Use the
Problem-Solution Outline Template
Download Problem-Solution Outline Template
or the
Monroe’s Motivated Persuasive Speech Outline Template
Download Monroe’s Motivated Persuasive Speech Outline Template
to create your Outline for next week’s Persuasive Speech. You can also find the Template in Instructional Resources in Week 4 and the Week 4 Lecture. Make sure to check out the EXAMPLE Speech and Outline in the Week 4 Instructional Resources and Lecture as well.
Outlines should be submitted as a Word Document attachment.
- Reference Page: Any speech that utilizes outside sources will require a reference page. (Meaning, only if all the materials of your speech came from first-hand experience would you not need a reference mage, i.e. how to perform a task you complete on a regular basis for your job). If you bring in facts, statistics, quotes, etc. you will need a reference page. These should be completed using APA
Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience to/about _________________________.
Central Idea: The thesis statement.
I. (Attention Getter) – narrative, startling statement or statistic that will get our attention.
II. (Reveal your topic) – Tell us the subject of your speech.
III. (Establish Credibility) – Share personal experience, another’s experience you know about, or simply prove to us why we should listen to you/trust that you’re a reliable source.
IV. (Relevancy Statement) – Why should we care? Why is this relevant to us as an audience?
V. (Preview of Main Points) – Restate the central idea here and preview your main points.
TRANSITION: This statement tells the audience you are moving from your introduction to your first main point.
I. Problem – State the problem.
A. (Subpoint-supports the main point) – Explain the problem.
B.(Subpoint-supports the main point) – Explain the problem (continued).
TRANSITION: This statement tells the audience you are moving from the problem to the cause/effect of the problem.
II. Cause OR Effects of that Problem – State the cause or effect.
A. (Subpoint-supports the main point) – Explain the cause/effects.
B.(Subpoint-supports the main point) – Explain the cause/effects (continued).
TRANSITION: This statement tells the audience you are moving into the solution.
III. Solution(s) – State the solution.
A. (Subpoint-supports the main point) – Explain the solution.
B.(Subpoint-supports the main point) – Explain the solution (continued).
TRANSITION: This statement tells the audience you are moving into your conclusion.
Summary of Main points – Summarize your problem and solution.
Action Statement – Give the audience something they can do to be part of the solution.
Memorable Close/Clincher – Closing statement that ties back to your introduction.
References are required for Persuasive Speeches.