Racialequality3 x
PLease follow * introduction is connected to everything we are doing right now. So, you will use your thesis that you wrote last week in the introduction that you put together. In your introduction, you will introduce the authors that you used in your thesis statement. * The next stage in the writing process is your introduction. We have just heard from the Writing Center about the importance of an introduction, as well as some strategies to use. For this assignment, I would like you to follow this simple outline when you put your introduction together: Introduction Steps 1. Hook: Although this can sometimes be the hardest thing to write, a hook helps grab the reader′s attention. Some strategies to write a hook are to open with a quote, a fact, asking the reader to imagine a scenario. 2. General Topic/Background Info: What have we been talking about in a general manner? We have been focusing on African American experiences (during segregation and after), and how the writers in our unit use personal experience as a way to persuade their readers, specifically regarding the need for racial equality in the U.S. 3. Introduce the authors and titles of their essays: Connect the general topic to our specific authors. Introduce who the author (full name) is and the title of the essay. Try to give the reader one sentence of a summary regarding what the essay is about. 4. Thesis: Describe whether you think these writers’ dependence on their personal experiences strengthens or weakens their cases for racial equality. Remember, you already have a working thesis to use for this introduction. If you aren′t happy with what you already turned into me, this is the perfect time to revise and strengthen your thesis! A Quick Outline Example: Hook: Imagine walking down the street and having everyone try to avoid you due to the color of your skin. (Expand this a bit more before moving on) General information: Black men (and Black people in general) are often criminalized when in public spaces. (Expand this idea a bit more and then try to connect to writers using personal experience:) Many writers use personal experience as a form of evidence for their arguments. Many African American writers have written about the injustices they have personally faced in order to help educate people about the racial inequalities that still exist in America. Introduce authors: Two writers who utilize their personal experiences in their writing are Brent Staples and Ahmir Questlove Thompson. Staples writes about his own experiences of being racially profiled in his essay ″Black Men in Public Space,″ and Thompson echoes Staples experiences over 30 years later in his article, ″Trayvon Martin and I Ain′t Shit.″ (Again you can expand and add more detail here to help the readers understand what the readings are about – this is just a quick example for you to think about) Thesis: Both authors dependence on their personal experience strengthens their arguments for the need for racially equality due to…(come up with particular reasons that will drive the argument) When you put this introduction together, I do not want you to use a list like I have above with numbers. I want it to move smoothly between the points. Think of the outline above as an organizational strategy and points I want you to hit as you build the introduction. Requirements You need to engage with MLA formatting and have an MLA header(this means double spaced, Times New Roman, one inch margins, a header on the left hand side, with a title, etc). Please remember to look over the MLA information I provided if you are unclear about this. You need 3/4 of a page of writing You need to answer the essay prompt and include two authors in your introduction You need to follow the above outline in regards to an organization
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Professor’s Name
Racial discrimination depends on individual experience
Questlove stated “am in scenarios all the time in which primitive, exotic-looking me — six-foot-two, 300 pounds, uncivilized Afro, for starters — finds himself in places where people who look like me aren′t normally found. I mean, what can I do? I must be somewhere on Earth, correct? In the beginning — let us say 2002, when the gates of ″Hey, Ahmir, would you like to come to [swanky elitist place]?″ opened — I′d say ″no,″ mostly because it′s been hammered in my DNA to not ″rock the boat,″ which means not making ″certain people″ feel uncomfortable” (“Questlove: Trayvon Martin And I Ain’T Shit”) While making this statement, Questlove argued on his position racial equality. He provides the issues surrounding the other races in a dramatic manner while trying to figure out how his race is superior as compared to the other. He gets clear on issues of racial equality by indicating how he is committed on ensuring specific people fail to be comfortable because of racism issues.
Questlove argued that, “Imagine a life in which you think of other people’s safety and comfort first, before your own. You are programmed and taught that from the gate. It is like the opposite of entitlement 2 from Letter from Birmingham.” Questlove thought of a difficult situation in which he saw it is impossible to start thinking on other people safety first that concentrating on personal issues. He feels that thinking on others safety presents racial inequality.
King Jr. stated, “But since I feel that you are men of genuine goodwill and that your criticisms are sincerely set forth” (King Jr, p.1) According to the King’s statements he tried to recognize the goodwill of the people who opposed him. He understood that people might be sinners but as also they sometimes tend to be genuine and have desire for the good things. Rather than assuming that the people who opposed him we after the bad things, King had a thought that they might be aiming the good things but the differences are raised by their different perceptions on what is good. Through this King had the opportunity to be calm and have a goodwill while addressing issues of racial equality.
King Jr. argued that, “This Birmingham is probably the most thoroughly segregated city in the United States. Its ugly record of brutality is widely known. Negroes have experienced grossly unjust treatment in the courts. There have been more unsolved bombings of Negro homes and churches in Birmingham than in any other city in the nation” (King Jr, p.2) King statements was trying to figure the exact conditions that the African-American are experiencing. The statement through the letter reveals that the issue of legal segregation was widespread in Birmingham as compared to the other places. He revealed the mistreatment of the African race in Birmingham city in all social places as well as courts.
Describe whether you think these writers’ dependence on their personal experiences strengthens or weakens their cases for racial equality. What does a writer gain from using his or her own experience? What are the potential losses or limitations? In your analysis, think about examining how the authors use pathos, ethos, and logos to appeal to their audiences when sharing their personal experiences, and whether this strengthens or weakens their arguments.
The two writer’s dependence on their personal experience raises some differences in that, Martin Luther King Jr. statements strengthens her case on issues of racial equality. King offers strong arguments on issues of racial discrimination while keeping in mind the only problem of the good is perception while not trying to criticize anybody. King Jr. Presents how he perceives racism and racial inequality and tries to offer solution to the existing issues that surround racial inequality. Questlove statement on racial equality are weak he tries to revealed how he is committed to the course to ensure some people are not comfortable. Questlove does not believe on safety or opportunities for the other races as he reveals he cannot think on other safety before his own.
Martin Luther King Jr. gained a lot support from how he addressed racial equality in his statements. King tried to evaluate the issues surrounding racial inequality and arrived at point that the oppressors are people of goodwill only that they differing on the perception for the good. Questlove arguments gained a lot of critics on issues on racial equality as he tried to normalize racial discrimination. Questlove did not believe on existence of racial inequality as he thought he was on a mission to oppress some people.
Use of pathos, ethos, and logos has been utilized by the two writers and their utilization makes their arguments strong. In the case of King Jr. suggest people of goodwill in order to allow the audience understand how he understand they are after the good things however he introduces the issues that he feels are poorly handled on racial equality. Pathos has been utilized by King to sway the audience and show them how they are differing on perception of the good. Questlove although hold that racial inequality should be upheld he utilizes pathos to show how it is difficult to think of other security and safety first.
Works Cited
King Jr, Martin Luther. “Letter from a Birmingham jail (1963).” Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, and the Civil Rights Struggle of the 1950s and 1960s: A Brief History with Documents (1963).
“Questlove: Trayvon Martin And I Ain’T Shit”. Intelligencer, 2021, https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2013/07/questlove-trayvon-martin-and-i-aint-shit.html.