EN101LISTOFASSIGNMENTSforPORTFOLIO x9ef189ffc46542ce990bf9d64e1bfd81c91124c0 xEN101PortfolioAssignment_RubricWinter20211 x
It might also help to look over our schedule
to help remind you. There is also a list of projects and parts within the last page of your syllabus for the course.
Any small component within the project is considered a “SHORT ASSIGNMENT” (specially- design-plans, writing outlines, and elevator pitches)
Project 1 Shaping Influences: |
· Draft, revision, final
· Developing AUDIENCE and PURPOSE: n-Class Cover/Complete
Chapter 3 ETHOS, PATHOS, LOGOS Google Slide
Harry Potter and Movie Activities analyzing Pathos, Ethos, logos
Shaping Influences Brainstorm Activities:
Life Map
Shaping Influences Design-Pla
“Description” Shaping Influences
Google Slide
· Mini-Lessons:
Managing “I” and “You” GoogleSlides
Creative Titles
Words without Value
Writer’s Voice: Whispers vs.Yells
Condense Wordy Phrases
Show and Tell Details
· THREE Student Sample Shaping Influence Projects on Bb and
Answer Questions
· Article- “Pulling Teeth: Or 20 Reasons Why My Daughter Turning 20 Can’t Come Soon Enough” by Dinty W. Moore and RESPONSE
Project 2 Visual Analysis: |
· Draft, revision final,
· Read NOTES (Any Format):
CDA Textbook Section 3 Intro. & Chapter 10 “Rhetorical Analysis” pgs. 326-345
· Read NOTES (Any Format)
CDA Textbook Chapter 11 “Analyzing Posters” pgs. 347-358
· Visual Analysis Google Forum Response- thinking through your visual
· THREE Student Sample Visual Analysis Article Samples
Answer Questions
· Mini-Lessons: Sentence Structure (
Coordinating Conjunctions
Subordinating Conjunctions
Writer’s Voice: Whispers vs.Yells
, Avoiding
· In-Class
Complete Visual Analysis Google Slides Part 3
· Modules: Module 4 Evaluating:
Tutorial & Quiz
, Module 6 Synthesizing:
, Module 5 Summarizing, Paraphrasing, Quoting:
, Module 7 Integrating Sources:
Watch Video
, Module 8 Documenting:
Tutorial & Quiz
PRE-DRAFTING Visual Analysis Google
Visual Analysis Elevator Pitch
Project 3 Research Essay: Research Essay Requirements & Rubric |
· Draft, revision, final
· Read & NOTES (Any Format):
CDA Textbook pgs. 190-211 Read Design/Draft/Revise Research
· Module 1 –
Tutorial & Quiz
and Module 2 –
Tutorial & Quiz
Google Slides SECTION 1: Generating Ideas/Questions
Read & NOTES:
Reading 1: “Web Page”
Reading 2: “Journal Article”
-Written or Typed Copy Due Tuesday 3/23 by START OF CLASS
Research Log Requirements/Dates
· Complete
Research Essay Exit Slip
-Due Tuesday 3/30 by START OF CLASS
· THREE Student Sample Research Essays
Answer Questions Found on Bb
· Research Questions and Sub-Questions,
, and
with Evidence
Annotated Bibliography
EN 101
Portfolio Assignment
Reflection & Analysis: A Portfolio of Work and a Reflective Letter
Panel of GRCC English Professors, including your instructor
To review the semester holistically in order to appreciate your progress as a writer.
To select and analyze written pieces from your semester that illustrate learning/growth.
To write about your progress in a way that is meaningful to both you and your audience.
To apply what you have learned this semester in a capstone project.
Portfolio Components
At minimum, the portfolio must include these 7 components:
· 1 reflective letter
· 3 short assignments
· 2 rough drafts
· 1 revised/final project
Reflective Letter Content
Introduce your portfolio with a reflective letter that is intended not just for me, your instructor, but also for a panel of professors in the English department. As you introduce your portfolio to the panel, reflect on your writing experiences this semester and use them to compose an analysis of your learning and growth. Keep in mind that a key element of any good writing is backing up ideas with evidence. For this assignment, that means finding specific examples from your work this semester to support your analysis. Use each of the components you chose to include in your portfolio as evidence for the claims you will make in your reflective letter. Any piece of writing that you include in your portfolio must be referenced at least once in your reflective letter.
Address at least three of the following prompts in your reflective letter in a way that is cohesive and logical; in other words, avoid simply compiling a list of answers to each bullet point. In the form of quotes, paraphrases, and summaries, use evidence taken from your portfolio components to explore and address at least three of these prompts:
· Choose a reading assignment from this semester and describe in detail how it influenced your development as a writer.
· How have audience and purpose shaped your texts?
· Describe how your information literacy skills have changed over the course of the semester.
· How have the skills you practiced in EN 101 helped you to succeed in the writing you do for other courses and/or outside of school?
Portfolio Components (excluding letter)
50 Points
Portfolio does not include sufficient examples of writing. Two or more components of the portfolio do not represent significant learning/growth and/or the portfolio is missing 2 or more of the 6 required components.
Portfolio includes mostly appropriate examples of writing. One of the components of the portfolio may not represent significant learning/growth and/or the portfolio is missing 1 of the required 6 components.
Portfolio includes effective examples of writing. Each component of the portfolio represents overall moments of learning/growth. All 6 of the required components are included in the portfolio.
Portfolio includes convincing examples of writing as evidence to support the writer’s reflective claims. Each of the components is well chosen and indicates learning/growth. At minimum, all 6 of the required components are included in the portfolio.
Reflection & Development 50 Points
Letter includes reflection but does not address 2 or more of the required number of writing prompts and/or the reflections are generally underdeveloped. The letter itself does not reference each of the components within the portfolio.
Letter includes reflection but does not address 1 of the required number of writing prompts and/or may not be fully developed. The letter itself may not reference each of the components within the portfolio.
Letter includes reflection on the required number of writing prompts, and each of the specific components of the portfolio is referenced within the letter. The writing may be underdeveloped or surface level.
Letter includes meaningful, in-depth reflection on each of the required number of writing prompts. The prompts are fully developed, and the letter references specifics from each of the individual components of the portfolio.
Context & Purpose
40 Points
Letter does not demonstrate a sufficient level of understanding of the rhetorical situation of this assignment.
Letter demonstrates a basic understanding of the rhetorical situation of this assignment
Letter demonstrates an overall understanding of the rhetorical situation of this assignment.
Letter demonstrates a clear understanding of the rhetorical situation of this assignment and artfully satisfies it.
Structure & Mechanics:
30 Points
Letter is generally unorganized, showing little connection between ideas. Writing is inappropriate or unclear with grammar and usage errors throughout; these errors often impede meaning. The format is incorrect.
Letter is sometimes organized and focused but shows lapses in both. Writing is usually clear, but there are grammar and usage errors throughout, which sometimes impede meaning. The format has errors.
Letter is generally organized and focused. Writing is clear, concise, and correct. There may be a few errors in grammar, usage, or format, but these do not impede meaning or readability.
Letter is clearly organized and focused, showing a logical progression of ideas. Writing reflects careful editing and contains no errors in grammar, usage, or formatting.
Voice & Style 30 Points
Letter does not demonstrate authority and/or authenticity, and an appropriate level of formality is not achieved. There is a lack of attention to voice/style.
Letter may demonstrate authority, authenticity, or formality, but an effective voice/style is not yet achieved.
Letter generally demonstrates authority, authenticity, and an appropriate level of formality. Voice/style is appropriate but may not be consistent.
Letter consistently demonstrates authority, authenticity, and the appropriate level of formality. Voice/style is not only consistent but engaging.
Total /200
EN 101 Portfolio Assignment
Reflection & Analysis: A Portfolio of Work and a Reflective Letter
Panel of GRCC English Professors, including your instructor
To review the semester holistically in order to appreciate your progress as a writer.
To select and analyze written pieces from your semester that illustrate learning/growth.
To write about your progress in a way that is meaningful to both you and your audience.
To apply what you have learned this semester in a capstone project.
Portfolio Components
At minimum, the portfolio must include these 7 components:
· 1 reflective letter
· 3 short assignments
· 2 rough drafts
· 1 revised/final project
Reflective Letter Content
Introduce your portfolio with a reflective letter that is intended not just for me, your instructor, but also for a panel of professors in the English department. As you introduce your portfolio to the panel, reflect on your writing experiences this semester and use them to compose an analysis of your learning and growth. Keep in mind that a key element of any good writing is backing up ideas with evidence. For this assignment, that means finding specific examples from your work this semester to support your analysis. Use each of the components you chose to include in your portfolio as evidence for the claims you will make in your reflective letter. Any piece of writing that you include in your portfolio must be referenced at least once in your reflective letter.
Address at least three of the following prompts in your reflective letter in a way that is cohesive and logical; in other words, avoid simply compiling a list of answers to each bullet point. In the form of quotes, paraphrases, and summaries, use evidence taken from your portfolio components to explore and address at least three of these prompts:
· Choose a reading assignment from this semester and describe in detail how it influenced your development as a writer.
· How have audience and purpose shaped your texts?
· Describe how your information literacy skills have changed over the course of the semester.
· How have the skills you practiced in EN 101 helped you to succeed in the writing you do for other courses and/or outside of school?
Portfolio Components (excluding letter)
50 Points
Portfolio does not include sufficient examples of writing. Two or more components of the portfolio do not represent significant learning/growth and/or the portfolio is missing 2 or more of the 6 required components.
Portfolio includes mostly appropriate examples of writing. One of the components of the portfolio may not represent significant learning/growth and/or the portfolio is missing 1 of the required 6 components.
Portfolio includes effective examples of writing. Each component of the portfolio represents overall moments of learning/growth. All 6 of the required components are included in the portfolio.
Portfolio includes convincing examples of writing as evidence to support the writer’s reflective claims. Each of the components is well chosen and indicates learning/growth. At minimum, all 6 of the required components are included in the portfolio.
Reflection & Development 50 Points
Letter includes reflection but does not address 2 or more of the required number of writing prompts and/or the reflections are generally underdeveloped. The letter itself does not reference each of the components within the portfolio.
Letter includes reflection but does not address 1 of the required number of writing prompts and/or may not be fully developed. The letter itself may not reference each of the components within the portfolio.
Letter includes reflection on the required number of writing prompts, and each of the specific components of the portfolio is referenced within the letter. The writing may be underdeveloped or surface level.
Letter includes meaningful, in-depth reflection on each of the required number of writing prompts. The prompts are fully developed, and the letter references specifics from each of the individual components of the portfolio.
Context & Purpose
40 Points
Letter does not demonstrate a sufficient level of understanding of the rhetorical situation of this assignment.
Letter demonstrates a basic understanding of the rhetorical situation of this assignment
Letter demonstrates an overall understanding of the rhetorical situation of this assignment.
Letter demonstrates a clear understanding of the rhetorical situation of this assignment and artfully satisfies it.
Structure & Mechanics:
30 Points
Letter is generally unorganized, showing little connection between ideas. Writing is inappropriate or unclear with grammar and usage errors throughout; these errors often impede meaning. The format is incorrect.
Letter is sometimes organized and focused but shows lapses in both. Writing is usually clear, but there are grammar and usage errors throughout, which sometimes impede meaning. The format has errors.
Letter is generally organized and focused. Writing is clear, concise, and correct. There may be a few errors in grammar, usage, or format, but these do not impede meaning or readability.
Letter is clearly organized and focused, showing a logical progression of ideas. Writing reflects careful editing and contains no errors in grammar, usage, or formatting.
Voice & Style 30 Points
Letter does not demonstrate authority and/or authenticity, and an appropriate level of formality is not achieved. There is a lack of attention to voice/style.
Letter may demonstrate authority, authenticity, or formality, but an effective voice/style is not yet achieved.
Letter generally demonstrates authority, authenticity, and an appropriate level of formality. Voice/style is appropriate but may not be consistent.
Letter consistently demonstrates authority, authenticity, and the appropriate level of formality. Voice/style is not only consistent but engaging.
Total /200