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Anthony Joseph Sutela
WRI 1001
“Should the US intervene in Russia’s invasion of Ukraine?”
On February 24, 2022, Vladimir Putin, the leader of Russia announced a special operation in the east of Ukraine. This special Operation would later be found to be a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Many Americans are in the fence on whether sending troops into Ukraine would be a good idea or not. Some believe that sending troops to Ukraine will initiate World War 3 automatically while others wonder if the US don’t send troops, then what kind of message we are sending to our allies. The US should intervene in Russia’s invasion of Ukraine because if it does not it will only embolden Putin.
If the US does not intervene, then Russia’s invasion it will set a precedent that being an ally of the US has no value whatsoever. Putin must be stop and that should come with a full display of force. Russia has been hit with sanctions NATO allies which crashed the Russian Ruble from 0.14 per 1 dollar to 0.12 per 1 dollar. Sanctions are a good way to start a deterrence campaign to stop further invasion and may serve as a long-term punishment.
As a result, a Russian invasion of Ukraine would have worldwide ramifications. Russian nationalists in the Kremlin are not the only ones with ambitions. The urge to seize control of sovereign nations and introduce the classic Russian playbook. If Russia is viewed as getting away with dismantling a democratic neighbor, China may feel empowered to do the same to Taiwan, and other governments may be enticed to use force against weaker neighbors or rivals.
Putin’s ties to the former Soviet Union are significant. He is an imperial nostalgist, not a Russian nationalist, as he is sometimes mistakenly labeled. The Soviet Union was a Russian-speaking empire, and he appears to fantasize about re-establishing a smaller Russian-speaking empire within the old Soviet Union’s borders at times.
He and those around him operate without safeguards in place, ethics rules, or any kind of transparency. They decide who is eligible to run for office and who is allowed to speak in public. They can make decisions on the spur of the moment, such as sending troops to the Ukrainian border, without consulting anyone or seeking advice. When Putin considers an invasion, he does not have to consider the interests of Russian businesses or consumers who may be affected by economic sanctions. He doesn’t consider the families of Russian soldiers who may perish in a conflict that they do not want.
There is no agreement among the United States and Ukraine which means that there is no contractual promise to protect Ukraine by sending troops. Many Americans want to avoid conflict and are for the large-scale sanctions. Russia’s energy and financial institutions have had their assets frozen.
Deterrence has failed. The bark of explosives throughout Ukraine proves that. Raising Mr Putin’s costs through this adventure can still have implications, but not when those costs dominate the Russian economy and business oligarchs who fraudulently clash with the Russian president really punish. The immediate and long-term implications of the sanctions Biden added on Thursday can be significant. Those mere threats have depreciated the Russian currency, the ruble. Russia’s main source of income, the oil and gas industry, maintained access to the Brussels-based interbank payment promotion system SWIFT. Major European allies, whose SWIFT ban was not possible, opposed excluding Russia from the system. This is a move that creates a potential backlash against the Western economy itself. Biden says a freeze on bank assets would make up for the omission, and there are plausible cases in that he is right.
America used to be confident. Several generations of Americans believed that our civilization represented human progress. Our principles like the rule of law, human rights, personal freedom, democratic governance were principles for all, including those across our borders. When we went to war, it wasn’t for greedy purposes, but for great moral reasons. Even our worst mistakes, like Vietnam, were based on sound principles. Most of the wars that we initiated was because someone provoked and fearmongered us which is why
In a world filled with uncertainty, the US must step up to defend its allies because if the US does not defend its allies than the principles of freedom and democracy will fall. The US has always been a global superpower and in order to maintain that status quote, it must show what the US or its allies will not be bullied. The US must continue be role model of democracy all around the world.
How the united states should respond if russia invades ukraine. (n.d.). Center for American Progress. Retrieved February 25, 2022, from
Applebaum, A. (2022, February 3). The reason putin would risk war. The Atlantic.
Opinion | Why Ukraine—And Russia’s aggression against it—Matters to Americans. (n.d.). Washington Post. Retrieved February 25, 2022, from
APA Research Paper (First Draft)
Peer Review Guide
Note to Reviewer: Please provide more than simple “yes” or “no” answers. Explain why you say what you do and go into the most detail in areas where you see the most room for improvement. Provide the writer with specific references to and/or quotes from the literature review itself to illustrate the points you make throughout your peer review. (You can also
make comments
directly in the text of the paper and attach the paper to this review.) Above all, keep in mind that you are writing for a peer: be respectful, polite, and as constructively critical as you can.
Paper Written By: Type Your Response Here
Paper Reviewed By: Type Your Response Here
1. How effective is the introduction? Did it grab your attention? Did it make you want to read more? Why or why not? Explain. How could the introduction be improved? Give the writer a suggestion.
2. After reading the first few paragraphs, state the thesis in your own words. What can be done to improve the thesis?
3. List any topics or ideas that do not relate to the thesis.
4. Are all the paragraphs fully developed and well organized? Explain your answer.
5. How well does the writer integrate quotes, paraphrase, and summary into his/her writing? Are there too many/not enough quotes? Too much/not enough paraphrasing? No paraphrases at all? Evaluate the balance the writer achieves (or does not achieve) between quotes and paraphrases and different types of quotes.
6. What appears to be the strongest and weakest features of this rough draft?
7. What suggestions do you have to improve the rough draft? (This is especially important in assisting your fellow student in writing the final research paper.)
8. What questions do you have for the writer after reading and editing the paper?
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