America has been a two-party system throughout our history, and most Americans regard this arrangement as natural. But among the world’s democracies it is fairly unusual: most democracies have four or more competitive political parties.
Beyond being unusual, it is also harmful to our democracy, argues political scientist Lee Drutman. What is the connection between today’s extreme political polarization and the two-party system? Is there anything we can do to change it?
christopher olsen
RE: The Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
This week’s reading discussed the six core processes required for an SDLC, they are: (1 pg7)
· Identifying the problem or need and obtaining approval to proceed with he project
· Planning and monitoring the project – Determining the who, what, and how the project will be completed
· Discover and understand the details of the problem or need
· Designing the system components it that it meets the needs of the user, or how it will actually work
· Build, test, and integrate system components
· Complete system test and deploy the solution, ensure the need is satisfied
Asking which the most important piece to this process is like asking which finger is your favorite, they are all important to the whole process. Since we are in the business of building and evaluating systems I think the most important portion is the build, test, and integrate system components. Although identifying the need, planning, and designing play a major role in the creation of any application, if the application isn’t built, it isn’t tested properly, and all parts fail to be integrated properly the end user will find it difficult if not impossible to use, making it a waste of time and money. On a personal level I have spent hundreds of hours testing and evaluating applications from mobile games to multi-level financial products making sure they are functioning properly, my claim to fame is in one afternoon I made a decision that was worth over a million dollars regarding how users would access a credit card rewards program, thankfully no one told me that until weeks later.
1. John Satzinger, Robert Jackson, Stephen Burd – 2016 – System Analysis and Design in a changing world 7th edition, pg 7
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