a specific way or plan of
action to improve/strengthen these knowledge and skills sets that will benefit the
students with exceptionalities in your current or future teaching assignment.
E. Assignment should be formatted according to APA guidelines (cover page,
headers, page numbers, and a reference page with correct APA citation).
Final Reflection of ELSE 6163
Final Reflection
Exemplary Acceptable Unacceptable
45-50 40-44 0-39
Reflection provides
a clear and detailed
description that
categorizes the
knowledge and
skills in regards to
the CEC Standards
and High Leverage
Practices (HLPs)
addressed in the
course. The
candidate provides
detailed examples
and implications for
current or future
teaching for skills
met; and a specific
way or plan of
action to strengthen
the skills that are
not met for current
and future
teaching. The
reflection paper
correctly addresses
all APA guidelines
and formatting
(cover page with
running head,
headers, page
numbers, and a
reference page with
correct APA citation
of sources used
AND is free of
spelling and
grammatical errors.
Reflection provides
an adequate
description and
identification of the
knowledge and
skills in regards to
the CEC Standards
and High Leverage
Practices (HLPs)
addressed in the
course. The
candidate provides
adequate details
and implications for
current or future
teaching for skills
met; and an
adequate plan of
action to strengthen
the skills that are
not met for current
and future
teaching. The
reflection paper has
no more than 2
APA errors
AND/OR spelling
and/or grammatical
Reflection provides
vague and minimal
description and
identification of the
knowledge and
skills in regards to
the CEC Standards
and High Leverage
Practices (HLPs)
addressed in the
course. The
candidate provides
vague and minimal
details and
implications for
current or future
teaching for skills
met; and a broad
and vague plan of
action to strengthen
the skills that are
not met for current
and future teaching.
The reflection paper
has more than 3
APA errors
AND/OR spelling
and/or grammatical
CECStandards and High Leverage Practices (HLPs)-ELSE 6163
CEC Standards
CEC 1.1 Ability to understand how language, culture, and family background
influence the learning of individuals with exceptionalities.
CEC 1.2 Ability to use an understanding of human development and individual
differences to respond to the needs of individuals with exceptionalities.
CEC 2.1 Ability through collaboration with general educators and other colleagues,
to create a safe, inclusive, culturally responsive learning environment to
engage individuals with exceptionalities in meaningful learning activities
and social interactions.
CEC 2.2 Ability to use motivational and instructional interventions to teach
individuals with exceptionalities how to adapt to different environments.
CEC 2.3 Knowledge of how to intervene safely and appropriately with individuals
with exceptionalities in crisis.
CEC 6.2 Knowledge of legal foundations for special education (Manifestation
determination review and disciplinary procedures
CEC 7.1 Ability to use theory and elements of effective collaboration
High Leverage Practices-Social/Emotional Behavioral Practices
HLP 7 Establish a consistent, organized, and respectful learning environment.
HLP 8 Provide positive and constructive feedback to guide students’ learning and
HLP 9 Teach social behaviors.
HLP 10 Conduct functional behavioral assessments to develop individual student
behavior support plans.
HLP 14 Teach cognitive and metacognitive strategies to support learning and
HLP 21 Teach students to maintain and generalize new learning across time and
HLP 22 Provide positive and constructive feedback to guide students’ learning and
CECStandards and High Leverage Practices (HLPs)-ELSE 6163
CEC Standards
CEC 1.1 Ability to understand how language, culture, and family background
influence the learning of individuals with exceptionalities.
CEC 1.2 Ability to use an understanding of human development and individual
differences to respond to the needs of individuals with exceptionalities.
CEC 2.1 Ability through collaboration with general educators and other colleagues,
to create a safe, inclusive, culturally responsive learning environment to
engage individuals with exceptionalities in meaningful learning activities
and social interactions.
CEC 2.2 Ability to use motivational and instructional interventions to teach
individuals with exceptionalities how to adapt to different environments.
CEC 2.3 Knowledge of how to intervene safely and appropriately with individuals
with exceptionalities in crisis.
CEC 6.2 Knowledge of legal foundations for special education (Manifestation
determination review and disciplinary procedures
CEC 7.1 Ability to use theory and elements of effective collaboration
High Leverage Practices-Social/Emotional Behavioral Practices
HLP 7 Establish a consistent, organized, and respectful learning environment.
HLP 8 Provide positive and constructive feedback to guide students’ learning and
HLP 9 Teach social behaviors.
HLP 10 Conduct functional behavioral assessments to develop individual student
behavior support plans.
HLP 14 Teach cognitive and metacognitive strategies to support learning and
HLP 21 Teach students to maintain and generalize new learning across time and
HLP 22 Provide positive and constructive feedback to guide students’ learning and