LIRN Exercise 1
Instructions: Log into Saber’s virtual library and locate two articles. You can choose from one my topics below or you can select a topic that you are interested in the field of medicine. After you have located the 3 articles fill out the chart below. If you have any questions contact me through email.
Copy and Paste this link to get to LIRN:
Gait Training
Lower Extremity Amputee Rehabilitation
Rotator Cuff Tears
Opiates and addiction
Complete the following chart:
Topic Selected
Title of Article
Year of Publication
Summary of Article
Instructions on how to log into Saber’s virtual library:
Please follow the steps:
1. Go to the site: (Links to an external site.)
2. Click on databases
· You need to enter the College ID #: 38119
· Once logged in, the services available will appear on a menu.
3. Click on Health and Medical
4. Click on elibrary: You may choose any topic in the field of medicine that you are interested in
5. Select three articles and post the articles in Canvas.