Reflection Scoring Guide
An “reflection” is
description of a learning experience, what I
ave learned,
ction steps (what I could do with my new insight). AHA!
A |
In your introductory paragraph, describe to your reader the learning experience that will be the subject of your reflection. Describe it as if your reader has no familiarity with the assignment. (Hint: This can sometimes be done, in part, by simply putting the directions for the assignment into your own words.) Avoid saying things like, “My assignment is to…” or “Ms. Blomberg is making us…” Instead, try to take ownership of the experience by saying something like, “In an attempt to better understand _X_, I ___…” |
INC – The reflection either does not include a description of the learning experience, or it is extremely unclear/ inadequate. It is very difficult for the reader to understand what the writer is reflection on. |
C – The reflection provides a brief account of the learning experience, but enough details are missing that the reader may have difficulty understanding what exactly the writing is reflecting on and/or its relevance. |
A – The reflection begins with a clear and thorough description of the learning experience (ie: the who, what, where, when, why, and how, as applicable). It is clear to the reader what learning experience the writing is reflecting on and its relevance. |
H What I H |
In your body paragraph, share your “AHAs!” These may be new pieces of information, ideas that crossed your mind during the experience, connections that you made, or simply things that you already knew but were reinforced through the learning experience. Provide evidence/examples as you are able. |
INC – The reflection either does not include a review of what was learned or reinforced from the learning experience, connections made, etc., or it is extremely unclear/inadequate. |
C – The reflection includes a review of what was learned or reinforced from this learning experience, connections made, etc., but is brief and/or limited in breadth and depth. |
A – The reflection includes a thoughtful review of what was learned or reinforced from the learning activity (or the outcome, if applicable), connections made, etc. Clear and detailed information about growth and new knowledge/understating gained from the experience is included. Evidence/examples are provided as appropriate. |
Action Steps |
In your final paragraph, share what you could do with your new insight. (Not necessarily what you will do, but what you could do to promote future growth.) Use and cite additional resources as appropriate. |
INC – The reflection does not include action steps, they are extremely unclear, or they are otherwise inadequate. |
C – The reflection includes some details about how this experience could guide next steps, but they are limited and/or unclear. … or the reflection is missing either a personal or professional application. (This is for A&P/HS1 students only.) |
A – The reflection includes “next steps” describing what the writer could do with their new/reinforced insight. … both personally (ex: as a health care consumer) and professionally (as a future health care provider). (This is for A&P/HS1 students only.) |