responses_31 x
Professor: When Should Family Therapy Begin?
Do you think family therapy should begin immediately or after the individual has been in treatment for a while? Please feel free to support your response.
As always, response to these additional questions is optional but can count towards participation.
My response:
200 words
Week 3 DQ#1: The concepts of codependency, family survival roles, and (adult) children of alcoholics have become classic themes for describing and understanding the impact of addiction on family systems. As such, they provide a way for us to understand some of the dynamics that are found in families with chemically dependent members. What are the limitations, risks, or disadvantages of using these concepts to explain addiction to families in the counseling relationship? Give specific examples.
275 words
Week 3 DQ#2: Homeostasis and the internal regulatory processes are both concepts relating to the substance use and family functioning. Discuss how they impact treatment interventions.
275 words