Subject: System Analysis and Design – Chapter 10-Program Design
Project: Digital App – Covid records capturing and Tracking records (2nd page to page 5)
Requirement: Create a Physical process model with Physical Data Flow Diagram
Physical Process Model:
** Physical process models are created to show implementation details and explain how the final system will work. These details can include references to actual technology, the format of information moving through processes, and the human interaction that is involved.
Subject: System Analysis and Design – Chapter 10-Program Design
Project: Digital App – Covid records capturing and Tracking records (2nd page to page 5)
Requirement: Create a Physical process model with Physical Data Flow Diagram
Physical Process Model:
** Physical process models are created to show implementation details and explain how the final system will work. These details can include references to actual technology, the format of information moving through processes, and the human interaction that is involved.
The Physical Data Flow Diagram: The physical DFD contains the same components as the logical DFD (e.g., data
Stores, data flows), and the same rules apply (e.g., balancing, decomposition). There are five steps to perform to make the transition to the physical DFD (Figure 10-1).
Project: Capturing and tracking Covid vaccination – DIGITAL APP
· The application will be integral in capturing and tracking the Covid 19 vaccines.
· Once vaccinated, the health care professionals will have to input the details.
· Due to data protection policies and capturing and track of vaccination will be based on the willingness of an individual to share the data.
· The data will be shared through the Covid Vaccination status platform.
· It will be tab in the Covid Tracking digital app which will be configured with national vaccination system.
· The information shared will indicate the number of vaccinated individuals.
· The public will also view their status through the platform
· The app will advise one accordingly on the measures to take
· The system will also identify people vaccinated individual who had tested positive.
· The system will anonymously share information whether individual around are vaccinated.
Data accessibility
· The system will be publicly available through a search website.
· Records can be downloaded in pdf format.
· Vaccine providers will have permission to create and update vaccination records.
· It will have a link for other entities who want to validate a person’s vaccination status.
· The system will contain several components.
· It will have a user account to be sued for login.
· It will also have: report generation to allow providers to generate reports of the status of people vaccinated.
· The system will also have a digital ID data requirement.
· The ID will have several components like patients’ names, date of birth, vaccine manufacturer information, vial numbers, zip codes, etc.
· Another critical component will be a digital id search and validation.
· The system will create a central area that will be accessible over the internet.
· It will also securely store patient vaccination records and offer a separate gateway for external entities to verify their immunization status.
· The new system is aimed at building a digital system for storing vaccination records.
· There has been a problem in recording, managing, and maintaining the vaccination status of people given the Covid-19 shot.
System Technology
· The components will be accessible through the internet browser.
· The system will have a database and an online web application.
· It will utilize the Oracle database due to the crucial benefits of the database.
System requirement status
· The App will be an online portal to record, manage, and maintain people’s vaccination status given Covid-19 shots.
· The application and its database will all be accessible through the web or internet browser.
Sharing of Data
· For the provision of health care services to be effective, data has to be shared amongst different states and departments.
· There are rules and regulation that govern the protection of health care data e.g. HITECH, and HIPPA.
· In this case, data will only be shared based on these regulations.
· This will be though the national database which incorporate all stakeholders.
· Accessibility of data will be limited to authorized individuals who will have unique identifiers in the system
· This will be through an auto generated password.
· Users will also have a limit on the platforms they can access.
System Request-VaxUS Project
Business Requirement:
This will include online access, user accounts, account security, report generation, digital ID data/generation, digital ID validation, performance monitoring, and more. The specific functionality the system should have, includes the following:
· Each digital id will have a unique id which can be in format of “state two letter abbreviation and a unique system generated string (combination of letter and numbers)”.
· In addition to digital pdf and paper copy, patient will also be getting QR code image.
· Digital vaccination record to contain Patient last name, first name, Date of Birth, Vaccine manufacturer information, Vial number and dates of administration, Zip code and phone number or email.
· Authenticated user accounts
· Reporting ability for vaccination records.
· Entities to be able to validate vaccination status of a person.
· Download feature for patient vaccination record.
· Apps for IOS and Android based systems.
Functional Requirements
· Data Accessibility
· System will publicly available via a searchable website.
· Patient vaccination record can be downloaded in pdf format and can be seen using his/her personal information by the patient.
· Vaccine providers will have permissions to create and update vaccination record.
· There will be a link for other entities who want to validate person vaccination status.
· User Accounts
· User accounts for providers will be username and password protected.
· All user accounts will be tied to hospitals or provider facilities.
· Report Generation
· Providers and authorized personals will have ability to generate report state, province and facility wise.
· Reports can also be generated based on vaccine type eg. Single/double dose or manufacturer.
· There should be graphical representation of data.
· Digital ID Data Requirement
· Digital will contain following fields:
· Patient Last and First Name and Date of birth.
· Vaccine manufacturer information
· Vial number and dates of administration.
· Zip code and phone number or email.
· In addition to digital pdf and paper copy, patient will also be getting QR code image.
· Each digital id will have a unique id which can be in format of “state two letter abbreviation and a unique system generated string (combination of letter and numbers)”.
· Digital id search and validation
· Entities who want to validate customer vaccination status will scan QR image and get that information.
· Entities will also have secure portal where they can enter unique ID provided by customer to validate information.
· Patients will also have option to download digital by entering his personal details.
Non – Functional Requirements
Accuracy and Validity
The system will employ numerous data quality assurance techniques, including but not limited to
Input Masks.
Drop down lists with standard response.
Basic data logic warning.
Form completeness requirement.
Capacity and uptime requirement
Provider system should be available during business hours every day. Validation system should be available 24 hours every day.
Data will become available for use immediately.
System will be able to take load of 10k concurrent users.
System will be expanded vertically or horizontally to take additional loads.
Context Diagram
Data flow Diagram