Parents of Children with Long-term Illness or Disability, Essay
This week, analyze problems experienced by parents with children who have long-term illnesses or disabilities. Consider the following situations and the impact of each on parent-child socio-emotional relationships and parenting:
- The hospital is a far distance from where the family lives, and the parent/parents is/are unable to stay nearby to visit the child daily/weekly.
- Finances (and familial relations such as marriage or co-custody) are strained by the cost of treatment and/or there are other children in the home needing care.
- Ill children often feel abandoned and act-out, often rejecting the parent(s), who, in turn, may feel guilty and fail to discipline the children properly.
Paper Instructions:
- Write a two- to three-page paper, not including the required title and reference pages.
- Support your analysis using (and properly citing) material from the required readings for Week 5.
- Format your paper according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing & APA.