20190701232851questions_and_statements1 x
Please read the topic and provide two detailed response to each comments. Please read the attached document for further instructions.
Manual Quiz Guide
Directions: After reviewing your practicum manual complete Part I.
Part 1
The following are an example of some of the categories you will find associated with the Typhon logs. Define what activities might be included in the following categories. Use 2-3 sentences to describe.
· Supervision
· Observation
· Group supervision
· Progress notes
· Crisis intervention
· Treatment planning
· Family counseling
Part I of this quiz will be Pass/Fail
Definitions of each category on the logs:
Direct client contact hours:
1. Assessments – assessments are generated when a client enters treatment. Assessments may be a structured interview, a diagnostic tool, an informal method of gathering client information, etc.
2. Individual Counseling – individual counseling occurs between a client and a therapist. Observing an individual counseling session counts towards direct client contact hours.
3. Family counseling – family counseling involves two or more individuals from a family working with a therapist. Observing family counseling session counts towards direct client contact hours.
4. Couples counseling – couples counseling involves two people working with a therapist. Observation of couples counseling counts towards direct client contact hours.
5. Group counseling – group counseling involves more than one client and, frequently, more than one counselor. Observing a group counseling session counts towards direct client contact hours.
6. Client education – client education occurs when a therapist provides the client with some information that directly relates to their clinical needs. For example, an individual suffering from alcohol dependence receiving information about the physiological effects of alcohol from the therapist would be considered client education. This can be done inside or outside of the therapy session (via phone, etc.) and is usually brief.
7. Crisis intervention – crises occur frequently in mental health facilities. Crises can vary from safety issues (most severe) to loss of employment for the client, death of a family member, relapse, etc.
Revised on 05/08/2017 Changes effective on 06/01/2017 or as noted in the practicum manual.
8. Other – this category is reserved for any direct work with a client that is not covered in the preceding categories.
Indirect client contact hours:
9. Individual supervision – individual supervision occurs when you meet individually with your clinical supervisor to discuss clients. Students are required to receive 1 hour of supervision (either individual or group) for every 40 hours worked at the site. Most students find it helpful to meet with their supervisor on a weekly basis.
10. Group supervision – (sometimes referred to as a “staffing”) group supervision occurs when you meet with your supervisor and other therapists to discuss cases as a group. Students are required to receive 1 hour of supervision (either individual or group) for every 40 hours worked at the site.
11. Staff meetings – Staff meetings are not clinical in nature and typically focus on the business aspects of the facility; employee issues or concerns may be discussed in these meetings. Please note that you CANNOT record supervision time in this category.
12. In-service trainings – students frequently attend trainings within the facility to learn how the process works at that particular agency (i.e., training on how to complete progress notes, OSHA regulations, CPR/first aid, etc.). This time is considered an “in-service” training because it is conducted within the facility.
13. Conferences – attending conferences is an important aspect of professional development. Conferences are typically voluntary, so they do not automatically count towards your hours for practicum. However, sometimes the agency will request that students attend a conference as part of their clinical training. If attendance is a requirement of the field placement, these hours count towards the total number.
14. Treatment Planning & Development – treatment planning is a critical aspect of working with clients. Agencies require that a treatment plan be developed for each new client, based on his/her unique strengths and needs. Any time spent on developing and writing the treatment plan is counted towards total number of practicum hours for the course.
15. Progress notes – progress notes are completed after client sessions and should refer back to progress made in the treatment plan.
16. Client Preparation – Preparing for clients can take extra research or clinical direction from a