Question 1 (Minimum of 200 Words)
Digital health is very broad and has several definitions. It is defined as using computer-
generated software to increase the overall quality of life by enhancing wellness and health.
According to Tan (2019), the digital health market has been growing in recent years,
reaching $11.1 billion. According to the National Health Expenditures (NHE), a projection
in price growth for medical goods and services is expected to accelerate averaging 2.4
percent per year for 2019-28. The Health share of the economy is projected to rise from
17.7 percent in 2018 to 19.7 percent in 2028.
We have also seen a rise in wearable medical devices which help collect health data.
According to Digital Authority Partners, a recent report shows that the market for wearable
medical devices will be reaching 27 million by 2023.
Elaborate on how digital health impacts healthcare.
Include the following aspects in the discussion:
1) What are some current innovations in reference to digital health?
2) What are some advantages and disadvantages to digital health?
3) What are some of the advantages of using wearable technology?
4) Discuss the impact of wearable technology in healthcare.
Question 2 (Minimum of 200 Words)
Imagine that you are a member at PLM. This website’s mission is to improve the lives of
patients through new knowledge derived from shared real-world experience and
outcomes. These group chats offer connections between individuals that may experience
the same health issues or challenges. The history behind this platform started when
Stephen Heywood was diagnosed with ALS in 1998. His family tried to slow Stephen’s
disease progression. The family became citizen scientists, harnessing the power of any and
all information they could find. Nowadays, social media is the modern-day equivalent of the
game of telephone; therefore, its impact on community health can’t be underestimated.
Elaborate how data is important to public health.
include the following aspects in the discussion:
1. What are some of the potential problems that could arise from using “Patients
Like Me” and how can you mitigate these problems?
2. Visit the PLM website and review the various diseases. Then, discuss what
functionality you would suggest be added to the site to improve greater traffic
moving among subscribing users and newcomers.
3. Research how dedicated healthcare-focused platforms are being used in public
health. Give specific illustrative examples.
Question 3 (Minimum of 200 Words)
The Institute of Medicine stated that patient-centered care refers to “providing care that
is respectful of, and responsive to, individual patient preferences, needs and values,
and ensuring that patient values guide all clinical decisions.” Patient-centric care is also
a collaborative approach between the patient and the healthcare team. There are a
number of technologies that are considered patient-centric such as patient portals and
EHR; however, there may be challenges from both the patient and the healthcare
worker’s perspective.
Validate the importance of patient-centric technologies.
Include the following aspects in the discussion:
• Discuss if your doctor’s office utilizes a patient portal. If so, please discuss the
pros and cons of utilizing it.
• If your doctor’s office does not utilize a patient portal, what is the process of
viewing your medical records, making appointments, communicating with your
providers, etc.?
• What can be done to reduce resistance by healthcare professionals in reference
to patient-centric technologies?
Question 4 (Minimum of 200 Words)
Healthcare, in general, is a multi-dimensional system that includes many working parts
such as the patient, healthcare workers, stakeholders, health system organization,
insurance companies, healthcare facilities/organizations, and the Government. With that in
mind, it is important that strategic planning is done. Strategic health planning involves
creating objectives and setting goals for where a healthcare organization would like to go in
the future and then constructing a plan to achieve these objectives. With strategic planning,
it is important to take into consideration the rapid changes in technology.
Refine an understanding of strategic planning and digital health.
Include the following aspects in the discussion:
1. What are the fundamentals of digital health (provide an example with an
explanation of their uses), and why is it important?
2. Discuss how strategic planning varies from healthcare to business.
3. How does strategic planning affect advances in digital health?
4. Discuss in detail what type of leadership is needed to bring forth strategic
planning for digital health.
5. Discuss the importance of regulating digital health.
Question 5 (Minimum of 200 Words)
According to the American Public Health Association (n.d.), public health is defined as
promoting and protecting the health of people and the communities where we live. Public
health informatics is the systematic application of information, computer science, and
technology to public health practice, research, and learning (CDC, 2014). The two concepts
are important because they build bridges across siloed public health work areas by
“translating” between these communities, creating opportunities for interoperable
information pathways”.
Assess the roles of informatics in public health and EHR.
Include the following aspects in the discussion:
1) Discuss the similarities and differences in public health informatics and clinical
2) Provide an example of a reporting system and registry in public health and describe
them in detail.
3) Why is it important to address population health?
4) Why is EHR important in public health informatics?
Question 6 (Minimum of 200 Words)
In this digital age, confidentiality, privacy, and ethical issues may arise. In the healthcare
settings, healthcare professionals are becoming proficient in the use of technology, while at
the same time they must always maintain high ethical and legal standards. In recent years,
there have been escalating issues such as data breaches and unethical practices of
healthcare professionals with social media, for example, which could result in violations of
different laws such as HIPAA and also decrease trust in a healthcare organization. For this
discussion, choose an article from the HIPAA Journal website.
Synthesize ethical issues surrounding health information.
Include the following aspects in the discussion:
1) Summarize the article.
2) Discuss with your peers the most important aspects of the article.
3) What was interesting about it, and what did you learn from it?
4) What information could have been added to the article?
Question 7 (Minimum of 200 Words)
Telemedicine has evolved in recent years. Telemedicine has enabled patients to consult
with physicians in different locations without having to transport the patient to a distant
medical center. Technology has also made it possible for many patients to receive in-home
care instead of being admitted to a healthcare facility, which increases the overall quality of
life (Shi & Singh, 2017). Even with the pandemic that we are currently facing, telemedicine
has been instrumental in treating patients physically and mentally.
Reference: Shi, L. & Singh, D.A. (2017). Essentials of the U.S. healthcare system. 4th edition.
Burlington, MA. Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Elaborate how telemedicine impacts healthcare.
Include the following aspects in the discussion:
1. Reflect on a time when you or someone you know used telemedicine.
2. What were some advantages or disadvantages of utilizing the services?
3. Discuss how globalization affects telemedicine.