Use assignment rubrics and template. Please follow the assignment guidelines
This assignment will be formatted using APA Guidelines that include a title page with headers, page numbers, and a reference page.
Part II: Behavior Intervention Plan
Behavior Objective |
State the ONE behavior that you want the student to exhibit positively. Make sure you include the 4 components of an objective (Learner, Condition, Behavior, and Criterion) |
Operational Definition |
Provide a detailed description of the behavior that you will be targeting. Provide an example and non-example of the behavior. |
Intervention Plan |
Description of intervention supported by evidenced based research |
Description of individuals that will be involved and their roles in implementing the plan. |
Proactive Strategies |
Describe what strategies will be implemented to avoid triggering the BOC. This is not the intervention. |
Replacement Strategies |
Replacement behaviors to be taught |
How the behaviors will be taught |
When and how will the replacement skill will be taught |
Consequence Strategies |
Criteria for token economy system |
Brief crisis intervention plan |
Generalization |
Setting(s) the behavior will be generalized in |
Timeline of intervention for generalization |
Identify strategies that will be used to maintain positive behavior skills |
Monitoring |
How will progress be monitored during and after the intervention is implemented |
How the team will monitor or revise the intervention if needed |
Part II: Intervention Planning: Behavior
Intervention Plan
Candidates will develop a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) using positive behavioral supports and intervention based on the Functional Behavior Assessment completed in Module 1.
Candidates will use the template provided that addresses APA formatting (includes a title page, headers, page numbers, and references). This plan must be based on the function of the behavior derived from the Functional Behavior Assessment. The paper should be written as a report and not in first person.
A. Write the Behavioral Objective: Using the student’s current level of functioning, write an objective that includes the learner, the expected positive behavior, condition, and criteria in ONE sentence.
B. Write the Behavioral Operational Definition: Definition of the behavior of concern (BOC).
C. Intervention Plan. Candidates will provide an overview of the intervention plan that includes the following
a. Description of all individuals involved and their roles in the plan. b. A description of the intervention that is supported by
evidence based
research for selection.
D. Proactive Preventative Strategies.
Describe what strategies will be implemented to avoid triggering the BOC. This is not the intervention.
E. Replacement Skills
a. Identify the behavior that will replace the target
b. Describe how it will be taught.
c. Describe when and how long it will be taught.
F. Consequence strategies
a. Criteria for token economy system
b. Describe a brief crisis intervention plan.
G. Generalization.
a. List setting(s) for implementation (i.e. classroom, hallway, cafeteria) b. Identify timeline of implementation (1 week)
c. Identify strategies that will be used to maintain
positive behavior
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H. Monitoring.
List how often the team will meet to monitor or revise the Behavior Intervention Plan. Data will be collected for a minimum of 10 days ( 5 days for baseline and 5 days for intervention) using a provided frequency chart.
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Behavior Intervention Plan Rubric – 100 points possible |
Task |
Exemplary 10 points |
Acceptable 8 points |
Unacceptable 6 points |
Writing Behavioral Objectives |
The candidate identifies a behavioral objective by including: the learner, behavior, condition and criteria within the objective. |
The candidate
identifies skill in developing behavioral objectives by including: 3 of the 4 components. Learner, behavior, condition and criteria. |
The candidate
demonstrates fails to write a behavioral objectives for the behavior. The objective is vague and/or includes less than three components. |
Operational Definition |
Candidate identifies operational definition of the target behavior that is clear and explicitly defined and generalized (repeated, paraphrased by others) that include both examples and non-examples of the behavior observed. |
Candidate identifies an operational definition of the targeted behavior that are both measurable and observable to ensure proper data collection. Examples and non-examples of the behavior are not provided. |
Candidate does not identify the operational definition of the target behavior in observable and measurable terms or provide examples of the behavior to ensure proper data collection. |
Intervention Plan –Overview |
Candidate selects and uses research supported methods for academic and nonacademic instruction of individuals with exceptionalities that provides a detailed description of the intervention that is supported by evidence based |
Candidate selects and uses research supported methods for academic and nonacademic instruction of individuals with exceptionalities that provides the name and a general description of intervention selected that is supported by |
Candidate does not select or use research supported methods for academic and exceptionalities that is supported by |
evidence based research. |
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evidence based
research and states a correlation between the intervention and its impact on the target behavior. |
Proactive Preventative Strategies |
The candidate
develops strategies and supports to prevent the behaviors described in the Behavior Intervention Plan and includes both: strategies which are general, prevention supports such as providing choices, reinforcing alternative acceptable behavior, self- monitoring checklist, and strategies that are based on the function (e.g., if escape work, then reduce work stress); if for social attention from peers, then design opportunities for peer interaction that are based on the function of the behavior. |
The candidate develops strategies and supports to prevent the behaviors that are described in the Behavior Intervention Plan but only include general, prevention supports that are not based on the function of the |
The candidate does not develop strategies to prevent the behavior that is described in the Behavior Intervention Plan and/or does not describe how to respond when the behavior occurs (i.e., how to prevent the behavior from becoming worse when it has already occurred). |
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Replacement Skills |
The candidate
identify ‘replacement’ behaviors that serve the same function as the problem behavior (i.e. allows the student to communicate the same need in a more acceptable way) and provides details regarding what strategies will be used to teach the replacement behaviors, when it will be taught, frequency, and duration |
The candidate
identify replacement behavior that is defined but not aligned to the function of the behavior and strategies to teach replacement behaviors. |
The candidate does not identify replacement behaviors. |
Consequence Strategies |
The candidate
develops strategies that describe how to respond when/if the student demonstrates the replacement behaviors and identify what reinforcers will be used, the schedule of reinforcers. |
The candidate
develops strategies that describe how to respond when and if the student demonstrates the replacement behaviors but fail to clearly identify what reinforcers will be used, the schedule of reinforcers. |
The candidate does not develop strategies that describe how to respond when/if the student demonstrates the replacement behaviors are not identified. |
Generalization |
The candidate
describes how interventions will be implemented across time, people and settings; and identifies the time line, and where the interventions will be |
The candidate describes how interventions will be implemented across time, people and settings. Identifies the time line, and where |
The candidate does not describe how interventions will be implemented across time, people and |
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implemented, and strategies that will be used to maintain positive behavior skills. |
the interventions will be implemented. |
Monitoring |
The candidate
develops a comprehensive plan for monitoring and evaluating the fidelity of implementation data (who, what, when, how, and review dates) as well as a plan to assess the social validity of the implementation, positive impact on the target behavior, and impact of the plan on the student’s academic and social behaviors. |
The candidate
develops a plan for monitoring and evaluating the fidelity of implementation when, how, and review dates). |
The candidate does not develop a plan for monitoring or evaluating student progress. |
Format Guidelines |
Candidate demonstrates professional writing that adheres to APA format and is free of errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation |
Candidate demonstrates professional writing that adheres to APA format; however, there are 5 or less errors noted in format, spelling, grammar, and punctuation. |
Candidate demonstrates inadequate professional writing skills that does not adhere to APA format AND more than 5 errors noted in format, spelling, grammar, and punctuation. |
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